Academic Catalog

Biology (BIOL)

BIOL XXXX  Biological Science with Laboratory  

Biological Science with Laboratory Four hours of science with laboratory from the following courses: BIOL 1004: Principles of Environmental Science BIOL 1014: Introduction to Biological Science BIOL 1114: Principles of Biology BIOL 2004: Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 2014: Human Anatomy BIOL 2054: Microbiology for Health Sciences BIOL 2124: Principles of Zoology BIOL 2134: Principles of Botany BIOL 2404: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL 1004  Principles of Environmental Science  
Cross-listed: ENVS 1004 and PHSC 1004.

This course is designed to bring the student to a basic but informed awareness of and responsible behavior toward our environment and the role of the human race therein. The content will include a study of the philosophical and scientific basis for the study of ecosystems and the environment, the nature of ecosystems, the techniques used to study the environment, the origin and development of current environmental problems, the interdisciplinary nature of environmental studies, the processes of critical thinking and problem solving, and the moral and ethical implications of environmentally-mandated decisions. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours. $40 laboratory fee.

BIOL 1011  Orientation to the Biological Sciences  

This course orients entering students to the biological sciences. Topics examined in this course include an overview of the Tech Department of Biological Sciences and careers in biology, managing a biology curriculum (registration procedures, student responsibilities, and study skills), requirements for professional schools and graduate education, and undergraduate research opportunities.

BIOL 1014  Introduction to Biological Science  
ACTS Common Course - BIOL 1004.

An introduction to the major concepts of biological science, with an emphasis on the development of this scientific perspective and how it applies to humans. May not be taken for credit after completion of BIOL 1114, BIOL 2124, or BIOL 2134. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

Note: Duplicate credit for BIOL 1014 and BIOL 1114 will not be allowed.
BIOL 1114  Principles of Biology  
ACTS Common Course - BIOL 1014.
Prerequisite: scores of 21 or higher on the reading, science reasoning and mathematics portions of the enhanced ACT or completion of MATH 0903 with a grade of C or higher, or a grade of C or higher in a college science course.

An in depth study of biological principles and the interrelationships of biology with other sciences. Topics included are: cellular structure, intermediary metabolism and differentiation, population genetics, ecology, and evolution. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

Note: Duplicate credit for BIOL 1014 and BIOL 1114 will not be allowed.
BIOL 2004  Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology  
Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in a science course or approval of the instructor.

This course is intended for students who have a need for basic studies in functional aspects of the organ systems of the human body. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

Note: This course may not be taken for credit after completion of BIOL 2014, 3074, or equivalent.
BIOL 2014  Human Anatomy  
Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in a science course or approval of the instructor.

This is an introductory course in human anatomy which should be useful to students in the biological and health oriented fields. The course is designed to present an introduction to the unified concepts and data that contribute to a basic understanding of the structure of the human body. The course will include familiarization with essential technical vocabulary; reference to general functions of organs and organ systems; and brief encounters with histology, embryology, and comparative anatomy. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

BIOL 2054  Microbiology for Health Sciences  
ACTS Common Course - BIOL 2004.
Prerequisite: Completion of CHEM 1113 and 1111 or CHEM 2124 with a grade of C or higher.

Microbiological concepts, including overviews of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, prions, and viroid and how they interact with humans. Designed to serve students in health-related majors other than biology. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

BIOL 2111  Environmental Seminar  
Cross-listed: CHEM 2111, GEOL 2111.

A seminar for students pursuing the environmental option of biology, chemistry, or geology and other students interested in environmental sciences.

BIOL 2124  Principles of Zoology  
ACTS Common Course - BIOL 1054.
Prerequisite: Scores of 21 or higher on the reading, science reasoning, and mathematics portions of the enhanced ACT or completion of MATH 0903 with a grade of C or higher, or a grade of C or higher in a college science course.

A survey of the major animal phyla: morphology, physiology, and natural history. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

BIOL 2134  Principles of Botany  
ACTS Common Course - BIOL 1034.
Prerequisite: Scores of 21 or higher on the reading, science reasoning and mathematics portions of the enhanced ACT or completion of MATH 0903 with a grade of C or higher, or a grade of C or higher in a college science course.

Introduction to the structure, function, classification, and importance of nonvascular and vascular plants. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

BIOL 2404  Human Anatomy and Physiology I  
ACTS Common Course - BIOL 2404.
Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in a college chemistry course or permission of instructor.

This course is the first in a two semester sequence that covers the basic structure and function of human organ systems including mechanisms of homeostasis. Specific topics include: body organization, basic biochemistry, cell biology, metabolism, histology, the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. Laboratory sessions involve dissection, microscopy, demonstration and/or experimental modeling of concepts. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

BIOL 2414  Human Anatomy and Physiology II  
ACTS Common Course - BIOL 2414.
Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in BIOL 2404 or consent of instructor.

This course is the second in a two semester sequence that covers the basic structure and function of human organ systems including mechanisms of homeostasis. Specific topics include: the Endocrine, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, and Reproductive systems as well as principles of immunity, genetics, metabolism, fluid and electrolyte balance, and acid-base homeostasis. Laboratory sessions involve dissection, microscopy, demonstration and/or experimental modeling of concepts. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours. $40 laboratory fee.

BIOL 2881  Special Topics in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

This course offers specialized instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

BIOL 2882  Special Topics in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

This course offers specialized instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

BIOL 2883  Special Topics in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

This course offers specialized instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

BIOL 2884  Special Topics in Biology  
Offered: On demand Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

This course offers specialized instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

BIOL 3004  Plant Taxonomy  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114 and 2134 or permission of instructor.

An overview of the major principles of classification, identification, naming, and collection of representatives of vascular plants. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 3033  Bioinformatics  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114, MATH 1113, and/or the permission of the instructor.

This course focuses upon the principles and major concepts in bioinformatics. Course topics may include the following: blast searching, retrieving, and analyzing DNA & protein sequences; Metagenomic data analysis; molecular phylogenetic tree creation; bacterial genome isolation, sequencing, genome assembly, and annotation; gene data analysis in R.

Note: A laptop computer with internet capabilities and operating R Studio is required.
BIOL 3034  Genetics  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114 and eight hours of chemistry.

Introduction to and discussion of the principles of Mendelian, molecular and population genetics with a strong emphasis on problem solving. Laboratory exercises will involve hands-on experience with microbes, plants, animals and fungi using traditional and molecular techniques. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours.

BIOL 3043  Conservation  
Cross-listed: ENVS 3043.

A study of natural resources, their utilization in a technical society, and factors leading to their depletion.

BIOL 3054  Microbiology  
Prerequisite: One semester of chemistry and one semester of biology.

An introduction to the microbial world with an emphasis on prokaryotes. Identification of bacteria based on staining, immunologic reactions, morphology and physiology. Symbionts and pathogens of human and domestic animals. Principles of control using chemical and physical agents. An overview of virology and immunology. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours.

BIOL 3064  Parasitology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 2124.

A survey of parasitism in the various phyla. Special emphasis is given to parasites that affect humans. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 3074  Human Physiology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114, 2014, and two semesters of chemistry.

An introduction to the function of vertebrate body systems, i.e., muscle action, digestion, circulation, nervous control, endocrine, metabolism and respiration, with special emphasis on the human body. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours.

BIOL 3084  Ichthyology  
Cross-listed: FW 3084.
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: BIOL 2124.

Systematics, collection, identification, natural history, and importance of fishes. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 3104  Introduction to Entomology  
Cross-listed: AGPM 3104.

This course will introduce the student to insect diversity and the identification of the major families of insects. Laboratory time will be spent learning family characteristics and collecting and preserving insect specimens. Lecture will consist of topics such as insect diversity, morphology and physiology.

BIOL 3111  Environmental Seminar  
Cross-listed: ENVS 3111, CHEM 3111, and GEOL 3111.

A seminar for students pursuing the environmental option of biology, chemistry, or geology and other students interested in environmental sciences.

BIOL 3114  Principles of Ecology  
Cross-listed: FW 3114.
Prerequisite: BIOL 2124, BIOL 2134, and one semester of chemistry.

Responses of organisms to environmental variables, bioenergetics, population dynamics, community interactions, ecosystem structure and function, and major bio geographical patterns. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 3134  Invertebrate Zoology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114, BIOL 2124, BIOL 2134, and two semesters of chemistry.

Morphology, physiology, natural history and taxonomy of major invertebrate phyla. Laboratory maintenance and preservation techniques. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 3144  Ornithology  
Cross-listed: FW 3144.
Offered: Spring of even years.
Prerequisite: BIOL 2124.

An introduction to the biology of birds. The course covers aspects of anatomy, physiology, behavior, natural history, evolution, and conservation of birds. Laboratories address field identification and natural history of the birds of Arkansas. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

Note: Students will be expected to participate in an extended 5-7 day field trip.
BIOL 3154  Mammalogy  
Cross-listed: FW 3154.
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: BIOL 2124.

Taxonomy, identification, ecology, and study natural history of the mammals. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours.

BIOL 3174  Physiological Ecology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114, BIOL 2124, BIOL 2134 and two semesters of chemistry.

An in-depth study of plant and animal adaptations and responses to different environmental conditions. Comparative physiology of major systems, mechanisms of adaptation and adaptations to challenging habitats will be studied.

BIOL 3184  Animal Behavior  
Cross-listed: PSY 3184.
Prerequisite: sophomore standing in biology or psychology, or approval of instructor.

An introductory course in animal behavior covering behavioral responses in primitive and advanced animals exposed to a wide range of environmental and social conditions. Laboratory exercises will include field as well as in-lab exercises and will focus on observational techniques and analyses of behavioral patterns in vertebrates and invertebrates. Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours.

BIOL 3223  Science Education in the Middle Level  
Prerequisite: 16 hours in science and MLED 2003.

This course is designed to provide pre-service teachers with an integrated approach to the teaching of science in the middle grades. Theoretical and practical aspects of teaching science will be explored and students will develop curricular materials based on their explorations. Lecture two hours, laboratory 2 hours.

BIOL 3224  Herpetology  
Cross-listed: FW 3224.
Offered: Spring of odd years.
Prerequisite: BIOL 2124.

The phylogeny, classification, physiology, behavior, and distribution of reptiles and amphibians. The Laboratory will stress identification of the species found in Arkansas. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 3233  Science Education in the Secondary School  
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: 16 hours in biology or 16 hours in physical science.

This course will examine the issues of nature and history of science, developing lessons and assessments, and science education standards for the prospective secondary school teacher. Curriculum development, including assessment and planning skills, utilizing various instructional media and inquiry methodology are emphasized. Design and execution of learning activities for a secondary school setting are required. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours.

BIOL 3243  Integrating the Three Dimensions of Science  
Cross-listed: PHSC 3243.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing and at least 8 hours of science.

This course integrates the three major areas of discipline in science: physical science, life science and earth science, using as a focus the processes and cross-cutting concepts of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

BIOL 3252  The Nature and Context of Science  
Cross-listed: PHSC 3252.
Prerequisite: At least 12 hours of science courses.

This seminar course examines science from a holistic perspective. It will concentrate on examining how current science develops scientific knowledge including unifying concepts across scientific disciplines, the place of science within modern society, technology and its role in science and society, and current scientific methodology.

BIOL 3253  Teaching Methods for STEM  
Cross-listed: PHSC 3253.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing, PHSC 3243 and completion of at least 8 hours of science.

An overview of strategies and techniques for planning, teaching, and assessing elementary science. An emphasis will be placed on best practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas outlined in current National Science Frameworks developed in conjunction with the National Research Council. Current adopted standards such as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and Common Core State Standards will be emphasized in designing learning experiences that integrate science, technology, math, and engineering (STEM) with language arts skills. Inquiry-based methods and other constructivist approaches as described in the National Science Education Frameworks will be emphasized. Design and execution of learning activities for an elementary school setting are required. Lecture two hours, laboratory two hours; three credit hours.

BIOL 3353  Fundamentals of Toxicology  
Cross-listed: CHEM 3353.
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: CHEM 3254.

An introduction to the science of poisons. Toxicological principles studied include structures, dose/response relationships, metabolism, mechanism of action, and gross effects of chemicals.

BIOL 3803  Applied Pathophysiology  
Cross-listed: NUR 3803.
Prerequisite: grade of C or better in BIOL 2014 or BIOL 2404 and BIOL 2414 or BIOL 3074.

This course focuses on the mechanisms and concepts of selected pathological disturbances in the human body. Emphasis is placed on how the specific pathological condition effects the functioning of the system involved, as well as its impact on all other body systems.

BIOL 4023  Immunology  
Prerequisite: Four hours each in biology and chemistry and/or consent of instructor.

An overview of the human immune system, including cellular and humoral defense mechanisms, immunity to infection, hypersensitivity, transplant rejection, and tumor destruction. Immune deficiency and autoimmune diseases. Antibody structure and the use of antibodies in medicine and research.

BIOL 4024  Limnology  
Cross-listed: FW 4024.
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: BIOL 3114 or FW 3114.

A study of physical and chemical processes in fresh water and their effects on organisms in lakes and streams. Laboratory sessions and field trips demonstrate limnological instrumentation and methodology. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 4033  Cell Biology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114, eight hours of chemistry, and one course from BIOL 3034, 3054, 3074, 4023 or CHEM 3344.

The primary goal of this course is to build on the cell and molecular component of BIOL 1114, by performing an in-depth study of the molecular processes underlying cell structure and function through the directed application of energy and processing of information within the cell. Topics include methods of cell study, ultrastructure and function of cellular organelles, membrane structure and function, cell-cell communication, cell division and differentiation. Lecture three hours per week.

BIOL 4043  Conservation Genetics  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114, BIOL 2124, and BIOL 2134 and/or the permission of the instructor.

This course focuses upon the principles and major concepts in conservation genetics from a contemporary viewpoint. Evolutionary genetics of natural populations, the effects of population size reduction, and practical applications of conservation genetics are among the topics examined in the course.

BIOL 4044  Dendrology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114 and BIOL 2134.

A study of woody plants with emphasis on field recognition throughout the year. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 4054  Vertebrate Histology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114, BIOL 2124 and an additional four hours in biology.

A study of functional/structural relationship of cells, tissues, and organs. Exercises in the preparation and observation of tissues and development of general principles of micro techniques. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours.

BIOL 4064  Evolutionary Biology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 1114, BIOL 2124, and BIOL 2134, or permission of instructor.

This course focuses upon the principles and major concepts in evolutionary biology from a historical and contemporary viewpoint. Morphological and molecular evolution, population genetics, systematics, the fossil record, a history of life on earth, macroevolution, and adaptation are among the topics examined in this course. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours.

BIOL 4074  Molecular Genetics  
Prerequisite: BIOL 3034.

This course continues the material introduced in Genetics (BIOL 3034) with a focus upon the major concepts and techniques in contemporary molecular genetics. Current viewpoints of the gene, gene regulation, developmental genetics, recombinant DNA technology, genomics, proteonomics, and molecular evolution are among the topics examined in the course. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours.

BIOL 4083  Cancer Biology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 3034.

An in-depth study of major areas and topics in cancer biology, including etiology and epidemiology of cancer, impact of the human genome mapping project, molecular genetics and cell biology of cancer, cancer modeling and clinical aspects of human cancer.

BIOL 4094  Coastal Ecology  
Prerequisite: BIOL 2124 and BIOL 2134 and one semester of chemistry.

A focused study of coastal ecology, as represented by the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Coastal plants, animals, their interactions, and relationship to the physical environment are explored. Investigations are conducted in the marshes, bays, estuaries, bogs, and barrier island systems. Students bear the cost of food and a nominal housing fee.

Note: The course includes a required field trip to the Gulf Coast.
BIOL 4111  Environmental Seminar  
Cross-listed: CHEM 4111, GEOL 4111.

A seminar for students pursuing the environmental option of biology, chemistry, or geology and other students interested in environmental sciences.

BIOL 4112  Biology Internship  
Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing and consent of internship program director.

A supervised, practical experience providing BIOL majors with a hands-on, professional experience related to their career interests. The course will allow students to gain experience in an occupational environment. Students will be placed in positions under the direction of the internship program director and work supervisor. The program will emphasize application of classroom knowledge to career goals. Approximately 200 clock hours, a proposal, a log book or journal, a summary letter from the employment supervisor, and a written report are required.

Note: A maximum of four credit hours is allowed for BIOL internship.
BIOL 4114  Biology Internship  
Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing and consent of internship program director.

A supervised, practical experience providing BIOL majors with a hands-on, professional experience related to their career interests. The course will allow students to gain experience in an occupational environment. Students will be placed in positions under the direction of the internship program director and work supervisor. The program will emphasize application of classroom knowledge to career goals. Approximately 400 clock hours, a proposal, a log book or journal, a summary letter from the employment supervisor, and a written report are required.

Note: A maximum of four credit hours is allowed for BIOL internship.
BIOL 4124  Biological Assessment of Water Quality  
Cross-listed: ENVS 4124.
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1004/ENVS 1004/PHSC 1004, BIOL 3114/FW 3114, and three semesters of chemistry.

This course is an in-depth study of assessment of water quality by analyzing biological and chemical data. This course may include topics and case studies from the following list: Compare and contrast biological and chemical techniques for assessing water quality Physical and chemical properties of water Connecting flows and water quality Nutrient pollution Point and non-point sources Effects of petroleum pollution from extraction, transportation, refining, and combustion on biological systems SOPs, industry, and government standard practices and procedures for analyzing water quality Species richness, species evenness, and rank abundance curves Techniques from microbiology Plants as assessment tools Cladocerans and other zooplankton in laboratory or field Macro invertebrates as indicators Fighting Back Against Invasive Plants Watch-dogging Wetlands Mitigation Tackling the Dead Zone & Restoring the Mississippi Volunteer monitoring helps identify problems and improve clean-up. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. This course includes several required field trips.

BIOL 4163  Biodiversity and Conservation Biology  
Cross-listed: FW 4163.
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: A course in ecology or permission of instructor.

The concepts of, processes that produce, and factors that threaten biological diversity are introduced and examined. Further emphasis is placed on unique problems associated with small population size, management of endangered species and practical applications of conservation biology.

BIOL 4701  Special Methods in Biology  
Co-requisite: SEED 4909.
Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching phase of the teacher education program.

Intensive on campus exploration of the principles of curriculum construction, teaching methods, use of community resources, and evaluation as related to teaching biology.

BIOL 4881  Advanced Topics in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

This course offers advanced instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

BIOL 4882  Advanced Topics in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

This course offers advanced instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

BIOL 4883  Advanced Topics in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

This course offers advanced instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

BIOL 4884  Advanced Topics in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

This course offers advanced instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

BIOL 4891  Seminar in Biology  
Prerequisite: An upper level biology course and senior standing.

Designed to integrate all aspects of biology by covering current topics in many fields of biology and to acquaint the student with fields of biology not covered in the general curriculum.

BIOL 4951  Undergraduate Research in Biology  
Offered: On demand Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

BIOL 4952  Undergraduate Research in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

BIOL 4953  Undergraduate Research in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

BIOL 4954  Undergraduate Research in Biology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.