Psychology (PSY)
PSY 2003 General Psychology
ACTS Common Course - PSYC 1103.
An introduction to basic concepts in the study of behavior and to elementary principles of genetics, individual differences, motivation, emotion, personality, sensation, and perception.
Note: A grade of "C" or higher is required for Psychology majors.
PSY 2023 Consumer Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
An introduction to the application of psychological principles to the study of the acts of individuals involved in obtaining and using economic goods and services, including the decision making processes that precede and determine these acts. Emphasis is placed on the role of perception, learning, personality, and attitude change.
PSY 2033 Psychology of Adjustment
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
A course to provide a broad introduction to psychology as applied to human behavior. Focus is on the theoretical and experimental issues underlying the development and function of mental and emotional states. Emphasis is on normal functioning.
PSY 2053 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Cross-listed: SOC 2053.
An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistical methods pertinent to behavioral sciences research, including correlation, sampling distributions, t-tests, chi square and analysis of variance. Emphasis is upon the logical and applied aspects.
Note: A grade of "C" or higher is required for Psychology majors.
PSY 2063 Research Design for the Behavioral Sciences
Cross-listed: SOC 2063.
This course is designed to introduce you to the foundations of behavioral science, the logic of research design and the many possible modes of operation. This class focuses on teaching students in the behavioral sciences the basic principles that guide the research process, the elements of research design, how to read and critique research articles, and how to write a literature review for a research project.
Note: A grade of "C" or higher is required for Psychology majors.
PSY 2093 Human Sexuality
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
A survey of the psychological themes associated with human sexuality. Topics include, but are not limited to: love and intimacy, sexual behaviors, sexual problems, gender, and sexual orientation.
PSY 2133 Cross-Cultural Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
This course is designed to link basic principles in cross-cultural developmental psychology and practical everyday events and questions as above ones together to help students cultivate a global and multicultural perspective on human behavior and gain an understanding of, and appreciation for, human development as it takes place in diverse cultural settings throughout the world. Experiential learning will be an important component of this course. Each student will have a chance to observe the behavior of a child/adolescent of different ethnic background from his or her own and develop their own cross-cultural viewpoint on human development.
PSY 3003 Abnormal Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
This course focuses on the theories and representative research about the presentation, etiology, and treatment of mental disorders.
PSY 3013 Psychosocial Aspects of Death and Dying
Cross-listed: SOC 3013.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.
This course studies the psychosocial and sociological aspects of death. The course will provide a basic insight into the dynamics surrounding death from the individual and societal level, its impact on survivors, and the effect death has on the living.
PSY 3033 Criminal Psychology
Cross-listed: CJ 3033.
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
The course familiarizes students with various models, theories, and research regarding criminality from a psychological perspective. Genetic, constitutional, and biological factors will be emphasized, and some practical applications to dealing with criminals will be considered.
PSY 3053 Behavioral Neuroscience
An introduction to the physiological correlates of behavior, with emphasis upon the nervous system.
PSY 3063 Developmental Psychology: Childhood
A study of how the maturation process affects an individual's physical and psychological state from conception through adolescence. Representative topics include (but not limited to) genetic influences, child cognitive processes, moral reasoning, and testing.
PSY 3073 Psychology of Learning
An introduction to the basic processes in learning and conditioning, including human and animal experimental findings. Emphasis will be placed on conditioning paradigms, reinforcement principles, memory functions and their use in behavior change.
PSY 3083 Psychology of Women
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
The purpose of this course is to examine the lives of girls and women, including topics such as gender stereotypes, the development of gender roles, gender comparisons, women and work, love relationships, women's physical and mental health, violence against women, and women in later adulthood. Students who take this course should acquire an understanding of what it means to be female in North America.
PSY 3093 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
A survey of psychological applications in industrial settings with emphasis upon selection, placement, and training techniques; organizational theory; and decision making processes.
PSY 3103 Health Psychology
This course introduces students to the mind-body relationship and the contribution of psychology in understanding health promotion, health care, and the etiology and treatment of physical illness. Representative topics covered in this course include changing health habits, stress, and coping, health care utilization, patient-provider relations, and managing chronic illness such as heart disease, AIDS, diabetes, and cancer.
PSY 3123 Evolutionary Psychology
A directed seminar in an area of psychology. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, student need, and current developments in the field of psychology.
Note: May repeat for credit if course content differs.
PSY 3133 Self and Society
Cross-listed: SOC 3133.
A sociological survey of the ways in which social structure and personality interact. Topics typically covered are: socialization, attitudes and value formation and change, and group influences upon self-concept and self-esteem.
PSY 3141 Seminar in Psychology
A directed seminar in an area of psychology. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, student need, and current developments in the field of psychology.
Note: May be repeated for credit if course content differs.
PSY 3142 Seminar in Psychology
A directed seminar in an area of psychology. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, student need, and current developments in the field of psychology.
Note: May be repeated for credit if course content differs.
PSY 3143 Seminar in Psychology
A directed seminar in an area of psychology. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, student need, and current developments in the field of psychology.
Note: May be repeated for credit if course content differs.
PSY 3144 Seminar in Psychology
A directed seminar in an area of psychology. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, student need, and current developments in the field of psychology.
Note: May be repeated for credit if course content differs.
PSY 3153 Personality Psychology
An introduction to the various theoretical viewpoints of the normal personality structure and its development.
PSY 3163 Developmental Psychology: Adulthood
The study of how the maturation process affects an individual's physical and psychological state from adolescence through old age. Representative topics include (but not limited to) early, middle, and late adulthood biological, psychosocial and cognitive development.
PSY 3173 Psychology of Consciousness
An introduction to the various theoretical viewpoints as to the topic of consciousness and how it is investigated.
PSY 3183 Development Psychology: Adolescence
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Since its creation in the early 20th century, the term adolescence has held a distinct position in the development of the person. This course explores the themes related to the period of adolescence, biological, psychosocial, typical and atypical development. Themes investigated in the course concern pubertal development, peers and relationship intimacy, the "adolescent rebellion", identity and vocational milestones.
PSY 3184 Animal Behavior
Cross-listed: BIOL 3184.
Prerequisite: sophomore standing in biology or psychology, or approval of instructor.
An introductory course in animal behavior covering behavioral responses in primitive and advanced animals exposed to a wide range of environmental and social conditions. Laboratory exercises will include field as well as in-lab exercises and will focus on observational techniques and analyses of behavioral patterns in vertebrates and invertebrates.
Lecture three hours, laboratory two hours.
PSY 3191 Careers in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
This course provides an overview of the multiple educational and careers paths available to psychology majors.
PSY 3813 Lifespan Development
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
A study of the processes of human development from conception through the lifespan. Research, application, and other considerations for nursing majors will be emphasized. Topics include, but are not limited to: how the maturation process affects an individual's physical and psychological state, genetic influences, child cognitive processes, moral reasoning, and early, middle, and late adulthood biological, psychosocial, and cognitive developmental processes.
PSY 4003 Capstone: Advanced Research Method and Lab for Psychology
A study of research methods in psychology. Emphasis is placed upon developing skills in data gathering and analysis, report writing and application of basic research strategies.
Note: A grade of "C" or higher is required for Psychology majors.
PSY 4013 History of Psychology
A survey of the developments in psychology from the ancient Greeks to the emergence of psychology as a modern experimental science.
PSY 4021 Internships in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Supervised internship in a psychological-services or applied research setting. Emphasis will be placed on the student acquiring first-hand experience and entry-level skills in practitioner roles.
Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours of internship.
PSY 4022 Internships in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Supervised internship in a psychological-services or applied research setting. Emphasis will be placed on the student acquiring first-hand experience and entry-level skills in practitioner roles.
Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours of internship.
PSY 4023 Internships in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Supervised internship in a psychological-services or applied research setting. Emphasis will be placed on the student acquiring first-hand experience and entry-level skills in practitioner roles.
Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours of internship.
PSY 4024 Internships in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Supervised internship in a psychological-services or applied research setting. Emphasis will be placed on the student acquiring first-hand experience and entry-level skills in practitioner roles.
Note: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours of internship.
PSY 4033 Psychological Tests and Measurements
Theory of psychological testing, statistical procedures, and training in administration, scoring and profiling of various tests of ability, achievement, interests, and personality.
PSY 4043 Social Psychology
Cross-listed: SOC 4043.
The study of how individuals are influenced by the actual or implied presence of other persons. Emphasis is placed on attitudes, social cognition, social influence, aggression, altruism, self and other perception.
PSY 4053 Sensation and Perception
The study of general perceptual process. While the main senses will be covered, emphasis will be placed on visual functioning. The role of perception in organismic adaptation will be explored.
PSY 4073 Cognitive Psychology
A study of the basic principles of mental processes, and their influence on behavior. Specifically, the course focuses on the conscious and unconscious processes involved in the acquisition, storage, transformation, and use of knowledge.
PSY 4103 Capstone: Advanced Psychological Science
A study and demonstration of scientific and psychological literacy. With scientific literacy the emphasis is placed upon being able to evaluate science beyond the classroom (e.g. the media, popular culture, etc.). With psychological literacy the emphasis is placed upon developing skills related to communicating in various modes to various audiences, reflective of one's own and other's behavior and mental processes, acting ethically, analysis of information to evaluate courses of action, and demonstrating a vocabulary and knowledge base subject matter of psychology. The course also focuses on the demonstration of psychological literacy related to the individual, social, and organizational issues.
PSY 4133 Psychopharmacology
An introduction to the field of psychopharmacology. Representative topics include (but are not limited to) neuronal structures and processes, neurochemicals and neurotransmission, and the biological basis and pharmacological treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and mental illness.
PSY 4203 Capstone: Psychology in the Community
This course facilitates student experiences and work with clients and organizations that address issues, topics, and themes you are learning about in psychology. Through this educational and "hands on" curriculum, you will apply the information learned in your courses to practical, real-life situations encountered in work experiences. You will work with a chosen employer organization to seek solutions to their personal and communal issues.
All work internships must be secured by the student. The instructor will facilitate the following course learning objectives (CLO):
1. Exploring the areas of psychology through work experiences.
2. Applying psychology content of the degree coursework to the work experiences.
3. Communicating with professionals in the field and to the discipline of psychology.
4. Constructing a final product or portfolio on work experience and psychological applications.
PSY 4951 Undergraduate Research in Psychology
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
PSY 4952 Undergraduate Research in Psychology
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
PSY 4953 Undergraduate Research in Psychology
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
PSY 4954 Undergraduate Research in Psychology
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.
PSY 4991 Special Problems in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Independent work under individual guidance of a faculty member.
PSY 4992 Special Problems in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Independent work under individual guidance of a faculty member.
PSY 4993 Special Problems in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Independent work under individual guidance of a faculty member.
PSY 4994 Special Problems in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 2003.
Independent work under individual guidance of a faculty member.
PSY 5013 History of Psychology
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in psychology or instructor and program director permission.
A survey of the developments in psychology from the ancient Greeks to the emergence of psychology as a modern experimental science.
Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of PSY 4013 or equivalent.
PSY 5033 Psychological Tests and Measurements
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in psychology or instructor and program director permission.
Theory of psychological testing, statistical procedures and training in administration, scoring, and profiling of various tests of ability, achievement, interests, and personality.
$20 testing fee.
Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of PSY 4033 or equivalent.
PSY 5043 Social Psychology
Cross-listed: SOC 5043.
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.
A study of the factors that influence the attitudes, behaviors, and cognition of the individual with a special emphasis on interactions among people.
Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of PSY 4043 or equivalent.
PSY 5053 Psychology of Perception
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in psychology or instructor and program director permission.
The study of general perceptional processes. While the main senses will be covered, emphasis will be placed on visual functioning. The role of perception in organismic adaptation will be explored.
PSY 5073 Cognitive Psychology
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in psychology or instructor and program director permission.
A study of the basic principles of mental processes and their influences on behavior. Specifically, the course focuses on the conscious and unconscious processes involved in the acquisition, storage, transformation, and use of knowledge.
Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of PSY 4073 or equivalent.
PSY 6003 Advanced Principles of Psychology I
Offered: Once a year.
Prerequisite: Admission to graduate school or permission of psychology graduate coordinator.
This is the first course in a two course sequence covering the basic principles of psychology from an advanced standpoint. The course will emphasize the research the theories of psychology are based on, the logical and empirical adequacies of modern theories of psychology, and the application of psychology in the workplace and human service settings. Research, application, and other considerations for graduate psychology students will be emphasized. The core concepts covered in this course include history of psychology, research methods and statistics, biopsychology, learning, memory, cognition, language, consciousness, and cognitive abilities.
PSY 6013 Advanced Statistics
Cross-listed: SOC 6013.
Prerequisite: PSY 2053 or SOC 2053 or equivalent and graduate standing in sociology or psychology or instructor and program director permission.
An advanced study of the concepts and techniques in descriptive and inferential statistics. Emphasis placed on the application of statistics and psychological research.
PSY 6023 Research Design
Prerequisite: PSY 6013 or equivalent and graduate standing in psychology or instructor and program director permission.
An advanced treatment of the design and analysis of psychological research. Emphasis on the logical foundations of experimental design.
PSY 6043 Psychopathology
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in psychology or instructor and program director permission.
Surveys classical and contemporary trends and theories of psychopathology; including methods, validity, and utility of classificatory schemes, properties of various disorders, as well as related assessment and treatment procedures.
PSY 6053 Advanced Development Psychology
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in psychology or instructor and program director permission.
Evaluation and assessment of the logical and empirical adequacies of modern theories of psychological development in relation to the maturation process of individuals.
PSY 6083 Seminar in Psychology
Prerequisite: PSY 6013, PSY 6023, nine hours of PSY at the 5000-6000 level, and permission of the department.
Concentrated analysis of a particular problem in psychology. Emphasis is placed upon the evaluation of current research and theory in the development of research ideas by the student. Topics to be determined by the Graduate Faculty Committee and the Program Director in Psychology.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
PSY 6103 Advanced Principles of Psychology II
Offered: Once a year.
Prerequisite: Admission to graduate school or permission of psychology graduate coordinator.
This course is the second course in a two course sequence covering the basic principles of psychology from an advanced standpoint. The course will emphasize the research the theories of psychology are based on, the logical and empirical adequacies of modern theories of psychology, and the application of psychology in the workplace and human service settings. Research, application, and other considerations for graduate psychology students will be emphasized. The core concepts covered in this course include a review of research methods and statistics, motivation, emotion, human development, personality, health and stress, psychology disorders and treatments, social cognition and social psychology, I/O psychology, and neuropsychology.
PSY 6891 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. This course may be repeated for credit.
Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
PSY 6892 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. This course may be repeated for credit.
Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
PSY 6893 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. This course may be repeated for credit.
Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
PSY 6894 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. This course may be repeated for credit.
Note: The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.
PSY 6991 Project or Thesis Research Continuation
This course allows students additional time to research and compose their capstone project/portfolio.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
PSY 6993 Thesis Research
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in psychology and permission of thesis advisor.
Directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
PSY 6996 Thesis Research
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in psychology and permission of thesis advisor.
Directed research on a thesis topic selected by the student in consultation with a supervising professor.
Note: May be repeated for credit.