Academic Catalog

Art (ART)

ART 1163  Basic Digital Photography  
Cross-listed: JOUR 1163.

Basic Digital Photography, an introduction to the medium, its history, techniques and theory. This course will teach students the basics of photographic composition, lighting, camera and lens operation, editing and printing using the digital format.

ART 1303  Introduction to Drawing  

An introduction to structural and expressive responses in drawing by the study of line, volume, shape, light perspective, the media, and their interrelations. Studio six hours.

ART 1403  Two-dimensional Design  

Basic study of elements and principles of two-dimensional design employing a variety of tools and materials. Studio six hours.

ART 1503  Introduction to Graphic Design  
Prerequisite: ART 1403, ART 1303 or permission of instructor.

An introduction to fundamental graphic design principles, techniques and materials. Studio six hours.

ART 2103  Art History I  
ACTS Common Course - ARTA 2003.

An examination of the periods and western cultures responsible for major artistic monuments and achievements from prehistory through the Gothic period.

ART 2113  Art History II  
ACTS Common Course - ARTA 2103.

A western art survey of the events, people, and stylistic trends involved in the development of major art forms from the era of the Italian Renaissance to the present.

ART 2123  Experiencing Art  
ACTS Common Course - ARTA 1003.

This course is designed to provide a background in art and the related processes so that a student may develop powers of observation and thereby respond to a work of art.

ART 2213  Digital Skills  

Students will learn graphic design software which they will, in turn, use to create various projects. Studio six hours.

ART 2233  Special Topics in Art and Design  
Prerequisite: Must be a Fine Art, Game, Graphic Design, or Art Education Major.

An introductory course in a special topic in art and design that will be offered through lectures, practical assignments, and in-class studio assignments. Open to all art majors.

Note: May be repeated for credit for a max of 6 hours.
ART 2303  Figure Drawing  
Prerequisite: ART 1303.

Introduction to the study of the human figure. A major emphasis will be directed to exercises in the study of anatomy, proportion, and line as it relates to the figure. Studio six hours.

ART 2403  Color Design  

Basic application of color principles and color theory. Studio six hours.

ART 2413  Three-dimensional Design  
Prerequisite: ART 1403.

Basic study of three-dimensional problems of structure, spatial organization, and introductory sculptural concerns. Studio six hours.

ART 3001  Sophomore Review  
Prerequisite: ART 1303, ART 1403, ART 2403, and ART 2413 or permission of the Department Head.

The Sophomore Review course is an academic engagement designed to provide you with an opportunity to discuss your work on a scholarly level. Faculty will give you specific feedback on the work in your portfolio, the ability to use and understand art vocabulary, and communicate effectively about art. This course must be successfully completed with a C or better before students will be permitted into Upper Division classes.

ART 3003  Concepts in Art Education  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

Introduction to theory and specialized practice in art education issues as applied to elementary art experience. Studio processes, art criticism, aesthetics, and art history methodology will be incorporated into lessons implemented as part of field experience in local elementary schools. Studio six hours.

ART 3013  Art Education Practicum  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

Curriculum design with emphasis on visual art standards, art media, and assessment as applied to teaching on the secondary level. Students will implement a unit of study in partnership with local schools. Studio six hours.

ART 3073  Introduction to Sculpture  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 or permission of Department Head.

Basic techniques of sculpture and sculptural composition. Modeling, casting, carving, and constructive processes are introduced. Studio six hours.

ART 3113  Art History, American  
Prerequisite: ART 2103, ART 2113, and ART 3001.

A study of art forms in architecture, painting, sculpture and craft from Colonial times to the present.

ART 3143  Art History, Asia & Pacific  
Prerequisite: ART 2103, ART 2113, and ART 3001.

A study of the art of South, East, and Southeast Asia, the islands of the Pacific, and the Aboriginal cultures of Australia. Contemporary works by artists from these regions will also be studied.

ART 3153  History of Digital Art  
Prerequisite: ART 2103 and ART 2113.

This course will examine the contemporary history of art and focus on work created with digital technology including: new media, video, animation, video games, mobile and other interactive art forms. Through a historical, artistic, and technological framework students will learn to classify, interpret, discuss, analyze works of digital art.

ART 3203  Typography and Layout  
Prerequisite: ART 1503.

Beginning and intermediate problems in layout designs as well as the effective use of type. Studio six hours.

ART 3223  Package Design  
Prerequisite: ART 1503, ART 2213, and ART 3001.

Studio problems in the design and presentation of 3 D advertising packaging and displays. Studio six hours.

ART 3232  Production Design  
Prerequisite: ART 1503, ART 3203, and ART 3223.

Course on preparing graphic design pieces for commercial printing. Studio six hours.

ART 3243  Web Design  
Prerequisite: ART 2213, ART 3001, and ART 3203.

Introduce basic website planning, content editing and creation using graphic arts techniques. Screen-based color theory, web design aesthetics, use of graphic editors, and interface design are explored. Studio six hours.

ART 3253  Digital Illustration  
Prerequisite: ART 2213 and ART 3001.

This course will provide students with advanced conceptual skills in computer illustration and digital imaging. Students will acquire intermediate knowledge in vector and pixel-based drawing formats, digital painting effects, comic art/video game illustration, storyboarding and coloring through the completion of integrated design projects. Studio six hours.

ART 3303  Drawing Studio I  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 or permission of Department Head.

The application of the theories and techniques of drawing as they relate to the study of composition in finished works of art. Studio six hours.

ART 3403  Introduction to Opaque Painting  
Prerequisite: ART 1303, ART 1403, ART 2403, ART 3001, or permission of instructor.

The exploration of opaque painting techniques. Traditional oil, acrylic and alkyd will be studied. Studio six hours.

ART 3503  Painting Studio I  
Prerequisite: ART 3403 or ART 3533 and ART 3001.

A continued study in the opaque or transparent painting techniques. Emphasis will be directed toward the economy of conception and performance in the completion of finished works of art. Studio six hours.

ART 3533  Watercolor Painting  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 or permission of Department Head.

The exploration of transparent water painting techniques. Studio six hours.

ART 3603  Introduction to Ceramics  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 or permission of Department Head.

An introduction to ceramics, emphasizing the imaginative design and production of ceramic objects utilizing hand building and wheel throwing techniques. Exposure to the complete ceramic process through the use of demonstrations, slides, and lectures. Studio six hours.

ART 3703  Sculpture Studio I  
Prerequisite: ART 3073.

A continued study of sculptural techniques introduced in Introduction to Sculpture, allowing for student expansion and specialization on individual conceptions. Studio six hours.

ART 3713  Sculpture Studio II  
Prerequisite: ART 3703.

A continued study of sculptural techniques introduced in Introduction to Sculpture, allowing for student expansion and specialization on individual conceptions. Studio six hours.

ART 3803  Introduction to Printmaking  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 or permission of Department Head.

A survey of traditional printmaking techniques will be taught including intaglio, relief, and monotype. Studio six hours.

ART 3813  Printmaking Studio I  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 and ART 3803.

Printmaking activities introduced in Introduction to Printmaking will be used as a basis for the student to expand and specialize. Students will be expected to develop an individual print series in one or more print techniques. Studio six hours.

ART 3833  Animation Techniques  
Prerequisite: ART 2213 and ART 3001 or permission of Department Head.

Introduce basic drawing/2D animation, and create movies/cartoons, motion graphics/interactive content using multimedia tools and techniques. Time-based media, animation timing, use of audio-visual editors, and effective storyboard techniques are explored. Studio six hours.

ART 4003  Digital Communication Design  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

In this course, students will learn advanced techniques in typography and interactive media design that are used in creating contemporary communications design. Applications for such techniques include both electronic and print formats of magazines, newspapers as well as web integration, advertising and E-publications. Studio six hours.

ART 4013  The Business of Art and Design  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

In this course, students will develop a working knowledge of a variety of skills used in contemporary art and design businesses, inlcuding creating contracts, submitting copyrights and working with clients. Lecture 3 hours.

ART 4023  Motion Graphics  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

This course will allow students to analyze, develop, and execute motion graphics pieces using Adobe After Effects for such purposes as title design, kinetic type, video, and web advertisement. Studio six hours.

ART 4113  Art History, Art After 1945  
Prerequisite: ART 2103, ART 2113, and ART 3001.

A study of the artists, movements, and theories of Western art since 1945, with an emphasis on art of the United States.

ART 4163  Advanced Digital Photography  
Cross-listed: JOUR 4163.
Prerequisite: JOUR 1163/ART 1163 or consent of instructor.

Advanced techniques in digital photography are explored to expand the student's understanding of the digital processes as they relate to computer editing, manipulation and printing of digital images. Students will also study current theories of visual communication that relate to the field of digital photography.

ART 4231  Graphic Design Exhibition  
Offered: Spring.
Co-requisite: ART 4243.

The purpose of the course is to provide the student an opportunity to present their work in a professional manner in a public venue. Studio two hours.

ART 4233  Illustration Studio  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 or permission of Department Head.

Application of fine art drawing and painting techniques to illustration problems. Studio six hours.

ART 4243  Professional Portfolio Preparation for Graphic Designers  
Co-requisite: ART 4231.
Prerequisite: ART 1503, ART 2213, ART 3203, ART 3223, or permission of Department Head.

Review. The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for entry into the professional world through the development of a resume and the presentation of their work. Studio six hours.

ART 4313  Drawing Studio II  
Prerequisite: ART 3303 and ART 3001.

The further development of advanced drawing concepts and skills. This course will deal with each student on a one to one basis. The student will present a "contract of drawing projects" subject to instructor's approval. Studio six hours.

ART 4323  Drawing Studio III  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 and ART 3303.

The further development of advanced drawing concepts and skills. This course will deal with each student on a one to one basis. The student will present a "contract of drawing projects" subject to instructor's approval. Studio six hours.

ART 4503  Painting Studio II  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 and ART 3503.

Advanced study of the opaque/ transparent painting techniques. Emphasis will be theme oriented. Each student must submit to the instructor a "painting contract" which must be approved. Studio six hours.

ART 4513  Painting Studio III  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 and ART 3503.

Advanced study of the opaque/ transparent painting techniques. Emphasis will be theme oriented. Each student must submit to the instructor a "painting contract" which must be approved. Studio six hours.

ART 4603  Ceramics Studio I  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 and ART 3603.

A study of advanced techniques and skills. This course will deal with each student on a one to one basis. Each student must submit a "contract of ceramics project" subject to instructor's approval. Studio six hours.

ART 4613  Ceramics Studio II  
Prerequisite: ART 3001 and ART 3603.

A study of advanced techniques and skills. This course will deal with each student on a one to one basis. Each student must submit a "contract of ceramics project" subject to instructor's approval. Studio six hours.

ART 4703  Senior Project and Exhibition  
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: ART 3001 and Junior Review.

This course is required for all Fine Arts majors, and elective for Graphic Design and Art Education majors. Studio six hours.

ART 4723  Art History Seminar  
Prerequisite: ART 2103, ART 2113, and ART 3001.

This course will provide a forum for in-depth examination of a particular artist, movement, theme, or period in art history.

ART 4731  Art or Design Internship  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

A supervised, practical experience providing graphic design majors with professional hands-on training in a position relating to an area within their chosen field of graphic design at a cooperating business.

ART 4732  Art or Design Internship  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

A supervised, practical experience providing graphic design majors with professional hands-on training in a position relating to an area within their chosen field of graphic design at a cooperating business.

ART 4733  Art or Design Internship  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

A supervised, practical experience providing graphic design majors with professional hands-on training in a position relating to an area within their chosen field of graphic design at a cooperating business.

ART 4734  Art or Design Internship  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

A supervised, practical experience providing graphic design majors with professional hands-on training in a position relating to an area within their chosen field of graphic design at a cooperating business.

ART 4735  Art or Design Internship  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

A supervised, practical experience providing graphic design majors with professional hands-on training in a position relating to an area within their chosen field of graphic design at a cooperating business.

ART 4736  Art or Design Internship  
Prerequisite: ART 3001.

A supervised, practical experience providing graphic design majors with professional hands-on training in a position relating to an area within their chosen field of graphic design at a cooperating business.

ART 4803  Printmaking Studio II  
Prerequisite: ART 3001, ART 3813, and permission of Instructor.

A concentration on printmaking techniques which will develop additional strength and capability in the student. Studio six hours.

ART 4813  Printmaking Studio III  
Prerequisite: ART 3001, ART 3813, and permission of Instructor.

A concentration on printmaking techniques which will develop additional strength and capability in the student. Studio six hours.

ART 4823  Art Criticism and Aesthetics  
Prerequisite: 3 hours of Art History or permission of Department Head.

Perspectives on analyzing and interpreting works of art required for art education majors. The course may be used as an art history elective for graphics and fine arts majors.

ART 4833  Advanced Web Design  
Prerequisite: ART 3243.

Builds upon the fundamental concepts and skills developed in ART 3243: Web Design. Students will take an in-depth look at website development and strategies. Advanced web editing and scripting techniques will be used to complete projects and build a professional web portfolio. Studio six hours.

ART 4883  Advanced Studio Studies  
Prerequisite: Senior Status or permission of Department Head.

Advanced Studio Studies is an advanced studio course with a revolving focus selected by the art faculty to provide research in particular skills, subjects, or trends in art & media. Studio six hours.

Note: This course can be repeated for credit if course content differs.
ART 4951  Undergraduate Research in Art  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

ART 4952  Undergraduate Research in Art  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

ART 4953  Undergraduate Research in Art  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

ART 4954  Undergraduate Research in Art  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

ART 4991  Special Problems in Art  

This course requires advance approval by the instructor, department head, and the dean of school. Designed to provide certain advanced students with further concentration in a particular area.

ART 4992  Special Problems in Art  

This course requires advance approval by the instructor, department head, and the dean of school. Designed to provide certain advanced students with further concentration in a particular area.

ART 4993  Special Problems in Art  

This course requires advance approval by the instructor, department head, and the dean of school. Designed to provide certain advanced students with further concentration in a particular area.

ART 4994  Special Problems in Art  

This course requires advance approval by the instructor, department head, and the dean of school. Designed to provide certain advanced students with further concentration in a particular area.

ART 5723  Art History Seminar  
Prerequisite: Graduate standing, permission of instructor.

This course will provide an advanced forum for in depth examination and focus of a particular artist, movement, theme or period in art history. May not be taken for credit after completion of ART 4723 or equivalent.

Note: A student can repeat this course, earning a maximum number of six (6) graduate hours of credit.
ART 6163  Survey of 20th Century Photography  

An investigation of the development of photography as a fine art or commercial art form or as a medium for social documentary. Fine art photography is emphasized with the work of significant advertising, commercial, and documentary photographers also included.

ART 6891  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
ART 6892  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
ART 6893  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
ART 6894  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.