Academic Catalog

Practical Nursing (LPN)

LPN 1101  Vocational, Legal, and Ethical Concepts  

Teaches vocational responsibilities of the Practical Nurse to the patient, family community, and coworkers. Nursing organizations, local, state and national health resources, and concepts of delegation appropriate to the level of practice are also covered.

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $31.
LPN 1102  Pharmacology I  

Pharmacology I is an introduction to the history of drugs, use of drug references, principles of drug actions and interaction, principles of drug administration, and their legal implications for the nurse. This course is designated as "Green".

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $62.
LPN 1111  Nursing of the Geriatric Patient  

This course covers the normal aging processes, characteristics of aging, special problems associated with aging and caring for the aging adult.

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $31.
LPN 1121  Nutrition in Health and Illness  

The importance of nutrition and its relation to proper growth and functioning and the maintenance of health are covered.

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $31.
LPN 1123  Basic Nursing Principles and Skills I  

This course covers the fundamental principles, skills, and attitudes needed to give nursing care and prevent the spread of disease. Procedures used in the care of the sick and the ability to adapt them to various situations are discussed. Students will learn to document their observations and interventions. This course is designated as "Green".

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $93.
LPN 1133  Clinical I  

Clinical skills will be practiced, observed, and evaluated by the instructors in the lab and clinical settings. This course is designated as "Green".

Ozark Malpractice Insurance Fee: $16; Ozark CF Practical Nursing Fee: $402; Ozark Allied Health Fee: $93.
LPN 1171  Nursing of Adults with Medical and Surgical Conditions I  

Study of common conditions of illness and the nursing care of adult patients in acute, sub-acute, or convalescent stages of illness. The basis for this course is Body Structure and Function and includes aspects and principles of Nutrition; Basic Nursing; Pharmacology; Vocational, Legal, and Ethical concepts with attention to cultural diversity.

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $31.
LPN 1202  Nursing of Adults with Medical and Surgical Conditions II  
Prerequisite: LPN 1171.

Continuation of Nursing of Adults with Medical-Surgical Conditions I. The study of common conditions of illness and the nursing care of adult patients in acute, sub-acute, or convalescent stages of illness. The basis for this course is Body Structure and Function and includes aspects and principles of Nutrition, Basic Nursing, Pharmacology, Vocational, Legal, and Ethical concepts with attention to cultural diversity. Nutrition, pharmacology and basic nursing principles are integrated throughout this course. Ozark Allied Health Fee: $62.

LPN 1205  Clinical II  
Prerequisite: LPN 1133 This course focuses on the skills needed by the nurse to provide care in a safe and comforting manner.

This course is designated as "Green".

Clinical: 5 hours; Ozark CF Practical Nursing Fee: $402; Ozark Allied Health Fee: $155.
LPN 1212  Basic Nursing Principles and Skills II  
Prerequisite: LPN 1123.

This course covers the advanced skills and procedures concerned with administrating safe patient care. Skills related to the maternal-child and pediatric patients are included. This course is designated as "Green".

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $62.
LPN 1222  Pharmacology II  
Prerequisite: LPN 1102.

A continuation of LPN 1102. The preparation of drugs by enteral, parenteral, and percutaneous administration is continued. Intravenous medications, delivery systems, and techniques for administration are included in this course. This course is designated as "Green".

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $62.
LPN 1232  Nursing of Mothers and Infants  

Nutrition for the mother and the developing fetus and the basic nursing skills to care for the mother during antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods are studied.

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $62.
LPN 1302  Nursing of Children  

Principles of growth and development, nursing of the infant through adolescence and the behavior of well and sick children are studied in this course. Differences in the functioning of the child's body systems are contrasted with that of the adult patient as well as differences in the child's response to illness.

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $62.
LPN 1308  Clinical III  
Prerequisite: LPN 1205.

Includes clinical areas in the mental health, pediatric, and specialty areas of the clinical facilities. The opportunity to practice advanced basic nursing and pediatric procedures will be offered during these rotations.

Clinical: 8 hours; Ozark Malpractice Insurance Fee: $16, Ozark CF Nursing Fee: $402, Ozark Allied Health Fee: $248.
LPN 1322  Mental Health  

This course presents topics such as personality development patterns, developmental task throughout the life-cycle, mental disease, and emotional problems as well as chemical dependency. Geriatric, maternal, and pediatric problems are included. Therapeutic communication techniques are stressed.

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $62.
LPN 1332  Nursing of Adults with Medical and Surgical Conditions III  
Prerequisite: LPN 1202.

A continuation of Medical-Surgical Nursing. This course is the study of the body system disorders, their diagnostic methods, treatment or surgical procedures, therapeutic nutrition, and pharmacological modalities.

Ozark Allied Health Fee: $62.