Academic Catalog

Rehabilitation Science (RS)

RS 2003  Introduction to Rehabilitation Science  

A survey of the history, philosophy, and roles of the rehabilitation and social services movement. In addition, the course will focus on public attitudes toward people with disability, adjustment to disability, and an orientation to the various community resources which can be utilized toward the rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 2033  Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

An overview of the history, philosophy, and legal basis of vocational rehabilitation plus an in-depth study of the case process. This class will emphasize the vocational rehabilitation process through studying closed case files and case recording procedures.

RS 2043  Introduction to Social Services  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

An introduction to the history, philosophy, and legal basis of the social services movement. This class will also emphasize the social service case process and case management practices.

RS 2163  Introduction to Addictions  
Prerequisite: RS 2003, PSY 2003, SOC 1003, or consent of the instructor.

A study of drug abuse emphasizing etiology, patterns of use and abuse, and problems related to research and approaches to treatment.

RS 3013  The World of Work  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

A survey of the world of work emphasizing the role of work in our society, how disability changes one's work role, how career choices are made, and placement techniques.

RS 3073  Organization and Structure in the Rehabilitation-Human Services Setting  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

This course will provide the student with an overview of organizational and administrative structure in the rehabilitation human services setting. Additionally, it will focus on the dynamics involved in developing a successful managerial style.

RS 3083  Supported Employment Concepts and Strategies  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and 3013 or consent.

An introduction to the ideas, philosophies, models, concepts, and issues that characterize supported employment. Applications with different disability populations will be reviewed.

RS 3093  Rehabilitation Services for the Aging Adult  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

A study of aging and the elderly from a rehabilitation viewpoint. This course will focus on intervention strategies, actual and potential, that might enable other people to maximize their potential and affect the needs for institutionalization.

RS 3123  Ethics and Professional Development  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

A study of personal values, CRCC, ACA, and APA professional guidelines, and decision making models that will assist future human service practitioners to effectively deal with ethical dilemmas. This course will emphasize critical thinking and problem solving, and will utilize instructor and student generated dilemmas.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 3141  Rehabilitation Science Seminar  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

A directed seminar in an area of rehabilitation science. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, community or student need, and the unique educational opportunity available.

Note: May be repeated for credit if course content differs.
RS 3142  Rehabilitation Science Seminar  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

A directed seminar in an area of rehabilitation science. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, community or student need, and the unique educational opportunity available.

Note: May be repeated for credit if course content differs.
RS 3143  Rehabilitation Science Seminar  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

A directed seminar in an area of rehabilitation science. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, community or student need, and the unique educational opportunity available.

Note: May be repeated for credit if course content differs.
RS 3153  Assistive Technology in Rehabilitation Settings  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 or consent.

A study of the types of technology devices and services available to individuals with disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on knowledge of resources, assessment of individual needs, funding of devices and services, and methods to use assistive technology to improve the quality of life for all individuals.

RS 3163  Addictions Assessment, Planning, and Treatment Strategies  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 or consent of instructor.

A study and assessment of addiction disorders and related treatment planning approaches with an overview of evidence based intervention techniques and strategies. Group facilitation skills and meeting cultural issues in the group setting will be addressed.

RS 3173  Addictions and the Family  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 or consent of instructor.

A study of the impact of addictions upon families, the social fabric of the nation. The course includes a review of family systems theory and family addictions counseling models.

RS 3183  Mental Health Issues in Rehabilitation Settings  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

This course is a survey of various mental health diagnoses/conditions and their influence and treatment within the field of rehabilitation services. The objective of the course is to serve as an overview of: 1. the nature of psychiatric illness/ disorder, 2. the principles and methodologies of psychiatric rehabilitation, 3. the settings in which the principles of psychiatric rehabilitation might be applied.

RS 3204  Interviewing Skills  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

This course is designed to facilitate basic mastery of core communication skills (micro skills) necessary to build meaningful and effective helping relationships. Students will need to think, be creative, and practice in order to transfer the micro skills they learn to outside the classroom. Rehabilitation Science is an applied program of study. RS 3023 is a prerequisite methods course which prepares students for field placement activities such interviewing and interpersonal communication, and geared for students who plan on providing direct client/patient services in their future careers and/or for all students who have an interest in helping and/or want to improve their interpersonal communication skills. This course is intended to challenge students to increase their self-awareness, sensitivity, and competence to communicate in authentic and sensitive ways to better connect and communicate with others from diverse backgrounds. In addition, this course will provide an introduction to person-centered counseling theory which will be used as a model throughout this principles (i.e. empathy, unconditional positive regards, and genuineness) of the person-centered approach will be emphasized.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 3243  Child Welfare  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

Child Welfare provides knowledge and skills necessary for the generalist practice of child welfare with an emphasis on protective services, foster care, and adoption services. Processes of engagement, assessment, intervention, and follow-up regarding child protection and family preservation with diverse clients across systems are examined.

RS 3263  Resiliency, Vulnerability, and Crisis  
Offered: Spring.
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

Individuals with disabilities may be affected by crisis situations and trauma, and it is important to understand the immunities (strengths) and vulnerabilities (needs) that affect the ability of the person to respond to these situations. These immunities and vulnerabilities may come from within the individual or their personal situation, or societal responses to disasters such as Covid-19, tornadoes, earthquakes, and hurricanes. This course will provide students with exposure to assessing and planning for crisis situations, both from a personal and societal perspective. Students will learn how to develop an individualized plan that builds on strengths and accesses resources.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 4003  Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

A study of the etiology, treatment, and prognosis of various disabling conditions. Emphasis will be placed on medical information as received in medical reports, and as related to vocational functioning and to the everyday psychological and social adjustment problems associated with disability. This course may not be repeated for credit as CNSL 5003 or equivalent.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 4012  Internship in Rehabilitation Services  
Prerequisite: RS 2003, rehab major, senior standing, 2.00 cumulative grade point average, and consent of the instructor.

This is a twelve hour course. A full-time, one semester supervised internship in a rehabilitation or social services setting, either public or private. Emphasis will be placed on the student acquiring first-hand experience and entry level skills in practitioner roles such as case management, interviewing and counseling, and coordination of client services among the various community helping services. A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.

Note: The purchase of professional liability insurance is required.
RS 4023  Case Management Strategies  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

This course is an introduction to case management and caseload management procedures, techniques, and issues. The relationship of evaluation, counseling, vocational rehabilitation, independent living, and utilization of community resources is investigated. RS 4023 is a prerequisite methods course which prepares students for field placement activities such as case management, caseload management, interviewing, and interpersonal communication and management skills, including computer applications and technologies for caseload management are presented.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 4084  Field Placement Related to Child Welfare Services  
Prerequisite: RS 2003, RS 2043, RS 3243, senior standing, completion of at least six hours in the related emphasis area, 2.50 grade point average, and consent of the instructor.

A supervised 14-week field placement in a Division of Children and Family Services setting. Emphasis will be placed on the student's acquiring first-hand experiences in practitioner roles such as case management, interviewing, risk assessment, interagency collaboration, crisis management, and problem solving.

Note: The purchase of professional liability insurance is required.
RS 4104  Service Learning in Rehabilitation Science  
Prerequisite: RS 2003, RS 3204, RS 3123, and RS 4023 with a C or better; For students choosing RS 4012, the internship option, this course may only be taken with permission from the Rehabilitation Science Program Director.

This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to engage in rehabilitation related work in the community. Students will have the opportunity to complete volunteer work and contribute to others while utilizing rehabilitation related concepts learned in the classroom.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 4119  Mastery Professional Practice  
Cross-listed: TR 4119.
Prerequisite: Rehabilitation Science/Therapeutic Recreation majors only.

Senior standing, consent of department head and completion of all other courses applicable to degree. Placement in selected agency settings in student intern status under professional guidance of both agency supervisor and faculty. Emphasis will be placed on application of classroom theory to agency requirements which fulfill student's individual career interests. No prior experience credit will be granted. Minimum of 560 clock hours during a minimum of 14 weeks of supervised internship is required. Student cannot document more than 40 hours of work experience a week. A written report is required within two weeks of internship completion.

RS 4123  Survey of Counseling Theories  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and PSY 2003 or consent of the instructor.

A comparative study of the major theories of counseling, stressing their philosophical views of mankind, assumptions, techniques, strengths, and weaknesses.

RS 4133  Seminar in Severe Disabilities  
Prerequisite: PSY 2003, RS 2003, or consent.

A study of what makes a disabling condition a severe disability. This course will stress independent research and class presentations by the students dealing with the various severe disabilities.

RS 4143  Disabilities throughout the Life Span  
Prerequisite: PSY 2003, RS 2003, or consent.

A study of the delivery of services to, and the rehabilitation of, those handicapped individuals classified as being developmentally disabled, i.e., mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. Emphasis will be placed on prevocational, vocational, and community-living training for such individuals and the planning required for the provision of such services.

RS 4173  Family Centered Services  
Prerequisite: RS 2003, RS 3023, and 3243 or consent of the instructor.

An advanced course focusing upon family and community strengths and child welfare practice.

RS 4183  Family Services Seminar  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and 3243 or consent of the instructor.

A capstone course for students emphasizing child welfare services.

RS 4194  Field Placement Experiences  
Prerequisite: RS 2003, RS 3204, RS 3123, and RS 4023 all with C or better, junior standing, 2.000 grade point average, and consent of the instructor.

A supervised 14-week field placement (Fall, Spring), or a 10-week field placement (Summer). It can only be taken once in a semester. A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.

Note: This course must be taken twice.
RS 4223  Ethics and Professional Development  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

A study of personal values, CRCC, ACA, and APA professional guidelines, and decision making models that will assist future human service practitioners to effectively deal with ethical dilemmas. This course will emphasize critical thinking and problem solving, and will utilize instructor and student generated dilemmas. This course may not be repeated for credit as CNSL 5223 or equivalent.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 4233  Diversity and Inclusion in Human Service Settings  
Prerequisite: RS 2003.

An introduction to issues of multiculturalism and diversity and the importance of understanding these issues when working with individuals. This class will emphasize understanding one's own culture, examine various cultures including disability, and stress the importance of understanding each individual in relationship to his/her culture. This course may not be repeated for credit as CNSL 5233 or equivalent.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 4253  Psychopathology  

A study of the DSM-V-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th Edition -Text Revised) and the mild to severe behavioral disorders found therein. Students will learn about the etiology, treatment, and prognosis of various mental health diagnoses, gain a broad knowledge regarding psychological disorders, dysfunctional behaviors, and appropriate diagnostic and treatment options for these diagnoses, as well as develop a foundational comprehension regarding the diagnostic classification system, etiology, assessment, and treatment of mental health diagnoses. Both the history of mental health as well as the current research will be examined. Note: May not be repeated for credit as CNSL 5253 or equivalent.

Note: A grade of C or better is required for Rehabilitation Science majors.
RS 4951  Undergraduate Research in Rehabilitation Science  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

RS 4952  Undergraduate Research in Rehabilitation Science  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

RS 4953  Undergraduate Research in Rehabilitation Science  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

RS 4954  Undergraduate Research in Rehabilitation Science  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

RS 4991  Special Problems in Rehabilitation Science  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and twelve hours of rehabilitation science and prior approval of the Director of Rehabilitation Science.

Independent work under individual guidance of a staff member.

RS 4992  Special Problems in Rehabilitation Science  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and twelve hours of rehabilitation science and prior approval of the Director of Rehabilitation Science.

Independent work under individual guidance of a staff member.

RS 4993  Special Problems in Rehabilitation Science  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and twelve hours of rehabilitation science and prior approval of the Director of Rehabilitation Science.

Independent work under individual guidance of a staff member.

RS 4994  Special Problems in Rehabilitation Science  
Prerequisite: RS 2003 and twelve hours of rehabilitation science and prior approval of the Director of Rehabilitation Science.

Independent work under individual guidance of a staff member.