Academic Catalog

Japanese (JPN)

JPN 1013  Beginning Japanese I  

Training in the elements of Japanese communication (speaking and writing) and comprehension (listening and reading) within a variety of cultural contexts. Three hours of applied class work and one hour of foreign language lab per week is required.

Note: Advanced placement and credit by examination are available to students who have previously studied Japanese.
JPN 1023  Beginning Japanese II  
Prerequisite: JPN 1013 or equivalent.

Continued training in basic Japanese communication (speaking and writing) and comprehension (listening and reading) skills to increase proficiency in the language within a variety of cultural contexts. Three hours of applied class work and one hour of foreign language lab per week is required.

Note: Advanced placement and credit by examination are available to students who have previously studied Japanese.
JPN 2013  Intermediate Japanese I  
Prerequisite: JPN 1023 or equivalent.

Development of language skills necessary for communication (speaking and writing) and comprehension (listening and reading) skills to increase proficiency in the language at the intermediate level within a variety of cultural contexts. Three hours of applied class work and one hour of foreign language lab per week is required.

Note: Advanced placement and credit by examination are available to students who have previously studied Japanese.
JPN 2023  Intermediate Japanese II  
Prerequisite: JPN 2013 or equivalent.

Further development of the language skills necessary for communication (speaking and writing) and comprehension (listening and reading) skills to provide mastery of fundamental tools in a variety of cultural contexts. Three hours of applied class work and one hour of foreign language lab per week is required.

Note: Advanced placement and credit by examination are available to students who have previously studied Japanese.
JPN 3003  Conversation and Composition I  
Prerequisite: JPN 2023 or permission of instructor.

Development of advanced control of Japanese communication and comprehension through conversation and composition based on analysis of authentic short texts and media. Three hours of applied course work.

Note: Advanced placement and credit by examination are available to students who have previously studied or are proficient in Japanese.
JPN 3013  Conversation and Composition II  
Prerequisite: JPN 3003 or permission of instructor.

Continuation of JPN 3003. Further development of advanced proficiency of Japanese communication and comprehension through conversation and composition based on analysis of authentic short texts and media. Three hours of applied course work.

Note: Advanced placement and credit by examination are available to students who have previously studied or are proficient in Japanese.
JPN 3113  Culture and Civilization  
Prerequisite: JPN 2023 or equivalent.

Study of the economic, political, and social structure of Japan and an introduction to Japanese history and culture.

JPN 3143  Study Abroad  
Prerequisite: Enrollment in a Tech-sanctioned study program in a Japan and permission of the Study Abroad supervisor and Department Head.

Study of the contemporary language and culture in a Japan. May substitute for JPN 3003 or JPN 3013, depending on the student's proficiency level.

JPN 4991  Special Problems in Japanese  
Prerequisite: completion of JPN 2023 or equivalent, permission of the instructor and Department Head.

This course is designed to provide advanced Japanese students with a course of study in an area not covered by the departmental course offerings.

JPN 4992  Special Problems in Japanese  
Prerequisite: completion of JPN 2023 or equivalent, permission of the instructor and Department Head.

This course is designed to provide advanced Japanese students with a course of study in an area not covered by the departmental course offerings.

JPN 4993  Special Problems in Japanese  
Prerequisite: completion of JPN 2023 or equivalent, permission of the instructor and Department Head.

This course is designed to provide advanced Japanese students with a course of study in an area not covered by the departmental course offerings.

JPN 4994  Special Problems in Japanese  
Prerequisite: completion of JPN 2023 or equivalent, permission of the instructor and Department Head.

This course is designed to provide advanced Japanese students with a course of study in an area not covered by the departmental course offerings.