Academic Catalog

Elementary Education (ELED)

ELED 2003  Education as a Profession  
Cross-listed: MLED 2003 and SEED 2003.

This course provides potential teacher education candidates with the knowledge base and practice in the skills needed to locate educational research information; analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the complied materials; professionally communicate these findings to others; and examine, observe, and reflect upon research applications in the school setting.

Note: A field experience is required in this course.
ELED 2113  Human Development and Learning Theories  

This course is a study of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development of the individual beginning with the early childhood period and continuing through early adolescence. This course also provides lateral entry teachers an introduction to learning theory, various styles of learning, and motivational factors involved in the learning process. Emphasis is placed on the development of cognitive skills using the eight types of intelligence and applying these to practical classroom situations. Upon completion, students should be able to describe theories and styles of learning. This course includes an on-site field experience.

Note: A field experience is required in this course.
ELED 3123  Diagnosis and Assessment of Elementary Students  
Prerequisite: Admission to Stage II of the Teacher Education Program.

This course is designed to develop pre-service teachers with who can successfully implement the design and implementation of current best practices in assessment and who can utilize assessment data to plan, evaluate and promote instructional achievement in a 21st Century standards-based classroom.

Note: A field experience is required in this course.
ELED 3133  Integrated Curriculum  
Prerequisite: Admission to Stage II of the Teacher Education Program.

This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with an overview of how to develop teaching/learning strategies and to integrate curriculum in the elementary classroom. Emphasis is placed on helping teachers adapt techniques, choose materials, and design units that integrate multiple content areas across a student-centered curriculum.

Note: A field experience is required in this course.
ELED 3143  Teaching Methods K-6 Social Studies  
Prerequisite: Admission to Stage II of the Teacher Education Program.

This course is an introduction to teaching powerful social studies in the elementary classroom. Based on current theory and research and with particular emphasis on active citizenship and diversity, the course develops instructional decision-makers who will utilize innovative and effective practice and resources for teaching meaningful social studies. This course also informs about best practice in the field.

Note: A field experience is required in this course.
ELED 4003  Residency A Seminar  
Prerequisite: Admission to Stage II and ELED 4903.

This course is to be taken concurrently with ELED 4903 Residency A in Elementary Education. This course is designed to provide elementary teacher candidates with knowledge and understanding of the history of American Education, school law, content area reading, and other contemporary education issues.

ELED 4033  Classroom and Behavior Management  
Co-requisite: RDNG 4003.
Prerequisite: Admission to Stage II of the Teacher Education Program.

This course is designed to provide elementary teacher candidates a foundation for operating an effective and efficient 21st Century classroom. Best practices in creating a respectful and responsive culture for learning will be presented. Emphasis will be placed on establishing high expectations for learning, achievement and behavior, including ways to manage the classroom environment and organizational approaches that encourage elementary students to take responsibility for their own learning and their own behavior. Strategies for classroom management, classroom organization and behavior management will be analyzed.

Note: A field experience is required in this course.
ELED 4903  Residency B Seminar  
Prerequisite: Stage II Acceptance, Residency A application, approved Arkansas Educators License System (AELS) background check, degree audit, 2.7 or higher GPA, Arkansas IDEAS account.

This course is to be taken concurrently with ELED 4003 Seminar in Elementary Education. Part I of an intensive yearlong residency in elementary education. Students will spend time in elementary education (K-6) environments applying their knowledge and skills in reflective decision making with children and families. This course involves professional applications of pedagogical and professional practice of elementary educators. The course is structured around the professional expectations including state requirements for pedagogical and professional assessments through the Teacher Excellence Support Systems (TESS). A complete handbook regarding Residency A expectations and requirements in located on the Arkansas Tech Teacher Education website. This course involves the completion of requirements for teacher licensure required for by Arkansas Act 416 of 2017.

ELED 4909  Residency B  
Prerequisite: Stage II acceptance, Residency B application, approved Arkansas Educators License System (AELS) background check, degree audit, 2.7 or higher GPA, Arkansas IDEAS account.

This course involves professional applications of pedagogical and professional practice of elementary educators. The course is structured around the professional expectations including state requirements for pedagogical and professional assessments through the Teacher Excellence Support System (TESS). A complete handbook regarding residency expectations and requirements are located on the Arkansas Tech Teacher Education website. This course involves the completion of requirements for teacher licensure required for by Arkansas Act 416 of 2017.

ELED 4991  Special Problems in Elementary Education  

Individual study of significant topics or problems relating to education under the guidance of an assigned faculty member.

ELED 4992  Special Problems in Elementary Education  

Individual study of significant topics or problems relating to education under the guidance of an assigned faculty member.

ELED 4994  Special Problems in Elementary Education  

Individual study of significant topics or problems relating to education under the guidance of an assigned faculty member.

ELED 5333  Teaching Reading and Study Strategies in the Content Area  

This course is designed to provide pre-service and in-service teachers and administrators with a knowledge of reading factors as they relate to various disciplines. Content of the course includes estimating students' reading ability, techniques for vocabulary, questioning strategies, and developing reading-related study skills.

ELED 6323  Survey of Teaching Reading  

A broad overview of the major viewpoints about reading and current approaches to literacy instruction, with emphasis on its socio-psycholinguistic aspects.

ELED 6343  Literacy Assessment and Intervention  
Prerequisite: ELED 6323.

A study of current practices in assessing literacy development and providing intervention in identified problems. Emphasis will be placed on interactive procedures to determine and facilitate the use of reading and writing processes.

ELED 6403  Literature for Children and Adolescents  

An in-depth study of printed and other types of materials available for use in the elementary grades and middle school. Emphasizes the selection and use of materials to stimulate and improve learning.

ELED 6823  Introduction to Learning Disabilities  

A study designed to teach a recognition of behavioral characteristics of children who have perceptual problems. This course also includes information about prescribed referral procedures and gives an overview of diagnostic, and prescriptive instruction.

ELED 6881  Workshop  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

The workshop will require the equivalency of fifteen clock hours of instruction per credit hour.

ELED 6882  Workshop  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

The workshop will require the equivalency of fifteen clock hours of instruction per credit hour.

ELED 6883  Workshop  
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

The workshop will require the equivalency of fifteen clock hours of instruction per credit hour.

ELED 6891  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
ELED 6892  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
ELED 6893  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
ELED 6894  Independent Study  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
ELED 6991  Thesis Research  

Directed research on a thesis topic. If the six-hour thesis (ELED 6996) has not been completed during the semester(s) of enrollment, the student must register for ELED 6991 during subsequent semesters in which he/she is receiving faculty assistance with the thesis and/or using University library facilities.

ELED 6996  Thesis Research  

Directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor.