Academic Catalog

Organizational Leadership (OL)

OL 3003  Leading Teams  

This is a course on leadership development and team building, where students will gain an understanding in the concepts, theories, and best practices regarding effective leadership.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a web or other video capture technology.
OL 3013  Foundations of Organizational Leadership  

This course presents a broad survey of leadership theory and competencies in the private and nonprofit sector. Topics include the examination of leadership models, nonprofit and community leadership, workplace learning, supervision, organizational development and change, globalization and diversity, and organizational leadership competencies.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a web or other video capture technology.
OL 3023  Professional Communications  
Cross-listed: PS 3023.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course introduces theories and practice of communication appropriate for a variety of professional settings. Course topics include, but are not limited to, communication, teamwork, business writing, technology, public speaking, conducting effective meetings, factors affecting communication, and challenges and opportunities for communication in the workplace. Students will work individually and as members of project groups to effectively carry out course learning objectives.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 3133  Principles of Personnel Management  
Cross-listed: PS 3133.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course supports the needs of professionals whose career fields require competencies in the area of human resources/personnel management. The focus of the course is on the practical application, essential theories, and process of personnel management from the perspective of a generalist. Course content will include the essential aspects of recruitment, selection, training, legal rights and responsibilities, compensation and appraisal.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 3143  Applied Research  
Cross-listed: PS 3143.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement or permission of instructor.

In this course, students will learn the basic skills necessary to identify, define, research, and analyze complex organizational issues. Students will learn applied research fundamentals, including literature searches and analysis, needs assessment, data collection and management, sampling strategies, survey design and questionnaire development, proposal and report writing, and research ethics in organizations. Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.

Note: This course must be taken as a prerequisite for OS/PS 4943 unless waived upon advisor approval.
OL 3233  Volunteer Leadership and Development  

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of volunteer leadership principles, theories, and practices. The course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead and manage volunteers in various organizational contexts effectively. Students will explore volunteer motivation, recruitment and retention strategies, team building, communication techniques, and ethical considerations in volunteer leadership. Students will develop the skills and competencies needed to become successful volunteer leaders through a combination of theoretical frameworks, case studies, and practical applications.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a web or other video capture technology.
OL 4043  Ethical Decision-Making and Development  

The purpose of this course is to explore ethics in leadership through the examination of four broad topics: a) a survey of the branches of ethics, b) individual and group ethical awareness, decision-making, and development, c) the intersection of ethics, leadership, and power, and d) the role of leader in establishing and maintaining ethical organizational cultures through decision-making and organizational learning. Students will work individually and in groups to identify, refine, and apply their own moral and ethical perspectives to complex organizational issues.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4053  Philanthropy and Fundraising  

Students develop a comprehensive knowledge of philanthropy, advancement, and fundraising and their application to nonprofit organizations and nongovernmental entities, regardless of size, structure, or mission. Through the development, analysis, and application of a philanthropic framework, students will create and convey an organizational case for support and a fundraising/advancement plan based upon organizational mission and capacity.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4143  Nonprofit Organizations  
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course examines the theoretical, philosophical, practical and ethical perspectives related to the effective management and leadership of nonprofit organizations in the twenty-first century. Upon completion of the course, the student will possess an understanding of 1) the historical development of the nonprofit sector, 2) the multiple rationales for the existence of the nonprofit sector, 3) the distinctive characteristics of nonprofit organizations, 4) the structures, processes and complexities of organizational governance shared by volunteer board members and professional staff, 5) the dynamic environment of the contemporary nonprofit organization, and 6) the current issues of importance to nonprofit decision makers.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4243  Adult Learning in Organizations  
Cross-listed: PS 4243.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement or permission of instructor.

This course provides an overview of adult learning in the context of the workplace. Students will explore the historical context of learning in the workplace, basic theories of instructional design and adult learning, frameworks and models of program planning in the workplace, learning interventions, and the overall relationship between lifelong learning and work.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4343  Community Development  
Cross-listed: PS 4343.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course covers the basic principles and issues in community development in the United States. Topics include: the definition of community; community assessment; methods of planning and problem solving; community needs; community assets; and community activism; and evaluating community based organizations. Students will work individually and in groups to design a non-profit organization based on a community needs assessment. The focus will be on assessment, planning, leadership, financing, and evaluating a community-based organization.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4443  Professional Leadership  
Cross-listed: PS 4443.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course provides an overview of various leadership styles practiced by professionals in the public and private sector. The focus of the leadership skills identified will focus on the following competency areas: operations management, technology applications, facilities planning and management, human resource management, fiscal management, and organizational behavior.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4543  Workplace Supervision  
Cross-listed: PS 4543.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course provides an overview of various leadership and supervisory skills practiced by professionals in the public and private sector. The leadership skills identified will focus on the following competency areas: communication, employee coaching, project management, business analysis, continuous improvement, and resource management and how they pertain to supervisors within the workplace.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4643  Organizational Globalization and Diversity  
Cross-listed: PS 4643.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course will discuss cultural (racial, gender, ethnic, religious) and global diversity in the workplace and classroom. Topics include cultural self-awareness, the impact of demographic changes and projections, issues in cross/intercultural settings, and theoretical perspectives of multicultural education. Applied strategies from personal, leadership, and management prospective will be explored.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4743  Organizational Change  
Cross-listed: PS 4743.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of general education English requirement.

This course is designed to provide students with both the conceptual framework and the practical skills needed to design, implement and evaluate effective organizational change. Uncertainty, complexity and rapidly changing organizational environments create the necessity for organizations to adapt in order to survive in the 21st century. Students will work individually or in groups to engage in various activities intended to illustrate or practice the skills involved in planning and implementing organizational change.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4843  Training and Organizational Development  
Cross-listed: PS 4843.

This course is designed to introduce students to training and development in organizations. Students will learn about practical approaches and models to employee training, coaching, mentoring, and performance improvement in a workplace setting. Topics include strategic training, training design, training methods, evaluation, diversity training, and ethics.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4943  Applied Leadership Project  
Cross-listed: PS 4943.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of general education English requirement, OL/PS 3143, and permission of the program advisor.

This course will provide an opportunity for the student to facilitate a process for identifying a specific problem in an actual industry or business environment relevant to the student's specialty area. The student will outline a formal plan of action for identifying the problem through the development of a needs assessment which identifies deficiencies or areas of improvement needed within the business. At the conclusion, the student will develop a strategic recommended plan of action based on the findings from the empirical research. The student will demonstrate presentation ability, appropriate leadership styles, critical thinking, and communications skills in a formal presentation of the strategic plan to the group responsible for implementing the strategies. Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.

Note: Student must earn a grade of C or higher to enroll in OL/PS 4963.
OL 4963  Organizational Leadership Capstone  
Cross-listed: PS 4963.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of general education English requirement, permission of the department.

In this course, students develop an ePortfolio highlighting various competencies learned throughout the degree program. The course prepares students with the skills, knowledge, and ability to communicate a critical understanding of their work through the articulation of goals, critique, and self-assessment. The course introduces students to the portfolio development process and improves their ability to think critically and communicate more effectively while developing personal goals and mission statements, understanding personal leadership styles, researching career options related to their concentration or focused area of study, working collaboratively with other students, and engaging in critical inquiry of the role education and professional development plays in one's life. Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.

Note: Student must earn a grade of C or higher.
OL 4991  Special Problems in Organizational Leadership  
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course is designed to address current issues and topics relevant to professional disciplines in the workforce. Content will be determined by contemporary trends and timely issues.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4992  Special Problems in Organizational Leadership  
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course is designed to address current issues and topics relevant to professional disciplines in the workforce. Content will be determined by contemporary trends and timely issues.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4993  Special Problems in Organizational Leadership  
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course is designed to address current issues and topics relevant to professional disciplines in the workforce. Content will be determined by contemporary trends and timely issues.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 4994  Special Problems in Organizational Leadership  
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the general education English requirement.

This course is designed to address current issues and topics relevant to professional disciplines in the workforce. Content will be determined by contemporary trends and timely issues.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 5043  Ethical Decision-Making and Development  

The purpose of this course is to explore ethics in leadership through the examination of four broad topics: a) a survey of the branches of ethics, b) individual and group ethical awareness, decision-making, and development, c) the intersection of ethics, leadership, and power, and d) the role of leader in establishing and maintaining ethical organizational cultures through decision-making and organizational learning. Students will work individually and in groups to identify, refine, and apply their own moral and ethical perspectives to complex organizational issues. Participation in course requires access to a computer, the internet, and webcam or other view capture technology.

Note: May not be repeated for credit as OL 4043 or equivalent.
OL 5143  Nonprofit Organizations  

This course examines the theoretical, philosophical, practical and ethical perspectives related to the effective management and leadership of nonprofit organizations in the twenty-first century. Upon completion of the course, the student will possess and understanding of 1) the historical development of the nonprofit sector, 2) the multiple rationales for the existence of the nonprofit sector, 3) the distinctive characteristics of nonprofit organizations, 4) the professional staff, 5) the dynamic environment of the contemporary nonprofit organization, and 6) the current issues of importance to nonprofit decision makers.

Note: May not be repeated for credit as OL 4143 or equivalent.
OL 5343  Community Development  

This course covers the basic principles and issues in community development in the United States. Topics include: community development; community assessment; methods of planning, implementing, and evaluating community based organizations. Students will work individually or in groups to design a non-profit organization based on a community needs assessment. The focus will be on assessment, planning, leadership, financing, and evaluating a community based organization. Participation in course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of OL 4343 or equivalent.
OL 5353  Project Management  

This course is designed to prepare students to manage projects across multiple business functions, including marketing, human resources, logistics, and information technology projects. In addition, the course prepares the student to pursue the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) credential offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The CAPM is designed for those with less project experience and tests a candidate's fundamental knowledge, terminology, and effective project management processes. Future leaders apply project management approaches and strategies to MS Project case study scenarios.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of BAS 4353 or equivalent.
OL 5363  Project Risk Analysis and Mitigation  
Prerequisite: BAS 4353/OL 5353 or instructor consent.

This course explores the essential process of risk management mitigation in defined projects. Students assess the failures of risk management to deliver expected risk mitigation results, apply a risk management process focusing on achieving efficacy, and implement risk management to various types of projects in organizations (nonprofit, government, and for-profit) and individual endeavors. The Active Threat and Opportunity Management (ATOM) process is designed to meet the need for a simple, scalable risk management process applicable to all projects. Graduate students engage in contemporary scholarship review and submit a semester-length case study analysis and mitigation project.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of BAS 4363 or equivalent.
OL 5373  Leading Agile Projects  
Prerequisite: BAS 4353 or OL 5353 or instructor consent.

Project management is multi-faceted. In this course, students enhance their knowledge and application of project management by mastering the fundamentals of agile project management. Mastery includes the mechanics of how one employs agile project based on Scrum, the impact of agile on the project management profession, and how agile project management broadens and expands project management skills to deploy and integrated approach.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of BAS 4373 or equivalent.
OL 5643  Organizational Globalization and Diversity  

This course will explore and examine the dynamics of diversity and inclusion practices in an organizational environment. Students will become familiar the theoretical and practical implications of diversity and inclusion and how to include it in their leadership skills. Participation in course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other view capture technology.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of OL 4643 or equivalent.
OL 6003  Foundations of Adult Learning and Organizational Development  
Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

This course presents a broad survey of adult learning and organizational development theory and competencies in the private nonprofit sector. Topics include the examination of adult learning theory in organizations, with emphasis placed on leadership models, nonprofit and community leadership, workplace learning, organizational development and change, globalization and diversity, and organizational leadership competencies.

Note: Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.
OL 6043  Leadership in Organizational Change  

This course is designed to provide students with both conceptual framework and the practical skills needed to lead effective organizational change. Over time everything changes, even organizations. Good leaders do not wait for change; they encourage and facilitate it. In this course, students will concentrate on becoming effective change agents. Students will explore how to assess organizations for change, become familiar with behavioral theories for individual and organizational change, and implement the process for organizational change. Participation in the course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.

OL 6053  Advanced Research Methods in ODL  

Advanced Research Methods in ODL covers advanced skills in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research. Students will become familiar with research design, methodology, data collection, data management, data analysis, and reporting results. Participation in course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.

OL 6063  Evaluation and Assessment in Organization Development and Learning  

This course presents students with evidence-based frameworks used in leadership practices to make sound decisions. Topics including defining objectives, collecting relevant, reliable information, generating feasible options, making the decision, implementation, and evaluating results, as well as forward-based decision making and intuition. Participation in course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.

OL 6093  Organizational Development and Learning Capstone  
Prerequisite: Successful completion of 24 credit hours of graduate level ODL coursework or permission of program chair.

Students will demonstrate mastery in leadership, adult learning, and organizational development theory and practice through completion of either a master's thesis or comprehensive exams. Students will select a thesis or comprehensive exam track. Students selecting to complete a master's thesis will develop a research project. Comprehensive exam students will submit extensive, data-supported responses to four questions regarding theory and practice in organizational leadership, adult learning, and organizational development. All students will complete an electronic portfolio highlighting academic and professional competencies. Participation in course requires access to a computer, the internet, and a webcam or other video capture technology.

OL 6143  Consultation, Coaching, and Leadership Development  

This course is designed to introduce students to training and development in organizations, with a focus on consultancy, coaching, and strategies for leadership development at the individual and organizational level. Students will learn about practical approaches and models to employee training, coaching, mentoring, and performance improvement in a workplace setting. Topics include strategic training, training design, training methods, evaluation, diversity training, and ethics. Participation in course requires access to a webcam or other video capture technology.

OL 6883  Special Problems in Organizational Development and Learning  
Prerequisite: Permission of program chair.

Special problems in Organizational Development and Learning is designed to address current issues and topics relevant to Organizational Development and Learning. Content is determined by contemporary trends and timely issues.

Note: Since the topic for the course will vary each time offered, a student can repeat this course, earning a maximum of six (6) graduate credit hours.
OL 6891  Independent Study in Organizational Development and Learning  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge, which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of the findings. Note: May be repeated for credit up to six (6) hours.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
OL 6892  Independent Study in Organizational Development and Learning  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge, which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of the findings. Note: May be repeated for credit up to six (6) hours.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
OL 6893  Independent Study in Organizational Development and Learning  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge, which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of the findings. Note: May be repeated for credit up to six (6) hours.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
OL 6894  Independent Study in Organizational Development and Learning  

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge, which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of the findings. Note: May be repeated for credit up to six (6) hours.

Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.