Academic Catalog

Special Education (SPED)

SPED 2023  Development and Characteristics of Diverse Learners  

This course covers characteristics of children with exceptional learning needs. An emphasis will be placed on typical and atypical development, an overview of various exceptionalities including Giftedness, and the special needs of children from different cultures and language backgrounds. A field experience is required.

SPED 3033  Foundations of Special Education  
Prerequisite: Admission to Stage II of the Teacher Education Program.

This course explores the development of the current administrative system for serving students with diversity. It shows how and why the present system for children with disabilities, children with giftedness, and children of other diversities is used for the benefit of those students. SPED3003 students become prepared not only for teaching diverse populations but also for serving on the IEP and other committees that make important decisions that will affect their futures.

Note: A field experience is required in this course.
SPED 3153  Planning, Instruction, and Assessment for Students with Exceptionalities  
Prerequisite: Admission to Stage II of the Teacher Education Program.

The primary purpose of this course is to empower elementary (K-6) teacher education candidates to respond effectively to the broad range of needs found in today's classrooms. Student diversity will be considered within the context of an educational framework, focusing specifically on an array of exceptionalities but also taking into consideration other influences, such as: culture, class, gender, language, etc. The need and means to provide effective learning opportunities for all students through varied teaching and learning in the classroom will be cultivated. Through a variety of hands-on activities, students will focus on the evaluation, creation and application of effective, research based planning, instruction and assessments strategies for creating classrooms which foster educational equality for all exceptional children.

Note: A field experience is required in this course.
SPED 4052  Educating Diverse and Exceptional Learners  
Prerequisite: Admission to Stage II of the teacher education program.

A study of the major areas of diversity including, gifted, emotionally disturbed, children from economically disadvantaged homes and other considerations that place students at risk for academic failure, and their special needs in a school program.

Note: May not be taken for credit after completion of EDFD 5053, EDFD 4052 or repeated for credit as EDFD 5052 or equivalent.
SPED 5003  Characteristics of Children with Exceptionalities  

Chronically disabling conditions that occur frequently in children with educational handicaps are reviewed. Emphasis is on early identification and detection of at-risk or failure-to-thrive children.

SPED 5013  Assessment of Children with Exceptionalities  

A study of assessment as it pertains to individuals with exceptional learning needs. An overview of the legal and ethical issues involved in assessment. The course provides an examination of the uses of formal and informal assessment to identify the supports and adaptations needed by individuals with exceptional learning needs in order to participate in the general curriculum.

SPED 5023  Planning Instruction for Children with Exceptionalities K-6  

This course is a hands-on course in planning for the instruction of children, particularly children in grades K-6, with disabilities. Actual policies and paperwork mandated by the Arkansas Department of Education will be used in teaching how to develop an individualized plan for a special needs child. The focus is on disciplines, strategies, and materials involved with special needs collaboration, planning, and implementation.

SPED 5043  Supervised Practicum  

This class is a supervised participation in an appropriate school, or institution dealing with early childhood exceptionalities, and providing a practical, hands-on application of teaching methods and ideas.

SPED 5053  Planning Instruction for Children with Exceptionalities 7 - 12  
Offered: Once per calendar year.

This course is a hands-on course in planning for the instruction of children with exceptionalities in the Middle and Secondary schools. Actual policies and paperwork mandated by the Arkansas Department of Education will be used in teaching how to develop an individualized plan for a special needs child. The focus is on disciplines, strategies, and materials involved with special needs collaboration, planning, and implementation.

SPED 5073  Planning Instruction in an Early Childhood Setting  

This course is a hands-on course in planning developmentally appropriate instruction for all children with an emphasis on exceptionalities birth to K. Actual policies and paperwork mandated by the Arkansas Department of Education will be used in teaching how to develop an individualized plan for a special needs child. The focus is on disciplines, strategies, and materials involved with special need collaboration, planning, and implementation.

SPED 5083  B - K Supervised Practicum  

This class is a supervised participation in an appropriate school, or institution working with children with exceptional learning needs in an early childhood special education setting. This course will provide a practical-hands-on application of teaching methods and ideas for children in the birth to kindergarten age range.

SPED 6033  Working with Families of Exceptional Children  

This course is a brief examination of the impact of children and adolescents with special needs on the roles within the family. Study will also briefly examine the impact of specialized educational programs and their role in aiding and assisting families.

SPED 6063  K-12 Supervised Practicum  
Offered: Once per calendar year.
Prerequisite: SPED 5003, SPED 5013, SPED 6033, EDFD 6053, or advisor approval.

This class is a supervised participation in an appropriate school, or institution working with children with exceptional learning needs in an Elementary, Middle Level, and Secondary setting. This course will provide a practical-hands-on application of teaching methods and ideas.

SPED 6093  Using Research, Assessment, and Data in Special Education  
Prerequisite: EDFD 6003.

Course participants must be currently employed (or have access) within a public, private, or parochial school. This action project research project is designed to improve student learning within a classroom environment. This course is designed to engage students while expanding knowledge and understanding of the latest research in Special Education. Students will conduct a study by collecting qualitative and quantitative data, analyzing the data, and find possible solutions to improving the field of Special Education.