Academic Catalog

Communication (COMM)

COMM 1003  Introduction to Communication  

This course is an introduction to the discipline of communication studies and explores the various theoretical perspectives on communication processes. The purpose of this course is to demonstrate how communication theory can be applied to everyday communication situations to solve problems in their public, professional, and private lives.

COMM 1023  Exploration of Media and Communication  

This course offers an overview of the modern communication and media landscape. Students will explore and be exposed to the different avenues that a professional life in communication and media may take, such as journalism, social media, public relations, film making and broadcasting. In addition, students will examine the deeper knowledge of communication ranging from theory, crisis communication, rhetoric and interpersonal communication.

COMM 1111  Individual Events Practicum  
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Preparation and performance of a variety of public speaking events.

COMM 1121  Individual Events Practicum  
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Preparation and performance of a variety of public speaking events.

COMM 2003  Public Speaking  
Prerequisite: ENGL 1013 or equivalent.

Fundamentals of composition, delivery, and logical reasoning. Effective utilization of basic visual aids will be included.

COMM 2013  Voice and Diction  

A course for majors and non-majors. A study of the effective use of the voice, including optimum breathing methods, proper vocal technique, improvement of articulation, use of the dialects, and familiarity with the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

COMM 2111  Debate Practicum  
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Case research and participation in public debate.

COMM 2121  Debate Practicum  
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Case research and participation in public debate.

COMM 2173  Business and Professional Speaking  

An introduction to a variety of communication skills to help achieve effectiveness on the job including skill sets such as verbal and listening skills, oral presentation techniques, small group problem solving/leadership, interviewing, and organizational communication.

COMM 3003  Interpersonal Communication  

This course teaches students the fundamental practice of effective dyadic communication in social, familial, and work environments. Specifically, the course focuses on topics such as self-concept, perception, listening, conversations, language, nonverbal communication, emotions, and conflict management in relationship.

COMM 3013  Intercultural Communication  

An examination of communication variables in different cultures and how to better understand and more effectively communicate across diverse cultures.

COMM 3023  Introduction to Linguistics  
Cross-listed: ENGL 3023, FR 3023, SPAN 3023.
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: ENGL 1023 or equivalent.

A study of basic concepts of language, comparative characteristics of different languages, and the principles of linguistic investigation.

COMM 3033  Interviewing Principles and Practices  
Prerequisite: COMM 2003 or consent of instructor.

A course for both majors and non-majors that uses interviewing theory as a framework for developing skills in preparing for and practicing various types of interviews.

COMM 3053  Health Communication  

This course provides an overview of current communication research and practice in various medical and care contexts including patient/provider interactions, provider/provider communication, patient/family interactions, communication and social support related to chronic and terminal illness, promotion and marketing of health information through health campaigns, communication within health care organizations, consumer advocacy, and the politics of healthcare.

COMM 3063  Oral Interpretation  

Theory and practice of intelligent and effective oral reading of prose and poetry.

COMM 3073  Group Communication  

Examines theory and procedures used when communicating in groups and teams. Areas of inquiry include principles of group formation and development, working in teams, leadership, conflict management, and discussion methods involving decision-making and policy implementation.

COMM 3111  Debate Practicum  
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Case preparation, brief writing, and participation in public debate.

COMM 3121  Debate Practicum  
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Case preparation, brief writing, and participation in public debate.

COMM 3123  Argumentation  
Prerequisite: COMM 1003, COMM 2003 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

Designed to develop research, critical thinking, and persuasive speaking ability. Includes lecture, discussion, research, study of debates, classroom debates, and presentations.

COMM 3133  Digital Civility  

This course explores the emergence of the digital public sphere and impacts on American culture, politics, and mediated relationships. It focuses on the way post-truth culture shapes Americans' views of themselves and their relationships to one another. It goes on to provide practical strategies for navigating this challenging universe, including online research skills and conflict management techniques to build consensus and generate effective public action.

COMM 3163  Writing for Performance  

Students will learn to communicate orally through the medium of aesthetic texts such as monologues and plays. This course teaches skills necessary to all forms of dramatic writing, with emphasis on plot structure, character development, and dialogue.

COMM 3263  Podcast/Radio Theatre Writing  

This course aims to introduce students to audio drama through reading, listening, performing, recording, and editing. The primary emphasis of the course, however, is on writing - teaching such practical skills as adaptation, monologue-writing, serial writing, and original script-writing.

COMM 3513  Media Criticism  
Prerequisite: COMM 1003.

This class explores differing approaches for critiquing media ranging from print, television, film, music, politics, and digital communication. Given that today's public sphere is increasingly variegated, students must develop a greater sense of awareness of the ways that these practices have impacted our public sphere. This means developing media literacy skills. Students will be equipped with the critical vocabulary necessary to articulate the ways that media shape our communication environment and social consciousness.

COMM 4003  Human Communication Theory  
Prerequisite: COMM 1003 and 2003 strongly recommended.

The theory course is an in-depth study of the dynamic role of human communication as the driver of cultural, political, and social changes across time.

COMM 4043  Sports Communication  

Sports Communication is an overview of the research and professional opportunities available to those interested in entering the field of sports media. Course topics include professional sports communication, marketing sports brands, and the cultural analysis of sports media.

COMM 4053  Communication Seminar  
Prerequisite: Junior standing.

A course for both majors and non-majors who want to investigate the relationship between human communication and contemporary social, political, and economic issues.

COMM 4063  Organizational Communication  

Theories of organizational communication are examined in terms of their practical application to various organizational contexts, including social, political, profit, and nonprofit organizations. Includes lecture, discussion, research, and group projects.

COMM 4111  Individual Events Practicum  
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Preparation and performance of a variety of interpretive events.

COMM 4121  Individual Events Practicum  
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Preparation and performance of a variety of interpretive events.

COMM 4123  Rhetorical Criticism  

This course will provide the principles of rhetorical theories as they have developed throughout history, and apply them to the critical analysis of various communication events.

COMM 4153  Persuasive Theory and Audience Analysis  

Survey of classical and social science theories of persuasion. Particular emphasis is given to analysis of persuasive strategies, preparation of persuasive appeals, ethics of persuasion, and audience analysis. A consideration of social movements and persuasive campaigns is also included.

COMM 4171  Internship in Communication  
Prerequisite: Fifteen semester hours of Communications and COMM 4063, which can be taken concurrently; university grade point average of at least 2.50.

A course that focuses on career goals of students through classroom discussions and places students in communication positions within public and private organizations.

COMM 4172  Internship in Communication  
Prerequisite: Fifteen semester hours of Communications and COMM 4063, which can be taken concurrently; university grade point average of at least 2.50.

A course that focuses on career goals of students through classroom discussions and places students in communication positions within public and private organizations.

COMM 4173  Internship in Communication  
Prerequisite: Fifteen semester hours of Communications and COMM 4063, which can be taken concurrently; university grade point average of at least 2.50.

A course that focuses on career goals of students through classroom discussions and places students in communication positions within public and private organizations.

COMM 4174  Internship in Communication  
Prerequisite: Fifteen semester hours of Communications and COMM 4063, which can be taken concurrently; university grade point average of at least 2.50.

A course that focuses on career goals of students through classroom discussions and places students in communication positions within public and private organizations.

COMM 4223  Communication and Gender  

This class asks students to think critically about and beyond the categories of "women" and "men." Students will actively contribute to discussions as we explore the intersection of gender with culture in such contexts as the workplace, sports, the media, families, and friendships.

COMM 4701  Special Methods in Speech  
Co-requisite: SEED 4909.
Prerequisite: Admission to student teaching phase of the teacher education program.

Intensive on campus exploration of the principles of curriculum construction, teaching methods, use of community resources, and evaluation as related to teaching speech.

COMM 4823  Communication Capstone  
Prerequisite: COMM 1023/JOUR 1023.

This class provides an opportunity to generate an original work of research or aesthetic performance to be distributed and consumed with the digital sphere. It provides an overview of the field of communication studies, through interpersonal, media, and performance. Students will then select a topic dealing with the practice of communication and create an original work that will stand as their capstone project. Students will also be expected to workshop one another's projects.

COMM 4951  Undergraduate Research in Communication  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

COMM 4952  Undergraduate Research in Communication  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

COMM 4953  Undergraduate Research in Communication  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

COMM 4954  Undergraduate Research in Communication  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

COMM 4991  Special Problems in Communication  

A course for majors only. Students are accepted by invitation of the instructor.

COMM 4992  Special Problems in Communication  

A course for majors only. Students are accepted by invitation of the instructor.

COMM 4993  Special Problems in Communication  

A course for majors only. Students are accepted by invitation of the instructor.

COMM 4994  Special Problems in Communication  

A course for majors only. Students are accepted by invitation of the instructor.

COMM 5003  Human Communication Theory  

This communication theory class integrates learning about speech communication in various contexts. It is an in-depth study of contemporary and traditional perspectives of human communication, and synthesizes major concepts in human communication theory development.

Note: May not be taken for credit after the completion of COMM 4003 or equivalent.
COMM 5053  Speech Communication Seminar  

A course for both majors and non-majors who want to investigate the relationships between human communication and contemporary social, political, and economic issues. May be taken for duplicate credit.

Note: May not be taken for credit after the completion of COMM 4053 unless the topics differ.
COMM 5063  Organizational Communication  

Theories and practices of organizational communication are examined from a critical and historical perspective. Issues related to the personal, relational, cultural, group, business, global, and ethical dimensions of everyday communication practices are analyzed. Includes lecture, discussion, research, and group projects.

Note: May not be taken for credit after the completion of COMM 4063 or equivalent.
COMM 5123  Rhetorical Criticism  

This course will provide the principles of rhetorical theories as they have developed throughout history and apply them to the critical analysis of various communication events.

Note: May not be taken for credit after the completion of COMM 4123 or equivalent.
COMM 5153  Persuasive Theory & Audience Analysis  

Survey of classical and social science theories of persuasion. Particular emphasis is given to analysis of persuasive strategies, preparation of persuasive appeals, ethics of persuasion, and audience analysis. A consideration of social movements and persuasive campaigns is also included.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of COMM 4153 or equivalent.
COMM 5223  Communication and Gender  

This class asks students to think critically about and beyond the categories of "women" and "men." Students will actively contribute to discussions as we explore the intersection of gender with culture in such contexts as the workplace, sports, the media, families, and friendships.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of COMM 4223 or equivalent.
COMM 6893  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.