Academic Catalog

Business Law (BLAW)

BLAW 1033  Law for Life: Understanding the Law and Personal Legal Issues  

This course is a survey of the basic framework of the American legal system and topics in law that many people encounter in both business and everyday life. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to explain the structure and function of the U.S. legal system and understand the basic principles of contracts torts, crimes, property law, family law, and employment law, including the public policy and ethical issues relevant to these areas of the law.

BLAW 2033  Legal Environment of Business  
ACTS Common Course - BLAW 2003.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.

A survey of the U.S. legal system, the ethical and public policy issues relevant to business, and the principles of law commonly affecting business, including Constitutional law, contract law, tort law, employment law, white-collar crime, and laws pertaining to corporations and other business organizations.

BLAW 4073  Special Topics in Law  
Prerequisite: BLAW 2033.

Course offers an in-depth exploration of selected legal issues affecting business. The primary focus of the course will vary from offering to offering; thus the course may be taken more than once.