Academic Catalog

Law Enforcement (LE)

LE 1003  Introduction to Law Enforcement  

This course covers the basics of law enforcement including the responsibilities, opportunities, and advances in the field of law enforcement. The instructor selects pertinent and current topics as the focus of the course.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 1023  Judicial Process  

A comprehensive study of judicial process, criminal procedure, and behavior in criminal and civil law as well as the structure and operations of the local, state, and national court systems.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 1033  Public Relations in Law Enforcement  

A study of proper law enforcement conduct in the public forum including public opinion, mass media, and solving public relations problems.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 1063  Juvenile Delinquency  

This course is designed to introduce the student to the problem of juvenile delinquency and the impact it has on the criminal justice system. Students will explore the different views of delinquency from an individual, sociological, and developmental aspect as well as other factors such as gender, family, peers, drugs, and gangs. This course will also focus on the criminal justice system response to delinquency by exploring the roles of prevention and how the police, courts, and corrections address the problem of delinquency in the United States.

Ozark General CTE Fee: $51.
LE 1113  Ethics in Law Enforcement  

Students will be introduced to controversies and moral issues that are likely to be encountered while practicing in the field of law enforcement. This class will examine issues such as arrest, deadly force, plea bargaining, policy adherence and the equal treatment of the public. This course will help students examine their values and develop skills to make appropriate moral decisions.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 1123  Community Disaster Response  

This class examines the important role of community members during times of disaster. Students will be introduced to established best practices in basic response techniques. Topics covered in this class include basic fire safety, basic medical operations, search and rescue, and disaster psychology.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 2003  Interview, Interrogation, and Testimony  

Designed to develop interviewing and interrogation techniques, critical thinking, and persuasive speaking ability. Includes lecture, discussion, research, and study of courtroom testimony, classroom debates, and presentations.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 2013  Introduction to Computer Crime  
Prerequisite: BUS 1303 Intro to Computers.

This course examines the use of computers in the commission of crimes and civil wrongs and basic computer forensic investigation techniques. The course emphasizes techniques for identifying financial fraud, identity theft, locating and picking victims and offenders with a survey of associated laws, regulations, and international standards.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 2103  Crime Scene Investigation  

This course provides students with methods and procedures employed in a crime scene investigation from discovery of evidence to its presentation in courts of law. Topics include how to secure a crime scene, how to recognize various types of forensic evidence, how to collect and preserve evidence, maintain chain of custody and avoid contamination of physical evidence and biological specimens.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 2113  Introduction to Terrorism  

This course will provide a basic overview of terrorism where students will discuss aspects such as background, tactics, ideologies, and the role of law enforcement during an attack. The course will include the examination of various religious movements and extremist groups, both past and present. Also, students will become exposed to counter-terrorism measures, including preparedness, response and defensive operations.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.
LE 2123  Jail Standards  

This course is designed to prepare the student to work in the detention facility or corrections setting in the State of Arkansas. Students in this course will be provided knowledge and skills required by Arkansas Criminal Detention Standards. Topics include Arkansas Jail Standards, law, ethics, testifying in court, report writing, search procedures, defensive tactics (will include being sprayed with pepper spray), fire safety, CPR, handcuffing, fingerprinting, and interacting with inmates. Students who pass a criminal background check (no felony convictions), complete 90% of all classes and laboratories, and earn a grade of 70% or better will also have the opportunity to be certified as a "Jailer" by the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training (CLEST). Students will be responsible for cost of criminal background check. Lecture: 2 hours; Laboratory: 2 hours. Ozark CTE General Technology fee: $51.

LE 2133  Dispatcher Telecommunications  

This course is designed to prepare the student to work in a public safety dispatch office or telecommunications setting in the State of Arkansas. Introduces the concept of telecommunications 911 dispatching, including roles, responsibilities and basic job duties. Topics addressed in these dispatcher courses include effective listening, overcoming communication barriers, handling difficult callers and resolving conflicts while being productive and professional. Additionally, dispatchers learn general communication skills for professional interaction with colleagues and the community. Students who successfully complete 90% of all classes and laboratories, earn a grade of 70% or better, and pass a criminal background check (no felony convictions), will also have the opportunity to be certified as a "Police Dispatcher" by the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training (CLEST). Students will be responsible for cost of criminal background check. Lecture/Laboratory.

Ozark General CTE Fee: $51.
LE 2143  Introduction to Emergency Management  

A comprehensive study of the field of emergency management and the role that law enforcement agencies play during disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery. The course will introduce the student to the Incident Command System, National Incident Management System, and other aspects of emergency management that are key to successful response activities.

Ozark General Tech Fee: $51.
LE 2993  Special Topics for Law Enforcement  

This course is designed to introduce students to specific areas in Law Enforcement. Course content and credit are designed to meet the needs of the student. The topic will vary from offering to offering; thus, the course may be taken more than once for a total of 6 hours. This course requires 15 clock hours per one semester credit hour.

Ozark CTE General Technology Fee: $51.