Academic Catalog

Environmental Science (ENVS)

ENVS 1004  Principles of Environmental Science  
Cross-listed: BIOL 1004 and PHSC 1004.

This course is designed to bring the student to a basic but informed awareness of and responsible behavior toward our environment and the role of the human race therein. The content will include a study of the philosophical and scientific basis for the study of ecosystems and the environment, the nature of ecosystems, the techniques used to study the environment, the origin and development of current environmental problems, the interdisciplinary nature of environmental studies, the processes of critical thinking and problem solving, and the moral and ethical implications of environmentally-mandated decisions. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours. $40 laboratory fee.

ENVS 3043  Conservation  
Cross-listed: BIOL 3043.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1004 or ENVS 1004 or PHSC 1004.

A study of natural resources, their utilization in a technical society, and factors leading to their depletion.

ENVS 3111  Environmental Seminar  
Cross-listed: BIOL 3111, CHEM 3111, and GEOL 3111.

A seminar for students pursuing the environmental option of biology, chemistry, or geology and other students interested in environmental sciences.

ENVS 4112  Environmental Science Internship  
Prerequisite: Consent of biology program director.

A supervised, practical experience providing ENVS majors with a hands-on, professional experience related to their career interests. Approximately 200 clock hours, a proposal, a log book, and a written and oral report are required.

ENVS 4114  Environmental Science Internship  
Prerequisite: Consent of biology program director.

A supervised, practical experience providing ENVS majors with a hands-on, professional experience related to their career interests. Approximately 400 clock hours, a proposal, a log book, and a written and oral report are required.

ENVS 4124  Biological Assessment of Water Quality  
Cross-listed: BIOL 4124.
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: BIOL 1004 or ENVS 1004 or PHSC 1004, BIOL 3114 or FW 3114, and three semesters of chemistry.

This course is an in-depth study of assessment of water quality by analyzing biological and chemical data. This course may include topics and case studies from the following list: Compare and contrast biological and chemical techniques for assessing water quality Physical and chemical properties of water, Connecting flows and water quality Nutrient pollution, Point and non-point sources Effects of petroleum pollution from extraction, transportation, refining, and combustion on biological systems SOPs, industry, and government standard practices and procedures for analyzing water quality Species richness, species evenness, and rank abundance curves Techniques from microbiology Plants as assessment tools Cladocerans and other zooplankton in laboratory or field Macro invertebrates as indicators Fighting Back Against Invasive Plants Watch-dogging Wetlands Mitigation Tackling the Dead Zone & Restoring the Mississippi Volunteer monitoring helps identify problems and improve clean-up Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. This course includes several required field trips.

ENVS 4133  Environmental Policy  
Offered: Spring.

This course is an in-depth study of environmental policy and law, including federal and state regulations, federal and state agencies, policies, enforcement, historic legal actions, and important procedures for compliance. This course may include topics and case studies from the following list: Introduction to the Clean Water Act Water Quality Standards Pollution Discharge Permits Storm water Pollution Discharge Permits Identifying Impaired Waters Restoring Impaired Waters Water Quality Certification Dredge & Fill Permits Non-point Source Control State Revolving Funds Enforcement Other Laws Phosphorus Pollution Controls Kentucky Waterways Alliance antidegradation case Using the Clean Water Act to Restore Flows: Fay Creek Watershed-based approach to storm water permits Creative ways to use Section 319 funds Hard infrastructure dollars pay for stream restoration An industrial success in Oregon Pursuing alternatives to wetland destruction Using 401 to protect stream flow in the Dosewallips River.

ENVS 4881  Advanced Topics in Environmental Science  
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

This course offers advanced instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

ENVS 4882  Advanced Topics in Environmental Science  
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

This course offers advanced instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

ENVS 4883  Advanced Topics in Environmental Science  
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

This course offers advanced instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

ENVS 4884  Advanced Topics in Environmental Science  
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

This course offers advanced instruction in an area of biological sciences that is not otherwise covered in the curriculum. The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus the course may be taken more than once.

ENVS 4951  Undergraduate Research in Environmental Science  
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study and supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

ENVS 4952  Undergraduate Research in Environmental Science  
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study and supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

ENVS 4953  Undergraduate Research in Environmental Science  
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study and supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

ENVS 4954  Undergraduate Research in Environmental Science  
Prerequisite: an upper level science course and consent of the instructor.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study and supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.