Hospitality Administration (HA)
HA 1001 Orientation to Hospitality Administration
Orientation to the university and hospitality administration as a profession. Exploration of successful student and career paths.
HA 1011 Sanitation Safety
Prerequisite: Hospitality majors only or permission of Department Head.
This course provides knowledge of food safety in the areas of food service and storage. The student will gain knowledge on safe food handling; receiving and storage through preparing and serving. This course will also analyze ethical considerations with regards to food and serving. ServSafe certification from the National Restaurant Association will result from successful completion of standardized exam. This course is graded Pass/Fail.
HA 1043 Introduction to Hospitality Management
The history and development of the hospitality industry which comprises food, lodging, and tourism management; an introduction to management principles; characteristics of hospitality industry, concepts used in the service industry, and career opportunities in the field.
HA 2023 Hospitality Leadership and Ethics
This course will develop student skills necessary to lead and manage hospitality organizations in an ethically, environmentally, economically, and socially acceptable manner. It will include analysis of organizational work environments and critical situations. Students will explore their existing leadership styles, build foundational principles, and commit to their own moral compass in relation to the codes of conduct, core values, and best practices relative to the professional world.
HA 2043 Lodging Operations Management I
A survey of the lodging industry to include its history, growth and development, and future direction. Emphasis on front office procedures and interpersonal dynamics from reservations through the night audit.
HA 2053 Work Experience
Prerequisite: HA major or HA minor; sophomore standing or permission of instructor.
Placement in selected hospitality settings as a student worker under professional guidance of both agency and faculty. Students are given the opportunity to take part in meaningful work experiences in actual work situations and managerial observation.
Minimum of 200 clock hours of work experience.
HA 2063 Guest Relations
The analysis and development of guest relation skills including guest service, leadership, communication, training, problem solving, etiquette, and other aspects of guest relations.
Lecture two (2) hours, lab minimum of four (4) hours.
HA 2073 Introduction to Event Management
Offered: Spring.
This course will offer an introduction to the principles of event management. The student will learn how to formulate event strategies across diverse contexts. The planning, development, management and implementation of events will be the focus of study. Opportunities for participation in on and off campus events will be an element of the course.
HA 2133 Introduction to Travel and Tourism
Cross-listed: RP 2133.
The introduction to travel and tourism, its components and relationship to the recreation and hospitality industry. The course will explore the current and future trends in travel and tourism and the effects on the economy, as well as the social and political impacts of travel and tourism.
HA 2203 Casino Tourism
Expanding casinos will create many jobs and provide millions of dollars in capital investment across Arkansas. This course is designed to introduce students to the fascinating and challenging fields of casinos and the impacts of tourism within the state, with an emphasis on Arkansas casinos. Students will explore career opportunities, trends, issues, and challenges facing the tourism, hospitality, and casino industries, as well as the impact of casinos.
HA 2813 Basic Human Nutrition in Hospitality Administration
Study of the relationship between nutrition and health as a basis for food choices of all ages; the application of nutrient functions in human life processes and cycles; how balanced eating promotes healthy lifestyles. Current concepts and controversies are highlighted.
HA 2881 Special Topics
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 2882 Special Topics
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 2883 Special Topics
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 2903 Casino Operations
Casino Operations focuses primarily on the operation and ownership of US commercial casinos, and the hotels attached to them as well as Native American gambling. A review of the historical development of gaming in America will be explored as well as how the industry has evolved to it's present form. Topics covered include organizational structure of a casino hotel, how it operates and how it makes a profit, an understanding of the different companies involved in owning casino hotels and the current issues facing these companies. In addition, a review of casino marketing strategies and player rating systems. Students will build on their food and beverage and hotel knowledge to better understand the specific challenges facing casino hotel operations.
HA 2914 Principles of Food Preparations
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to demonstrate skills in basic cooking techniques and methods, recipe conversion, and professional food preparation and handling. Additionally, the student should be able to recognize and safely operate common foodservice equipment used in commercial kitchens and demonstrate proficient culinary knife skills.
Lecture two (2) hours, lab minimum of four (4) hours.
HA 2991 Special Problems
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 2992 Special Problems
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 2993 Special Problems
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 3013 Tourism Marketing
This course provides the opportunity for students to be involved in the marketing and promotion of tourism. Application and case study opportunities provides students with a thorough understanding of marketing concepts and theories.
HA 3113 Talent Acquisition and Management
Cross-listed: RP 3113.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and nine hours of RP or HA courses.
This course provides a strategic and tactical approach to staffing, recruiting, selection, placement, onboarding, and employee development within the tourism industry.
HA 3143 Lodging Operations Management II
Prerequisite: HA 2043.
This course evaluates the role of housekeeping, the planning and organization of various organizing tasks, and the importance of maintaining and training quality housekeeping staff. This course will evaluate managing inventories, controlling expenses and monitoring safety and security functions.
Lecture three (3) hours, additionally students will be required to have a minimum of 15 lab hours during the semester.
HA 3163 Hospitality Technology
This course provides a foundation in information technology (IT) and how it relates to everyday business computing in the hospitality industry. Topics include: fundamental IT concepts; understanding the issues related to systems selection, standardization and efficiency; integration or applications; and recognizing the importance of management information systems such as PMS and POS.
HA 3173 Hospitality Managerial Accounting
Offered: Fall.
This course focuses on the use of accounting information for management decision making and control. Topics include product costing, budgeting, management decision making, and statement analysis.
HA 3183 Catering and Event Management
This course will focus on-site and off-site catering for social and business functions and event management for large-scale events, such as sporting events, festivals, and conferences. Topics to be discussed include organizational structure, product and service development, event planning and execution, staff and volunteer recruitment/training, and post-event analysis.
HA 4001 Internship Preparation
Prerequisite: HA major, senior standing, and completion of HA 2053 or permission of department head.
Preparation for the internship experience. This course is graded Pass/Fail.
HA 4023 Hospitality Facilities Management and Design
Prerequisite: Junior standing plus nine hours of HA courses or by permission.
The fundamental principles of facilities planning, facilities management, and maintenance for all segments of the hospitality industry. Application principles in the preparation of a typical layout and design.
HA 4033 Legal Aspects of Tourism
Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of instructor.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of laws and regulations governing the tourism industry. Areas of emphasis include government regulations, employment, contractual agreements, insurance, property, safety and security, food and beverage management, and guest liability.
HA 4053 Meetings and Conventions Management
Prerequisite: Junior standing plus nine hours of HA courses or by permission of the instructor.
Planning, managing, amd execution of multiple events required. CVENT Certification will result upon successful completion of standardized exam.
HA 4063 Beverage Management
Prerequisite: 21 years of age, HA major or permission of the instructor.
Selection, storage, and service of beverages with emphasis on controls, merchandising, pricing, history, social and legal concerns. Successful completion of standardized exam results in Serv Safe Alcohol certification from the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.
Lecture two hours, lab two hours.
HA 4073 Hospitality Financial Analysis
Accounting principles and procedures for the Hospitality Industry as an aid in management planning, decision making and control, financial statements, statement analysis, flow of funds, cash analysis, accounting concepts, cost accounting budgets, capital expenditures, and pricing decisions.
HA 4093 Resort and Club Management
Cross-listed: RP 4093.
Prerequisite: Junior standing and nine hours of RP or HA courses or by permission.
An in-depth study of resorts and clubs with respect to their planning, development, organization, management, marketing, visitor characteristics, and environmental consequences.
HA 4114 Internship
Prerequisite: Hospitality Administration major; senior standing; current certifications in CPR; Standard and Advanced First Aid; consent of department head and completion of all other courses applicable to degree.
Placement in selected agency settings as a student intern under professional guidance of both agency supervisor and faculty. Emphasis will be placed on application of classroom theory to agency requirements which fulfill student's individual career interest. No prior experience credit will be granted. Minimum of 400 clock hours during a minimum of 10 weeks of supervised internship is required. Student cannot document more than 40 hours of work experience per week. A written report is required within one week of internship completion.
HA 4203 Hospitality Strategic Management
Prerequisite: HA major, senior standing, and completion of 15 hours of HA courses.
This course focuses on analyzing, evaluating, and developing strategies internally and externally using a case-based approach. Strategic management draws upon all previously completed hospitality administration courses including: marketing, accounting, operations management, human resources, and technology.
HA 4243 Advanced Lodging Operations Management
Prerequisite: HA 3143.
An in-depth study of hotel and lodging operations management. The analysis of competitive strategies, leadership styles, teamwork, technology and creativity in the hotel and lodging industry.
HA 4881 Advanced Special Topics
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 4882 Advanced Special Topics
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 4883 Advanced Special Topics
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 4951 Undergraduate Research in Hospitality Administration
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
HA 4952 Undergraduate Research in Hospitality Administration
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
HA 4953 Undergraduate Research in Hospitality Administration
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
HA 4954 Undergraduate Research in Hospitality Administration
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
HA 4986 Purchasing and Advanced Food Preparation
This course provides for development and implementation of an effective food and non-food purchasing program and focuses on product identification, supplier selection, ordering, receiving, storing and issuing processes. Also, this course is designed to build knowledge and experience in quantity food production in a foodservice operation. Student should be able to demonstrate advanced level cooking techniques, recipe conversion, menu planning, professional food preparation and handling as well as managerial competencies.
This course is one hour and 20 minutes of purchasing lecture, 50 minutes of advanced food production lecture and a minimum of six hour lab.
HA 4991 Special Problems
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 4992 Special Problems
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.
HA 4993 Special Problems
Offered: On demand.
Investigative studies and special problems and topics related to hospitality administration.
Note: May be repeated if content differs.