Academic Catalog

Fine Arts/Humanities (FAH)

FAH 1XXX  Fine Arts and Humanities Courses  

Fine Arts and Humanities ART 2123 Experiencing Art CHIN 1013 Beginning Chinese I CHIN 1023 Beginning Chinese II ENGL 2003 Introduction to World Literature ENGL 2013 Introduction to American Literature ENGL 2023 Honors World Literature ENGL 2173 Introduction to Film ENGL 2183 Honors Introduction to Film FR 1013 Beginning French I FR 1023 Beginning French II GER 1013 Beginning German I GER 1023 Beginning German II JOUR 2173 Introduction to Film JPN 1013 Beginning Japanese I JPN 1023 Beginning Japanese II LAT 1013 Beginning Latin I LAT 1023 Beginning Latin II LEAD 2003 Ethics in Leadership MUS 2003 Introduction to Music PHIL 2003 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 2043 Honors Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 2053 Introduction to Critical Thinking SPAN 1013 Beginning Spanish I SPAN 1023 Beginning Spanish II TH 2273 Introduction to Theatre