Health Information Management (HIM)
HIM 3023 Introduction to Health Information Management
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: Admission to the HIM Program.
A study of the history of health records, professional ethics, the functions of a health information department, retention of records, medical forms, health information practices, and responsibilities to healthcare administration, medical staff, and other medical professionals.
HIM 3033 Basic Coding Principles
Offered: Spring.
An in depth study of the principles of disease and procedural coding using the ICD classification system. Areas emphasized during the course include: the purpose of coding, the definition of key terms, accurate application of coding principles, methods to assure quality data, and a review of the impact of prospective reimbursement on the function of coding.
HIM 3043 Advanced Concepts in Health Information
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: HIM 3023.
A study of such advanced concepts as quality improvement, utilization review, licensure and accreditation standards, medical staff, and interdisciplinary relationships.
HIM 3132 Health Data and Statistics
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: HIM 3023 or permission of instructor.
A study of the methods of recording diagnoses and operations by recognized systems of disease, procedural and pathological nomenclatures and classification systems, manual and computerized systems of indexing and abstracting, research and statistical techniques, and health information data handling.
HIM 3133 Alternative Health Records
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: HIM 3023.
A study of health record requirements in non- traditional settings such as cancer programs, ambulatory care facilities, mental health centers, and long term care facilities.
HIM 3153 Current Issues in Health Information Management
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: HIM 3023.
An in-depth study of the latest issues affecting the field of health information management. Specific topics will vary to reflect emerging trends in the health information field.
HIM 4034 Advanced Coding Principles
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: HIM 3033.
A continuation of HIM 3033, dealing with advanced principles of coding using ICD and CPT. Experience with coding of health records as well as DRG grouping and the administrative aspects of coding will be emphasized.
HIM 4063 Organization and Administration
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: HIM 3023 and senior standing.
A study of the application of the principles of organization, administration, supervision, human relations, work methods, and organizational patterns in the health information department. The duties and relationships of the health information manager and the social forces affecting the department and current trends in hospital and medical care are investigated.
HIM 4073 Legal Concepts for the Health Fields
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: HIM 3023 and senior standing, or permission of instructor.
A study of the principles of law as applied to the health field. Consideration is given to the importance of health records as legal documents as well as a general introduction to the law, administration of the law, legal aspects of healthcare facility and medical staff organization, release of information, confidential communication and consents and authorizations.
HIM 4083 Health Organization Trends
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: HIM 3023 and senior standing, or permission of instructor.
A comprehensive review of the trends and changes in the healthcare field. Historical aspects of healthcare organization and governmental health agencies are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on current events in the healthcare arena.
HIM 4093 Research in Health Information Management
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: HIM 3023 and senior standing.
A study of the specific research methodology used in a health information management setting. Emphasis will be given to the evaluation and critique of scholarly work in the field. Formal presentation of research will also be a component of the course.
HIM 4153 Principles of Disease
Offered: Fall.
An introduction to medical science, including the etiology, treatment and prognosis of various diseases. Emphasis is given to the medical information as viewed from the standpoint of a health information management professional.
HIM 4182 Professional Practice Experience I
Offered: Fall.
An interactive course where the student will complete simulation exercises utilizing various health information software systems. Students will gain hands-on experience with technology that is used in the industry by health information professionals.
HIM 4203 Healthcare Reimbursement
Offered: Spring.
This course covers the various systems used for reimbursement methods in a range of healthcare facility types. A review of the regulations and role of coding systems surrounding healthcare reimbursement will also be investigated.
HIM 4292 Professional Practice Experience II
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: HIM 4182.
A supervised learning experience through which the student learns to recognize the contribution of and learns to work with other professional and non professional personnel, learns to recognize and deal with personnel problems in a health information department.
HIM 4892 Seminar in Health Information
Offered: First summer term.
Co-requisite: HIM 4895.
A seminar, utilizing the case method approach, on problem situations encountered in the field of health information management. This course includes discussion of problems that arise during their affiliation experience.
HIM 4895 Affiliation
Offered: First summer session.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of all required HIM courses except HIM 4892.
Provides the student with a four-week management experience in the activities and responsibilities of the health information management professional. Augments theoretical instruction received during previous courses. Student is actively involved in the management process while under direct supervision of a qualified health information management professional.
Note: Although every effort is made to secure a convenient locale, the student must assume full financial responsibility for this assignment.
HIM 4951 Undergraduate Research in Health Information Management
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
HIM 4952 Undergraduate Research in Health Information Management
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
HIM 4953 Undergraduate Research in Health Information Management
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
HIM 4954 Undergraduate Research in Health Information Management
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
HIM 4983 Systems Analysis for Health Information Management
Offered: Fall.
A course designed to provide a detailed study of the relationship between health information management departments and computerized information systems. Students will learn from a variety of projects related directly to the clinical setting.
HIM 4991 Special Problems in Health Information Management
Open to health information management senior students only. The problems will vary to fit the needs of the student and reflect the continual changes in the allied health field.
HIM 4992 Special Problems in Health Information Management
Open to health information management senior students only. The problems will vary to fit the needs of the student and reflect the continual changes in the allied health field.
HIM 4993 Special Problems in Health Information Management
Open to health information management senior students only. The problems will vary to fit the needs of the student and reflect the continual changes in the allied health field.
HIM 4994 Special Problems in Health Information Management
Open to health information management senior students only. The problems will vary to fit the needs of the student and reflect the continual changes in the allied health field.