Nursing (NUR)
NUR 1001 Orientation to Nursing
A one hour elective course for students interested in pursuing nursing as a professional career. The student is introduced to the history of nursing, issues and trends, basic nursing education, advanced education for nurses, and nursing career opportunities. Students interested in nursing or a career in science are encouraged to take this course during the fall semester of their freshman year.
NUR 2023 Introduction to Professional Nursing
Prerequisite: Admission to upper division nursing.
A non-clinical three-hour course which introduces the student to selected basic concepts in professional nursing. The course focuses on nursing as a caring profession and encompasses nurse roles and functions, ethics, standards, legal aspects, holism, wellness, health care delivery, mathematical concepts, communication, teaching/learning, clinical judgment and reasoning. The Conceptual Framework and Philosophy of the ATU Department of Nursing will be explored.
NUR 2303 Nutrition
Principles of normal nutrition at all stages of the life cycle are emphasized. Growth and development needs are incorporated into the maintenance, restoration of nutritional health, and in the prevention of nutritional deficit. Exploration is conducted of the social, religious, and cultural factors which affect nutritional health.
NUR 3103 Nursing Skills I
Prerequisite: Admission into upper division nursing courses.
This course provides the student with theory and guided practice of basic psychomotor nursing skills using interactive media and simulated laboratory settings. Emphasis is placed on the quality and safety of nursing care.
Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours equal to one credit hour.
NUR 3204 Concepts in Nursing I
Co-requisite: NUR 3404.
This course is an introduction to the cognitive framework of the curriculum which emphasizes holistic man, environment, and nursing as an interacting system. The course focuses on bio psycho social and spiritual behaviors as indicators of health throughout the life cycle. The nursing process and the scientific method of problem solving are presented as systematic approaches to nursing care. Further emphasis is placed on assessment of health needs and health practices of individuals in structured episodic health care settings. Beginning concepts of professionalism and care of clients with self-limiting alterations to health are integral parts of this course.
Lecture four hours.
NUR 3213 Care of the Older Adult
This course will provide an enhanced foundation for the professional care of older adults and their families. This course introduces trends, theories and multidimensional changes of aging along with addressing issues related to wellness, communication, health promotion, and disease prevention in older adults.
NUR 3303 Health Assessment
Prerequisite: Departmental permission or admission to upper division.
The student uses clinical judgment to assess the client using specific assessment techniques and enables differentiation between normal and abnormal assessment findings throughout the life cycle. The student understands the importance of communication with patients and healthcare professionals.
Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hour.
NUR 3402 Pharmacology I
Co-requisite: NUR 3404.
This introductory course focuses on the use, effects, mode of action, and study of the body's reaction to drugs. Emphasis is placed on nursing considerations related to safe medication administration.
Note: If a student withdraws from this course, student must also withdraw from NUR 3404.
NUR 3404 Clinical Nursing I
Clinical provides opportunities for the integration and application of nursing concepts, skills, reasoning and judgment in adult medical-surgical health.
12 Clinical hours equal to 4 credit hours.
NUR 3513 Nursing Skills II
Prerequisite: NUR 3103.
This course provides the student with theory and guided practice of intermediate psychomotor nursing skills using interactive media and simulated laboratory settings. Emphasis is placed on the quality and safety of nursing care.
Lecture 2 hour, laboratory 3 hours equal to one credit hour.
NUR 3606 Concepts in Nursing II
Co-requisite: NUR 3805.
This course explores concepts of person-centered and family nursing care of obstetric, pediatric, and surgical populations. A clinical judgment model is utilized to guide students in developing clinical reasoning and subsequent clinical judgment.
Lecture six hours.
NUR 3792 Concepts Competency I
Prerequisite: Departmental permission.
A competency course for the junior level student who has failed a clinical course but passed the co-requisite concepts course; or had a break in enrollment from the nursing curriculum. NUR 3792 should be taken concurrently with the accompanying clinical course the student is repeating. Students who have been absent from the nursing curriculum must prove competence at the level of the last concepts course completed before reentry into the nursing curriculum (ATU DON Progression Policy).
NUR 3802 Pharmacology II
This secondary course focuses on the use, effects, mode of action, and study of the body's reaction to drugs. Emphasis is placed on nursing considerations related to safe medication administration.
NUR 3803 Applied Pathophysiology
Cross-listed: BIOL 3803.
This course focuses on the mechanisms and concepts of selected pathological disturbances in the human body. Emphasis is placed on how the specific pathological condition affects the functioning of the system involved, as well as its impact on all other body systems.
NUR 3805 Clinical Nursing II
Co-requisite: NUR 3606.
Clinical Nursing II provides opportunities for the integration and application of nursing concepts, skills, reasoning and judgment in obstetric, pediatric and surgical populations.
15 clinical hours equal to 5 credit hours.
NUR 3892 Clinical Competency I
A competency course for the junior level student who has failed a Concepts course but passed the co-requisite Clinical course; or had a break in enrollment from the nursing curriculum. NUR 3892 should be taken concurrently with the accompanying Concepts course the student is repeating. Students who have been absent from the nursing curriculum must prove competence at the level of the last clinical/lab course completed before reentry into the nursing curriculum (ATU DON Progression Policy).
NUR 4206 Concepts in Nursing III
Co-requisite: NUR 4405.
This course explores concepts of advanced medical-surgical, intensive care, and psychiatric health. A clinical judgment model is utilized to guide students in developing clinical reasoning and subsequent clinical judgment.
NUR 4303 Nursing Research
Prerequisite: Admission to upper division nursing, senior standing or consent of instructor.
This introductory research course focuses on the validity and applicability of research findings for the improvement of nursing practice. Emphasis is on scientific inquiry and the role of the nurse as an intelligent consumer of research.
NUR 4405 Clinical Nursing III
Co-requisite: NUR 4206.
Clinical provides opportunities for the integration and application of nursing concepts, skills, reasoning and judgment in advanced adult medical-surgical, intensive care, and psychiatric health.
15 clinical hours equal to 5 credit hours.
NUR 4502 Principles of ACLS
Prerequisite: Departmental permission or consent of the instructor.
This course is designed to offer the student the knowledge and skills necessary to provide appropriate early treatment for cardiopulmonary arrest in the adult patient. Students will examine ethical considerations in resuscitation as it applies to clinical practice. Simulated laboratory experiences will be provided utilizing current ACLS protocols as guidelines for emergency care.
NUR 4606 Concepts in Nursing IV
This course explores concepts of community/population health, professional role and leadership, interprofessional partnership, management theories, techniques, and systems-based practice. A clinical judgment model is utilized to guide students in developing clinical reasoning and subsequent clinical judgment.
Lecture six hours.
NUR 4792 Concepts Competency II
Prerequisite: Departmental permission.
A competency course for the senior level student who has failed a Clinical course but passed the co-requisite Concepts course; or had a break in enrollment from the nursing curriculum. NUR 3792 should be taken concurrently with the accompanying clinical course the student is repeating. Students who have been absent from the nursing curriculum must prove competence at the level of the last concepts course completed before reentry into the nursing curriculum (ATU DON Progression Policy).
NUR 4804 Clinical Nursing IV
Clinical provides opportunities for the integration and application of nursing concepts, skills, reasoning and judgment in community/population health and systems-based practice environments.
12 clinical hours.
NUR 4892 Clinical Competency II
A competency course for the senior level student who has failed a concepts course but passed the co-requisite clinical course; or had a break in enrollment from the nursing curriculum. NUR 3892 should be taken concurrently with the accompanying concepts course the student is repeating. Students who have been absent from the nursing curriculum must prove competence at the level of the last clinical/lab course completed before reentry into the nursing curriculum (ATU DON Progression Policy).
NUR 4903 Synthesis of Clinical and Theoretical Concepts
A capstone course to demonstrate academic achievement, clinical reasoning, and judgment through preceptorship and NCLEX preparation.
NUR 4951 Undergraduate Research in Nursing
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
NUR 4952 Undergraduate Research in Nursing
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
NUR 4953 Undergraduate Research in Nursing
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
NUR 4954 Undergraduate Research in Nursing
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
NUR 4971 Pharmacology Review
This course is designed as a review of pharmacology for the licensed nurse or nursing major.
NUR 4981 Introduction to Oncology
Prerequisite: Admission to upper division nursing.
This course is an overview of the different aspects of treatment of patients with cancer. It will include a short synopsis on the cellular changes that occur with cancer, the different preventives and diagnostics that are done, the modalities of treatment and management of side effects, as well as the emotional and psychological impact of cancer on the patient and their significant others. This course builds upon and expands core knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
NUR 4990 Independent Study
Prerequisite: Departmental permission or NUR 4303.
Faculty and student collaborate on the selection, development, and evaluation of an individual project or topic in an area of nursing or health.
NUR 4991 Independent Study
Prerequisite: Departmental permission or NUR 4303.
Faculty and student collaborate on the selection, development, and evaluation of an individual project or topic in an area of nursing or health.
15 clock hours per credit hour.
NUR 4992 Independent Study
Prerequisite: Departmental permission or NUR 4303.
Faculty and student collaborate on the selection, development, and evaluation of an individual project or topic in an area of nursing or health.
15 clock hours per credit hour.
NUR 4993 Independent Study
Prerequisite: Departmental permission or NUR 4303.
Faculty and student collaborate on the selection, development, and evaluation of an individual project or topic in an area of nursing or health.
15 clock hours per credit hour.
NUR 4994 Independent Study
Prerequisite: Departmental permission or NUR 4303.
Faculty and student collaborate on the selection, development, and evaluation of an individual project or topic in an area of nursing or health.
15 clock hours per credit hour.
NUR 6103 Theoretical Perspectives
This course is designed to provide the student with the skills necessary to critique, evaluate, and apply theories from nursing and related healthcare disciplines. Philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of the nursing discipline will be explored with in depth discussion of knowledge development and theory analysis. Students will study a selected phenomenon in depth and learn the strategies for concept analysis and development, and application of theory to practice.
$15 course fee.
NUR 6113 Foundations of Nursing Education
This graduate level course introduces the students to fundamental principles of teaching and learning among a diverse population in academia and clinical environments. Students will develop innovative teaching strategies along with traditional and online methods.
NUR 6203 Research Design and Methods
This course focuses on quantitative and qualitative research design with an emphasis on strategies for incorporating current research findings into the provision of healthcare to improve quality of care and care delivery. Students will identify common problems in nursing and healthcare systems, and determine the most appropriate research methodology for finding or creating solutions. Students are expected to critically appraise published research and develop appropriate and creative methods for utilizing current research findings in a variety of healthcare settings.
$15 course fee.
NUR 6213 Epidemiology
This course will prepare the nurse administrator to study the health-related states of client populations and apply epidemiological, social, and environmental data to the health status of individuals, families, groups, and communities. Students will examine environmental and occupational hazards leading to disease and evaluate preventative and therapeutic measures that are available within healthcare delivery systems. Current epidemic and pandemic issues will be discussed in addition to biological, chemical, and radiological threats.
$15 course fee.
NUR 6303 Law, Ethics, and Policy in Healthcare
This course is an overview of current trends in healthcare today and the legal, ethical, and policy issues that may be confronted. Students will examine contemporary social, economic, ethical, and legislative issues influencing healthcare policy. Legal liability of professionals, personal law, legal compliance, professional practice standards, ethical standards, and laws related to information management and patient records will be addressed.
$15 course fee.
NUR 6313 Role of the Healthcare Administrator
This course will prepare the graduate to analyze theories and research relevant to the role of the healthcare administrator as leader and manager. Emphasis will be placed on the internal and external forces influencing the administrator role. Seminars will focus on leadership and management theory, healthcare policy, organization, healthcare delivery systems. The graduate will be able to assume a leadership role in the managing of human, fiscal, and physical healthcare resources in a variety of healthcare settings.
$15 course fee.
NUR 6333 Epidemics and Pandemics
This course introduces students to the history of infectious diseases and their causative agents, emerging and reemerging diseases that lead to epidemics and pandemics, fundamental epidemiological principles, and surveillance and mitigation strategies. Factors such as urbanization, modern transportation systems, environment, and disrupted ecosystems contributing to the emergence of new infectious diseases and the spread of older diseases will be explored. This course will also examine societal responses to disease, public policy considerations, and the emerging threat of bioweapons.
NUR 6403 Non-Thesis Project
Directed research study of a topic selected by the student, incorporating literature review of current research findings and a written project proposal. This course is designed to provide an opportunity for the student to identify a topic of interest and propose a strategy for implementation of a new program of system change.
$15 course fee.
NUR 6503 Organizational Behavior in Healthcare
This course deals both with human resource issues in the healthcare organizations and with the theoretical foundations of organizational development as an applied behavioral science. Attention will be directed to the dynamics of contemporary human relations in healthcare organizations.$15 course fee.
NUR 6513 Fiscal Management in Health Care System
Prerequisite: NUR 6313.
Financial management and systems development in a changing health care environment are the focus of this course. This course begins with a basic review of accounting systems in health care facilities. Key concepts such as cost behavior and analysis, budgeting, and internal controls are all explored. Strategic planning and implementation will also be examined.
$15 course fee.
NUR 6526 Nursing Administration Practicum
Prerequisite: 24 hours of core courses and NUR 6503.
This course is designed to promote student application of theory to practice. Students, with faculty approval, will select the healthcare setting and nurse administrator for the practicum. Students will be required to plan their studies, set specific learning objectives, and provide formal written reports on their findings. The nurse administrator should work closely with his/her preceptor to assess job requirements, analyze budgets and budgetary needs, and develop a plan to provide quality, cost-effective nursing care to patients.
$30 course fee.
NUR 6603 Crisis Intervention in Disasters
This course is designed to prepare the nurse administrator to develop a crisis intervention program and to understand a wide range of crisis intervention strategies including pre and post incident crisis education, crisis intervention for individuals, significant other support services, demobilizations after large scale traumas/disaster, small group defusing, and group intervention. The nurse administrator should have the knowledge necessary to assess, plan, organize, implement, and evaluate a crisis intervention program.
$15 course fee.
NUR 6991 Research Thesis
This course is directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor. The student will be required to present the thesis in a seminar to faculty and other graduate students.
$5 course fee per credit hour.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
NUR 6992 Research Thesis
This course is directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor. The student will be required to present the thesis in a seminar to faculty and other graduate students.
$5 course fee per credit hour.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
NUR 6993 Research Thesis
This course is directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor. The student will be required to present the thesis in a seminar to faculty and other graduate students.
$5 course fee per credit hour.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
NUR 6994 Research Thesis
This course is directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor. The student will be required to present the thesis in a seminar to faculty and other graduate students.
$5 course fee per credit hour.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
NUR 6995 Research Thesis
This course is directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor. The student will be required to present the thesis in a seminar to faculty and other graduate students.
$5 course fee per credit hour.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
NUR 6996 Research Thesis
This course is directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor. The student will be required to present the thesis in a seminar to faculty and other graduate students.
$5 course fee per credit hour.
Note: May be repeated for credit.