Academic Catalog

Sociology (SOC)

SOC 1003  Introductory Sociology  
ACTS Common Course - SOCI 1013.

An introduction to the nature of society, social groups, processes of interaction, social change, and the relationship of behavior to culture.

SOC 2003  Introduction to Criminal Justice  
Cross-listed: CJ 2003.

An overview of the criminal justice system and the workings of each component. Topics include the history, structure and functions of law enforcement, judicial and correctional organizations, their interrelationship and effectiveness, and the future trends in each.

SOC 2023  Sociology of the Ozark-Ouachita Region  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

An introduction to the nature of society, social groups, social interaction, social change, and the relationship of behavior to culture in the Ozark-Ouachita region. The full range of sociological topics are covered, including crime and delinquency, marriage and family, social class and race, religion, and contemporary social movements.

SOC 2033  Social Problems  
ACTS Common Course - SOCI 2013.
Cross-listed: CJ 2033.
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

A sociological analysis of contemporary social problems including inequalities, deviance, population changes, and troubled institutions.

SOC 2043  Crime and Delinquency  
Cross-listed: CJ 2043.
Prerequisite: SOC 1003 or SOC 2003 or CJ 2003.

A study of the major areas of crime and delinquency; with emphasis on theories of crime and the nature of criminal behavior.

SOC 2053  Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences  
Cross-listed: PSY 2053.
Prerequisite: MATH 1003, or higher, and PSY 2003 or SOC 1003, or consent.

An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistical methods pertinent to behavioral science research, including correlation, sampling distributions, t-tests, chi square and analysis of variance. Emphasis is upon the logical and applied aspects.

SOC 2063  Research Design for the Behavioral Sciences  
Cross-listed: PSY 2063.
Prerequisite: MATH 1003, or higher, and PSY 2003 or SOC 1003, or consent.

This course is designed to introduce you to the foundations of behavioral science, the logic of research design and the many possible modes of operation. This class focuses on teaching students in the behavioral sciences the basic principles that guide the research process, the elements of research design, how to read and critique research articles, and how to write a literature review for a research project.

SOC 2073  Classical Theories of Sociology  

A study of the historical development of social thought.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of SOC 4023 or equivalent.
SOC 2083  Contemporary Theories of Sociology  

A survey course of sociological theories and theory development from the classical period to post-modernism.

SOC 3013  Psychosocial Aspects of Death and Dying  
Cross-listed: PSY 3013.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing.

This course studies the psychological and sociological aspects of death. The course will provide a basic insight into the dynamics surrounding death from the individual and societal level, its impact on survivors, and the effect death has on the living.

SOC 3023  The Family  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

A study of the American family institution with emphasis upon role relationships, norms, and models. Some attention is given to cross cultural comparisons.

SOC 3033  Environment and Society  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

This course focuses on the study of interrelationships between society and the natural environment from traditional to postindustrial forms. Topics in this class will include economic approaches to the natural environment, philosophical/ethical approaches to the natural environment, public opinion on the natural environment, the importance of the environmental movement and policy development on environmental issues.

SOC 3063  Communities  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

An exploration and analysis of the sociological concept of community from classical approaches to recent debates.

SOC 3083  Social Deviance  
Cross-listed: CJ 3083.
Prerequisite: SOC 1003 or SOC 2003 or CJ 2003.

An introduction to the sociological and criminological study of human deviance. Various theories of deviance will be examined and applied to real life examples.

SOC 3093  Sociology of Education  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

A study of education as a social system, its organizational characteristics, and it's inter relationships with other social systems such as the family, religion, economics, government, and politics.

SOC 3103  The Juvenile Justice System  
Cross-listed: CJ 3103.
Prerequisite: SOC 2003 or CJ 2003.

An in-depth look at the juvenile justice system including the structure, statuses and roles as well as current issues, problems, and trends.

SOC 3113  Social Movements and Social Change  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

An examination of past and current social movements and their effects on social policy and social change. Topics will include classical and contemporary theories of social movements and social change.

SOC 3123  Sociology of Culture  

Sociologists use the word "culture" to mean many things, some cognitive (e.g., ideas or schemata), some behavioral (e.g., rituals, speech), and some material (art works, clothing, buildings). This class will attend to all kinds, as long as they have something to do with meaning attached to social life. This course will expose you to major research traditions, themes, and areas of study in the sociology of culture. In so doing, it provides an overview for the curious and a platform for those who wish to do further work (research, comprehensive exam, teaching) in the sociology of culture.

SOC 3133  Self and Society  
Cross-listed: PSY 3133.
Prerequisite: SOC 1003 or PSY 2003.

A sociological survey of the ways in which social structure and personality interact. Topics typically covered are: socialization, attitudes and value formation and change, and group influences upon self-concept and self-esteem.

SOC 3141  Careers in Sociology  

This course provides students with an overview of the practicality of a degree in sociology and assists students with career preparations.

SOC 3143  Qualitative Research Methods  

This course is designed to provide a broad overview of qualitative research methods – “an umbrella term covering an array of interpretive techniques which seek to describe, decode, translate, and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency, of certain more or less naturally occurring phenomena in the social world” (Van Maanen, 1983, p. 9) – used in the social sciences. This course will explore the aims, theoretical frameworks, tools, and methods of qualitative research. The course begins with a review of the philosophical assumptions and interpretive frameworks associated with qualitative research and will focus on different data collection methods, including participant observation, interviews, focus groups. Techniques to analyze media texts and other forms of discourse presented.

SOC 3153  Prison and Corrections  
Cross-listed: CJ 3153.
Prerequisite: SOC 1003 and SOC 2033 or CJ 2033.

An introduction to and analysis of contemporary American corrections. Emphasis will be on current and past correctional philosophy, traditional and modern correctional facilities, correctional personnel and offenders, new approaches in corrections, and the relationship of corrections to the criminal justice field.

SOC 3163  Introduction to Social Research  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003 and SOC 2053 or PSY 2053.

An introduction to research methodology, with emphasis upon conceptualization, design, and processes.

SOC 4003  Minority Relations  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

A study of minority groups with emphasis upon discrimination, socio historical characteristics and processes of change. Minorities considered include racial, ethnic, and gender.

SOC 4013  Drugs in Society  
Cross-listed: CJ 4013.
Prerequisite: SOC 1003 or CJ 2003.

This course presents a comprehensive study of the history and prohibition of drug use in the United States, as well as the effects of drugs on society in the form of crime, prison and treatment. The main focus of this class is on the history of drug use, how certain drugs become illegal, and the intended and unintended consequences of drug prohibition for communities and society.

SOC 4023  Sociology of Gender  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

This course addresses definitions of gender, gendered identities, how gender is created and maintained as a social construct, and the importance of gender in our daily lives. This class mainly focuses on the theoretical and empirical literature that encourages critical thinking about gender and challenges students to move beyond their preconceived notions/assumptions about gender.

SOC 4033  Policing and Society  
Cross-listed: CJ 4033.
Prerequisite: SOC 1003 and CJ 2003 or SOC 2003.

A comprehensive study of historical and contemporary issues in American policing. Topics include theories of policing, police training and socialization, police discretion, technological advancements in policing, community policing, interaction with minority communities, and current controversies.

SOC 4043  Social Psychology  
Cross-listed: PSY 4043.
Prerequisite: a grade of "C" of higher in PSY 2003, PSY 2053 or SOC 2053, and PSY 2063 or SOC 2063.

The study of how individuals are influenced by the actual or implied presence of other persons. Emphasis is placed on attitudes, social cognition, social influence, aggression, altruism, self and other perception.

SOC 4053  Sociology of Health and Illness  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

An in-depth look at the sociology of health and illness including an examination of the social structures related to the medical system, the social psychology of health and illness, a comparative analysis of sick role behavior as well as the study of social causes and consequences of health and illness.

SOC 4063  Social Stratification  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

A study of social class and consequences for society and individuals.

SOC 4073  Sociology of Religion  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

A study of the various theoretical explanations of religion, including its relationship to the larger society and the world system.

SOC 4143  Seminar in Sociology  

A directed seminar in an area of sociology. The specific focus will depend upon research underway, community or student need, and the unique educational opportunity available.

Note: May be repeated for credit if course content differs.
SOC 4183  Social Gerontology  
Prerequisite: SOC 1003.

An introduction to the sociology of aging: content provides general and specific knowledge regarding the aging process. Implications for economic, political, and family institutions are emphasized.

SOC 4206  The Law in Action  
Cross-listed: CJ 4206.
Offered: Summer only.
Prerequisite: SOC 2043 or CJ 2043, 9 hours of criminal justice coursework, senior classification, and instructor permission.

An examination of sociological theories of law and main currents of legal philosophy is followed by participant observation of actual community legal agencies, including police, courts, and others as available.

SOC 4283  Sociology Capstone  
Prerequisite: All required sociology courses (lower and upper division) and 9 hours of upper division electives in sociology, or consent of instructor.

This course must be completed by all sociology majors prior to graduation. The course content/topic is determined by the professor and current issues in the local community, which may vary semester to semester. Emphasis will be placed on linking theory, research methods, and social action to community defined problems in the form of applied sociology.

SOC 4951  Undergraduate Research in Sociology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

SOC 4952  Undergraduate Research in Sociology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

SOC 4953  Undergraduate Research in Sociology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

SOC 4954  Undergraduate Research in Sociology  
Offered: On demand.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

Advanced students carry out independent research activity relating to a significant problem in a major field of study. Supervised by faculty member. Formal report and presentation required. One to four credits depending on problem selected and effort made.

SOC 4991  Special Problems in Sociology  
Prerequisite: Prior approval by instructor.

Content will be determined by specific curriculum review and student need.

SOC 4992  Special Problems in Sociology  
Prerequisite: Prior approval by instructor.

Content will be determined by specific curriculum review and student need.

SOC 4993  Special Problems in Sociology  
Prerequisite: Prior approval by instructor.

Content will be determined by specific curriculum review and student need.

SOC 4994  Special Problems in Sociology  
Prerequisite: Prior approval by instructor.

Content will be determined by specific curriculum review and student need.

SOC 5003  Minority Relations  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

A study of minority groups with emphasis upon discrimination, socio-historical characteristics, and processes of social change. Minorities considered include racial, ethnic, and gender.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of SOC 4003 or equivalent.
SOC 5013  Drugs in Society  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

This course presents a comprehensive study of the history and prohibition of drugs use in the United States, as well as the effects of drugs on society in the form of crime, prison, and treatment. The main focus of this class is on the history of drug use, how certain drugs become illegal, and the intended and unintended consequences of drug prohibition for communities and society.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of SOC 4013 or equivalent.
SOC 5043  Social Psychology  
Cross-listed: PSY 5043.
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

A study of the factors that influence the attitudes, behaviors, and cognition of the individual with a special emphasis on interactions among people.

SOC 5053  Sociology of Health and Illness  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

An in-depth look at the sociology of health and illness including an examination of the social structures related to the medical system, the social psychology of health and illness, a comparative analysis of sick role behavior, as well as the study of social causes and consequences of health and illness.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of SOC 4053 or equivalent.
SOC 5063  Social Stratification  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

A study of social class and consequences for society and individuals.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of SOC 4063 or equivalent.
SOC 5183  Social Gerontology  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or a related field.

An introduction to the sociology of aging: content provides general and specific knowledge regarding the aging process. Implications for economic, political, and family institutions are emphasized.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of SOC 4183 or equivalent.
SOC 6013  Advanced Statistics  
Cross-listed: PSY 6013.
Prerequisite: PSY 2053 or SOC 2053 or equivalent and graduate standing in sociology or psychology or instructor and program director permission.

An advanced study of the concepts and techniques in descriptive and inferential statistics. Emphasis placed on the application of statistics and psychological research.

SOC 6023  Advanced Sociological Theory  
Offered: Fall.
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

This course provides an in-depth survey of the classical social theorists and theoretical traditions in the 19th and 20th centuries. Attention will be directed to major thinkers and schools of thought which are responsible for the emergence of social theory (and the field of sociology). Contemporary theorists who have had a major impact on the discipline will also be examined.

SOC 6033  Advanced Methodology  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

An introduction to research methodology, with emphasis upon conceptualization, design, and processes.

SOC 6043  Evaluation and Assessment  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

An Introduction to the logic and methods of modern social program evaluation and assessment. Emphasizing the benefits of applied sociological methods, the course reviews nonprofit program measurement with a focus on costs and effects.

SOC 6053  Advanced Topics in Criminal Justice  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

This course offers specialized instruction in an area of criminal justice not otherwise covered in the curriculum.

Note: The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.
SOC 6063  Advanced Topics in Gerontology  
Prerequisite: BA or BS in Sociology or related field.

This course offers specialized instruction in an area of gerontology no otherwise covered in the curriculum.

Note: The focus of this course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.
SOC 6891  Independent Study  
Prerequisite: Graduate student status with successful completion of all 12 hours of required coursework in the program.

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.

Note: The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.
SOC 6892  Independent Study  
Prerequisite: Graduate student status with successful completion of all 12 hours of required coursework in the program.

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.

Note: The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.
SOC 6893  Independent Study  
Prerequisite: Graduate student status with successful completion of all 12 hours of required coursework in the program.

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.

Note: The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.
SOC 6894  Independent Study  
Prerequisite: Graduate student status with successful completion of all 12 hours of required coursework in the program.

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the purpose of the University's graduate program. Students will be required to plan their studies and prepare formal written reports of their findings. The selected topic may not constitute any duplication of study leading to the accomplishment of a thesis.

Note: The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.
SOC 6991  Thesis Research  
Prerequisite: Graduate student status with successful completion of all 12 hours of required coursework in the program.

This course is designed to allow the student specific time to research, write, and complete the thesis.

Note: The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.
SOC 6992  Thesis Research  
Prerequisite: Graduate student status with successful completion of all 12 hours of required coursework in the program.

This course is designed to allow the student specific time to research, write, and complete the thesis.

Note: The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.
SOC 6993  Thesis Research  
Prerequisite: Graduate student status with successful completion of all 12 hours of required coursework in the program.

This course is designed to allow the student specific time to research, write, and complete the thesis.

Note: The focus of the course will vary from offering to offering, thus students may take the course more than once.