Academic Catalog

Educational Foundations (EDFD)

EDFD 1001  Orientation to Teaching K-12  

A course designed to provide information and enhance skills that will enable students to make a successful transition to college. The course will expose students to college resources, requirements, and promote the development of practical skills for college success while being introduced to educational related topics and issues. In addition, the course will also discuss the current challenges and requirements for the education profession.

EDFD 6003  Educational Research  
Cross-listed: MAT 6003.

An introduction to educational research procedures, including formulation of research problems, research designs, data collection, and analysis of data.

EDFD 6043  Principles and Theories of Learning  
Cross-listed: MAT 6043.

This course introduces teacher candidates to educational psychology as a research oriented discipline and a science of practical application.

EDFD 6053  The At-Risk Child in the School Environment  
Cross-listed: MAT 6053.

A seminar designed to investigate the characteristics of the at-risk student and to investigate the teaching strategies utilized to meet the needs of the at-risk student in the regular classroom.

EDFD 6063  Educational Assessment  

Provides the knowledge base for construction, selection, administration, and interpretation of formal, informal, and alternative forms of student assessment.

EDFD 6313  Principles of Curriculum Development  

A study of the elements and principles of curriculum design and construction for teachers at the elementary and secondary school levels. The course considers the theoretical concerns of curriculum planning as well as the activities involved in carrying theory into practice.

EDFD 6403  Social, Historical, and Legal Factors in Education  
Cross-listed: MAT 6403.

This course examines the study of education and various social groups, including the effects of various societies and educational systems. It also examines the legal factors that must be considered in the educational process.

EDFD 6503  Classroom Behavioral Management  
Cross-listed: MAT 6503.

A seminar to examine research for sources and types of models available for managing the classroom. Development of classroom management skills and systems by applying human development, learning, teaching, and communication principles. This class will review the research and professional literature on classroom management. It includes a practicum involving field experiences in the public school.

EDFD 6703  Guidance in Education  

Designed to provide the classroom teacher with the background knowledge and skills to provide classroom assistance in areas related to the school's guidance program.

EDFD 6881  Workshop  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

The workshop will require the equivalency of fifteen clock hours of instruction per credit hour.

EDFD 6882  Workshop  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

The workshop will require the equivalency of fifteen clock hours of instruction per credit hour.

EDFD 6883  Workshop  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

The workshop will require the equivalency of fifteen clock hours of instruction per credit hour.

EDFD 6891  Independent Study  

A graduate independent study course designed to meet the specific needs of a student and the application of educational theory to practice.


A graduate independent study course designed to meet the specific needs of a student and the application of educational theory to practice.

EDFD 6893  Independent Study  

A graduate independent study course designed to meet the specific needs of a student and the application of educational theory to practice.

EDFD 6894  Independent Study  

A graduate independent study course designed to meet the specific needs of a student and the application of educational theory to practice.

EDFD 6991  Project or Thesis Research Continuation  

This course allows students additional time to research and compose their capstone project/portfolio.

EDFD 6993  Project in Educational Research  
Prerequisite: EDFD 6003 with a C or better.

Study and directed research on a topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor.