Academic Catalog

Information Technology (INFT)

INFT 5053  Information Systems Resource Management  

A study of the principles and concepts involved in the management of information resources including hardware, software and personnel. Includes coverage of departmental functions within computer/ information services as well as legal, ethical, and professional issues, quality management, and strategic impact of information system.

INFT 5103  Python Programming  

An comprehensive introduction to programming using the Python language. Students will learn fundamental programming concepts, syntax, and good coding practices, including variables, data types, control structures, functions, file I/O, and object-oriented programming. Through hands-on assignments and projects, students will gain proficiency in problem-solving, data manipulation, analysis debugging and troubleshooting, and visualization using Python libraries.

INFT 5113  Artificial Intelligence  

A comprehensive overview of general concepts and AI history; development and exposure to different artificial intelligence systems; planning, learning, and reasoning techniques; machine learning methods; Python programming language, and Prolog programming language.

INFT 5203  Database Systems  
Prerequisite: INFT 5103, or two semesters of undergraduate programming.

An introduction to database systems where students will gain a thorough understanding of database software package development for microcomputer applications. Topics include how to design, implement, and access a personal database. Entity relationship diagrams are emphasized in design. The use of macros, data conversion operations, linking, and complex selection operations are used in implementation.

INFT 5213  Information Systems Risk Management  

This course provides an overview for Information Security and Assurance to allow students to understand the key issues associated with protecting information assets, determining the levels of protection and response to security incidents, and designing a consistent, reasonable information security system, with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting features.

Note: May not be repeated for credit after completion of CSEC 4213.
INFT 5233  Legal Issues in Cybersecurity  

This course will provide a high-level explanation of the legal issues governing the authorized conduct of cyber operations and the use of related tools, techniques, technology and data. Both international and U.S. laws that operations in cyberspace must by complying, will be introduced.

Note: May not be repeated for credit after completion of CSEC 4233.
INFT 5303  Developing and Administering Web Sites  

An introduction to developing and administering websites. Topics include the world wide web, web browsers, and web servers. Students will develop web pages using HTML/CSS while also addressing security, screening, and privacy issues.

INFT 5403  Introduction to Information Technology and Systems  

Introduction to the infrastructure of information technology and systems. Topics include computer hardware and software, communication and networks, databases, e-commerce technology, design and development of information systems, information security, privacy, ethics, and social impact.

INFT 5413  Computer Systems and Architecture  

A study of the fundamentals of system software and computer architecture. The course includes an introduction to the basic foundation of processor operation, memory hierarchy, bus and I/O systems along with their interactions. RISC and CISC instructions sets, fundamental networking terminology and implementation strategies, and an introduction to basic digital logic design.

INFT 5503  The UNIX Operating System  

In-depth study of the Unix operating system, focusing on both its theoretical and practical aspects. The course covers the principles, architecture, commands, and tools of Unix, with an emphasis on Unix security. Students will gain a deep understanding of the principles and techniques involved in managing and securing Unix systems.

INFT 5603  Principles of Data Science  

Introduction to data science, data preprocessing and exploratory analysis, data visualization, mathematical foundations for data science (mathematics/calculus, linear algebra, probability, and statistics), Python programming language, data science frameworks and ecosystems, linear and nonlinear regression, unsupervised learning, clustering methods, dimensionality reduction, supervised learning, classification methods, ensemble methods and association analysis, neural networks, introduction to deep learning, big data and Hadoop ecosystem, anomaly/outlier detection, ethics in data science.

INFT 5700  Principles of Networking Lab  
Co-requisite: INFT 5703.

Students will complete network lab exercises in support of INFT 5703.

INFT 5703  Principles of Networking  

An introduction to the concepts of computer data communication networks. Topics include an introduction to network topologies, routing, protocols, infrastructure, security, and troubleshooting tools.

INFT 5803  Principles of Cybersecurity  

An introduction to the principles of cybersecurity where students will help learn how to protect networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access and ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authentication of information. This course introduces the fundamental principles of cybersecurity. Those topics include risk management, network security, end users training and awareness, incident management, data privacy and security, and malware prevention. A balance between theory and current practices will be discussed.

INFT 5981  Special Topics  

A treatment of subjects not routinely covered in other courses. Subjects will vary.

Note: May be repeated for a maximum of nine (9) hours.
INFT 5982  Special Topics  

A treatment of subjects not routinely covered in other courses. Subjects will vary.

Note: May be repeated for a maximum of nine (9) hours.
INFT 5983  Special Topics  

A treatment of subjects not routinely covered in other courses. Subjects will vary.

Note: May be repeated for a maximum of nine (9) hours.
INFT 6013  Decision Support Systems  

This course enables students to acquire a broad understanding of management information systems and their components and the use of data and analysis models to aid the process of making decisions.

INFT 6103  Advanced Python Programming  
Prerequisite: INFT 5103.

Students will learn how to build advanced-level applications and projects using Python programming. By leveraging Python's built-in capabilities and following industry best practices, students will develop proficiency in the language and gain the skills needed to create practical and functional software solutions.

INFT 6203  Database Development and Administration  
Prerequisite: INFT 5203.

Advanced training in database development and administration where students will receive a thorough introduction to accessing and maintaining a database via programming interface. Topics include database administration features of SQL and the installation and tuning of a database.

INFT 6303  Design of Web-Based Information Systems  
Prerequisite: INFT 5303.

An advanced course in web development using modern scripting languages such as JavaScript.

INFT 6403  Information Security Systems Analysis and Design  
Prerequisite: INFT 5803.

Covers concepts, principles, and tools for designing secure information systems. Students will learn about the latest cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities that may affect information systems, and how to address these challenges during system design. Topics covered will include secure coding practices, encryption techniques, access control mechanisms, security testing, and incident response planning.

INFT 6603  Advanced Data Science and Machine Learning  
Prerequisite: INFT 5603.

This course is a continuation of the INFT 5603 Principles of Data Science course where students will be introduced to advanced topics in this important area of IT. Topics covered in this course will vary due to the ever-changing nature of technology. In general, students will be exposed to information theoretic learning, review of numerical analysis/computation and optimization theory for data science, reinforcement learning, classification methods, recurrent neural networks, clustering methods, feature selection, computer vision for machine learning, deep learning, recommender systems, convergence analysis of dynamical neural networks, explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), quantum machine learning, neuromorphic computing and spiking neural networks, nature inspired algorithms, graph neural networks, developing advanced applications for data science (in computer vision, text mining, natural language processing (NLP), cybersecurity, healthcare/medical, bioinformatics, finance, social media, sentiment analysis, etc.).

INFT 6700  Advanced Networks Lab  
Co-requisite: INFT 6703.

Students will complete network lab exercises in support of INFT 6703.

INFT 6703  Advanced Networks  
Prerequisite: INFT 5703.

An advanced study of computer networking concepts and technologies. The course covers the principles, protocols, architectures, and emerging trends in computer networks, with a focus on modern technologies and network security.

INFT 6803  Advanced Cybersecurity  
Prerequisite: INFT 5803.

An advanced course in cybersecurity covering a wide range of concepts. Topics include web and network basics, cryptography, hacking, packet analysis, and pen testing. Additional topics include social engineering, cyber countermeasures, incident response and mitigation, digital forensics, counter surveillance, security the loT, and AI in cybersecurity are also discussed.

INFT 6903  Emerging Trends  
Prerequisite: Permission of the coordinator.

Study of emerging trends in information technology. Analyzing and reporting on these trends.

Note: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) hours if topic varies.
INFT 6973  Thesis Research in Information Technology I  
Prerequisite: Approval of a thesis plan by the thesis committee or the head of the department.

Formal presentation of directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor. Prior to the final defense of a written thesis, students will be required to present their research study in a seminar to faculty, staff, and other students.

Note: This course must be continued by taking INFT 6983 in a later semester to complete the entire six (6) hour thesis research.
INFT 6983  Thesis Research in Information Technology II  
Prerequisite: INFT 6973.

A continuation of the six-hour thesis research. Students may not enroll in this course with INFT 6991-3 in the same semester. In this course the degree candidate must submit his/her thesis to the thesis committee by the date established by the thesis committee. A final oral defense conducted by the thesis committee must be passed at least three weeks before the degree is conferred.

INFT 6991  Internship  
Prerequisite: Approval of a project proposal by the MSIT Graduate Committee or the Instructor.

A supervised, practical experience providing graduate information technology majors with hands-on professional experience in a position relating to an area of career interests. The student will work with an advisor to have a site approved by the graduate program director prior to course enrollment. During the internship, the student will submit regular reports regarding their internship experience, as well as an internship summary report at the end of the term.

Note: This course can be repeated up to six (6) total credit hours in different semesters.
INFT 6992  Internship  
Prerequisite: Approval of a project proposal by the MSIT Graduate Committee or the Instructor.

A supervised, practical experience providing graduate information technology majors with hands-on professional experience in a position relating to an area of career interests. The student will work with an advisor to have a site approved by the graduate program director prior to course enrollment. During the internship, the student will submit regular reports regarding their internship experience, as well as an internship summary report at the end of the term.

Note: This course can be repeated up to six (6) total credit hours in different semesters.
INFT 6993  Internship  
Prerequisite: Approval of a project proposal by the MSIT Graduate Committee or the Instructor.

A supervised, practical experience providing graduate information technology majors with hands-on professional experience in a position relating to an area of career interests. The student will work with an advisor to have a site approved by the graduate program director prior to course enrollment. During the internship, the student will submit regular reports regarding their internship experience, as well as an internship summary report at the end of the term.

Note: This course can be repeated up to six (6) total credit hours in different semesters.