Student Affairs Administration (SAA)
SAA 6013 College Athletes
An overview of how to design, implement, and sustain best practices for college athletes in the growing area of student-athlete affairs. This course strives to better prepare professionals to serve college athletes through supportive programs, while also exploring topics such as current research, challenges, strategies to enhance support, and future trends.
SAA 6023 Introduction to Student Affairs Administration
This course will provide the student with an understanding of the breadth of college student personnel work and introduce the student to the theory and practice of student personnel work as a profession.
SAA 6033 Student Development Theory
This is an introductory course in college student development theory. Students will be provided with a foundation to understand student development theory and how to apply it in a practical way in their work with college students.
SAA 6043 College Students and Diversity
This course provides an overview of literature and research pertaining to student populations, characteristics, and identities, and how these affect students' college experiences. The knowledge and experiences shared will encourage institutional efforts to engage all student populations while also supporting values concerning equity, diversity, inclusivity, and justice.
SAA 6053 Legal Issues in Higher Education
This course is designed to teach a process of legal analysis. Benchmark cases will be used to illuminate basic issues. The student will be exposed to a range of administrative problems at the postsecondary level that entail legal implications. The course experiences should ultimately help current and prospective administrators to envision the legal dimensions of collegiate-level decision processes.
SAA 6063 Student Affairs Administration Capstone Seminar
Prerequisite: A minimum of 24 hours must be earned toward program requirements.
This capstone seminar is designed to provide graduating college student personnel students with the opportunity to discuss current issues in student affairs practice with the goal of preparing them as new professionals in the field.
SAA 6073 Counseling Theories and Helping Skills
Emphasizes major counseling theories, techniques, and basic helping skills that are commonly referenced in student affairs work.
SAA 6083 Practicum I in Student Affairs Administration
Prerequisite: A minimum of 18 hours must be earned toward program requirements.
This course provides students the opportunity to participate in a supervised professional experience. The student will process, discuss, and share experiences gained during the practical internship to integrate the experiences with the student development theory.
SAA 6093 Practicum II in Student Affairs Administration
Prerequisite: Successful completion of SAA 6083.
A practical, applied course where students will participate actively in a supervised professional experience. The student is expected to process, discuss, and share experiences gained during the professional experience and to integrate those experiences with the student development theory.
SAA 6113 Research Design and Analysis
The student will learn to interpret, analyze, and evaluate research reports in professional journals and will understand the principles which underlie effective scientific investigation.
SAA 6123 Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
An in-depth survey of the outcomes assessment and institutional effectiveness movement and including assessment techniques, instruments selection, analysis of assessment data, and reporting of assessment findings.
SAA 6133 Ethical Leadership in Higher Education
A study of how educational policy is developed through micro and macro political elements, an examination of ethical and value issues confronting educational leaders, and a demonstration of how individual values drive ethical behavior and ethical decisions.
SAA 6143 Administration in Student Affairs
Administration in Student Affairs is a required course for the Masters of Science in Student Affairs Administration degree. The course provides an overview of the relevant theories in the management, organization, and leadership of institutions of higher education, particularly in areas of student affairs administration. Emphasis will be placed on the application of theory and knowledge to administrative practices of human resource management, financial and budgeting, and facilities management. Students will also examine student affairs units in their functional contexts, including, but not limited to, such areas as admissions, financial aid, orientation, counseling, academic advising, support services, residence life, judicial services, campus activities, Greek life, multicultural and international student affairs, disability services, service learning, religious programs, and commuter and non-traditional student services.
SAA 6153 Advising Student Groups
This course is designed for Student Affairs professionals to gain an understanding of advising student groups and organizations on a college campus. The course will highlight student development theories that introduce group dynamics and student leadership. The course will review the role of the advisor, risk management, leadership development of student, practical skills and techniques that will assist in the formation of new student groups, and will provide valuable resources to help future college administrators with their role as a leader of a student group/organization.
SAA 6163 Academic Advising
This course will provide an overview of the foundations of academic advising as an essential component of student success and retention programs at higher education institutions. The course will focus on advising models, application, and best practices in delivery of advising models.
SAA 6173 Career Advising
Offered: At least once/academic year.
This elective SAA course will provide an overview of the foundations of career advising. Students will learn career development theories, career advising interventions and practices, career assessment and planning tools, and sources of career information and technology designed to assist individuals and groups in lifelong career and lifestyle planning.
SAA 6283 Advising Practicum
Prerequisite: SAA 6073 or approval of the course instructor.
Students will gain a conceptual understanding of advising in post-secondary institutions by actively participating in a supervised experience. Students will log a minimum of 100 clock hours in an approved site where they will observe and participate in advising (academic, career, or advising student groups) related services.
Note: This course will be part of the required sequence of courses for those students pursing the Graduate Certificate in Advising.
SAA 6881 Special Problems (Workshop) in Student Affairs Administration
Special Problems (Workshop) in SAA is an elective course that will provide a study of contemporary issues or problems associated with the field of student affairs and higher education in general. Students will explore these issues, the impact they have on the field of student affairs, and to be introduced to best practices that can be applied to address the issues from a developmental point of view.
Note: Since the topic for the workshop will vary each time offered, a student can repeat this course, earning a maximum number of six (6) graduate hours of credit.
SAA 6882 Special Problems (Workshop) in Student Affairs Administration
Special Problems (Workshop) in SAA is an elective course that will provide a study of contemporary issues or problems associated with the field of student affairs and higher education in general. Students will explore these issues, the impact they have on the field of student affairs, and to be introduced to best practices that can be applied to address the issues from a developmental point of view.
Note: Since the topic for the workshop will vary each time offered, a student can repeat this course, earning a maximum number of six (6) graduate hours of credit.
SAA 6883 Special Problems (Workshop) in Student Affairs Administration
Special Problems (Workshop) in SAA is an elective course that will provide a study of contemporary issues or problems associated with the field of student affairs and higher education in general. Students will explore these issues, the impact they have on the field of student affairs, and to be introduced to best practices that can be applied to address the issues from a developmental point of view.
Note: Since the topic for the workshop will vary each time offered, a student can repeat this course, earning a maximum number of six (6) graduate hours of credit.
SAA 6893 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. This course may be repeated for credit.
Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.