Teach English Second Language (TESL)
TESL 5023 Second Language Acquisition
An introduction to the major theories of language acquisition and their application to the instruction of English language learners.
TESL 5703 Teaching English as a Second Language
An introduction to the principles and methods in teaching English as a second Language.
TESL 5713 ESL Assessment
An introduction to the tools and procedures for evaluating the language proficiency and development of English language learners.
TESL 5723 Teaching People of Other Cultures
An introduction to the complex relationship of language and culture and its impact on teaching English language learners.
TESL 6003 Linguistics for ESL Teachers
Examination of phonology, syntax, and semantics in a variety of languages, including the study of language changes, as well as regional and social variations. This course will provide students with linguistic insights into language usage, writing, reading, spelling, and vocabulary.
TESL 6013 Modern English Grammar and Usage
Cross-listed: TESL 6013.
Investigation of the structure of American English with an emphasis on practical and pedagogical applications.
Note: Cannot be taken for credit after completion of ENGL 6013.
TESL 6023 Language and Society
Examination of the interrelationship of language, culture, and non-verbal communication and the role each of these plays in shaping thoughts and attitudes. Students will also investigate the interactions among language, social institutions, cultural beliefs, and individual behavior and the language variations associated with geography, socio-economic class, age, and gender.
TESL 6063 Instructional Strategies in Content Areas
An introduction to teaching techniques that address the academic needs of English language learners in the content areas.
TESL 6083 Seminar in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Course content will vary.
Note: May be repeated for credit if course content varies.
TESL 6123 Teaching Writing to English Language Learners
A study of the theories, methods, and strategies for teaching writing skills to English language learners.
TESL 6133 Teaching Listening and Speaking to English Language Learners
A study of the theories, methods, and strategies for teaching listening and oral skills to English Language Learners.
TESL 6143 Teaching Reading to English Language Learners
Study of the theories, methods, and strategies for teaching reading skills to English language learners.
TESL 6863 TESOL Practicum
Prerequisite: Completion of 27 hours required for the MA degree or permission of the program director.
TESL 6863 is an applied capstone course, designed for teachers to document their instruction of ESOL students, based on the 12 national ENL (English as a New Language) standards.
TESL 6891 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the University's graduate program.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
TESL 6892 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the University's graduate program.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
TESL 6893 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the University's graduate program.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
TESL 6894 Independent Study
Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study or investigation of some facet of knowledge which complements the University's graduate program.
Note: May be repeated for credit.
TESL 6991 Project or Thesis Research Continuation
This course allows students additional time to research and compose their capstone project/portfolio.
Note: May be repeated for credit.