Academic Catalog

Health Informatics (HI)

HI 5092  Research in HIM  

This course teaches the skills needed to systematically investigate subjects to expand knowledge and generate new ideas. A study of the specific research methodology used in a health information management setting will be explored. Emphasis will be given to hands-on performance of research in conjunction with area health care facilities and agencies. Formal presentation of research will also be a component of the course. $40 course fee.

HI 6053  Emerging Trends in Health Information Technology  

Trends in the health information technology will be identified and discussed. Industry-changing trends will be emphasized as well as regulatory initiatives associated with the changes. The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an awareness of current changes within the field of health information technology, as well as how to keep up with changes as they occur. $60 course fee.

HI 6063  Ethical Leadership  

The purpose of this course is to explore and apply the fundamental principles of ethical leadership and ethical development in organizations. Drawing on ethics, organizational, and adult learning theories, students will assess current issues, provide local recommendations, and create organizational development interventions to address ethical issues that may arise within the context of organizations. This course is interdisciplinary and students are able to integrate key concepts in ethics, health informatics, and organizational change within their specific disciplines and interests to prepare themselves and others for leading organizations through complex ethical challenges.

HI 6073  Security and Privacy in Health Informatics  
Offered: fall.

An exploration of legal issues as they relate to the collection, storage, retention and sharing of health data and information. Privacy and security will be discussed, from the standpoint of health care entities as well as from the consumer point of view. $60 course fee.

HI 6083  Health Care Policy  

Cross-list: NUR 6303. This course is an overview of current trends in healthcare today and the legal, ethical, and policy issues that may be confronted. Students will examine contemporary social, economic, ethical, and legislative issues influencing healthcare policy. Legal liability of professionals, personnel law, legal compliance, professional practice standards, ethical standards, and laws related to information management and patient records will be addressed.

HI 6983  Research Project  

The purpose of this course is to have the student apply knowledge of research methods to an area of the student's interest. This research-based course will allow the student to work with the instructor to identify an appropriate project to be completed at the end of the MSHI coursework. The project should incorporate principles learned in courses leading to this course.

Note: May be repeated for credit.
HI 6993  Thesis Research  

The purpose of this course is to have the student apply knowledge of research methods to an area of the student's interest. This course is designed for the student to coordinate with the course instructor to identify a thesis topic or high level project to be completed as a capstone experience. This course should be completed after all other MSHI coursework is completed and will provide the student with an opportunity to utilize the concepts learned in courses leading to this capstone course. $60 course fee.

Note: May be repeated for credit.
HI 6995  Thesis Research  

The purpose of this course is to have the student apply knowledge of research methods to an area of the student's interest. This course is designed for the student to coordinate with the course instructor to identify a thesis topic or high level project to be completed as a capstone experience. This course should be completed after all other MSHI coursework is completed and will provide the student with an opportunity to utilize the concepts learned in courses leading to this capstone course.

Note: May be repeated for credit.