Academic Catalog

Marketing (MKT)

MKT 3043  Principles of Marketing  
Prerequisite: ECON 2013.

Marketing fundamentals, understanding the ultimate consumer, the retailing/wholesaling systems, marketing functions, marketing policies and marketing costs, critical appraisal of marketing, and marketing and the government.

MKT 3063  Social Media Marketing  

This course examines the force of social media marketing and its place in the marketing process. The advantages and use of particular platforms will be explored, and the use of social media analytics to craft strategy will be examined.

MKT 3083  Retailing and the Virtual Marketplace  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043.

This course examines the strategies needed to have success in retailing, both traditional and virtual. Retail location, layout, merchandising, and product selection, as well as security, product and placement selection, and the use of websites and social media in the virtual environment will be examined.

MKT 3103  Selling and Sales Management  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043.

This course examines the theories and practices of effective selling, including customer needs analysis, competitor analysis, product knowledge and sales interaction and presentation skills. The fundamentals of hiring, training, retailing, and managing a professional sales staff will be explored.

MKT 3153  Marketing Research and Analysis  
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: (PSY 2053 or STAT 2163) and MKT 3043.

A study of the use of data needed to make marketing decisions, including design, collection and analysis of both primary and secondary data.

MKT 3163  Consumer Behavior  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043.

A study of the development of consumer decision making processes and the factors which influence them. Psychological, sociological, economic, cultural, and situational factors are examined. Their impact on marketing formulation, both domestic and international, is emphasized.

MKT 4013  Digital Metrics  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043 and MKT 3153.

This course contains advanced methods of collecting and using data, including search engine optimization using analytics, the design and uses of databases in marketing, advanced marketing research techniques, and interpreting all forms of data analytics to form marketing strategy.

MKT 4033  Internship in Marketing I  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043, permission of the instructor, Department Chair, and Dean and a minimum 2.5 GPA on 60 or more earned hours and on at least 15 earned hours from ATU.

A supervised, practical experience providing undergraduate MGMK majors with a hands-on professional management/ marketing experience in a position relating to an area of career interest. The student will work in a local cooperating business establishment under the supervision of a member of management of that firm. A School of Business faculty member will observe and consult with the students and the management of the cooperating firm periodically during the period of the internship. Students will be required to make oral reports in the classroom, maintain an internship log, and prepare a final term paper. Additional hours may be used to satisfy the curriculum requirements for general electives.

Note: Only three hours of internship may be used to satisfy the curriculum requirements for management or marketing electives.
MKT 4053  Sport and Event Marketing  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043.

To apply marketing concepts to sporting, cultural, historical, and charitable activities and events. To examine the performance, production, and promotional segments of the sport and event markets.

MKT 4063  Integrated Marketing Communication in a Digital Age  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043.

The study of every element of promotion within the marketing mix, including the importance of a unified message, as well as understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of all available media.

MKT 4093  International Marketing  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043.

Analysis of opportunities, distinctive characteristics and emerging trends in foreign markets, including exploration of alternative methods and strategies for entering foreign markets; organizational planning and control; impact of social, cultural, economic and political differences; and problems of adapting American marketing concepts and methods.

MKT 4103  Special Topics in Marketing  
Prerequisite: MKT 3043.

In-depth exploration of selected marketing topics. The primary topic will vary from offering to offering, thus, the course may be taken more than once.

MKT 4143  Marketing Strategy  
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: MKT 3043, MGMT 3003, and at least 90 earned hours.

Advanced study of decisions facing a marketing executive. Topics covered include product planning, consumer behavior, promotion, sales management, and pricing. It provides practical experience in developing a small business marketing plan.

MKT 6093  Special Topics in Marketing  

Course offers an in-depth exploration of selected marketing issues affecting business. The primary focus of the course will vary from offering to offering; thus the course may be taken more than once. There is a required research project.

Note: Students are limited to a maximum of six (6) hours of special topics credit.
MKT 6103  Digital Marketing Strategy  

This course will cover the history and best practices associated with digital marketing. Additionally, it will address the types of organizations and setting that (can) benefit from digital commerce technologies and strategies in a cost-effective way. Finally, the course addresses how digital marketing and other advertising strategies must be part of a comprehensive marketing campaign. $35 per SSCH course fee.

MKT 6113  Strategic Social Media Marketing  

This course examines the force of social media marketing and its place in the marketing process. The advantages and use of particular platforms will be explored, and the use of social media analytics to craft strategy will be examined. $35 per SSCH course fee.

MKT 6153  Consumer Insights  

Business opportunities and decisions depend on an understanding of customers' values, needs, aspirations and behaviors. Even more important for a specific company is gaining unique insights into their customers so that they can develop products, services and brands that are differentiated from competition. $35 per SSCH course fee.

MKT 6323  Applied Predictive Analytics  
Cross-listed: BDA 6323.
Prerequisite: PSY 2053 or SOC 2053 or STAT 2163.

This course will explore multivariate techniques to analyzing data (e.g. multivariate regression, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, market-basket analysis, forecasting and other analytic techniques). The focus of the course will be providing input for organizational strategic decision-making. As an applied analytics course, emphasis will be on application of predictive analytic techniques explored through conceptual, computational, procedural and computer applications. $35 per SSCH course fee.