Therapeutic Recreation (TR)
TR 3013 Inclusive Recreation
Cross-listed: RP 3013.
This course introduces students to the concept of Inclusive Recreation, which is the planning, implementation and evaluation of recreation programs designed to include ALL persons, including those with disabilities.
TR 4073 Principles and Techniques of Therapeutic Recreation
Cross-listed: RP 4073.
A professional course which examines the foundation, theory, philosophy, and historical significance of therapeutic recreation. Emphasis on the therapeutic recreation process as it relates to program development and service delivery for individuals with illnesses and/ or disabilities in various clinical and community settings.
TR 4119 Mastery Professional Practice
Cross-listed: RS 4119.
Prerequisite: Rehabilitation Science/Therapeutic Recreation majors only.
Senior standing, consent of department head and completion of all other courses applicable to degree.
Placement in selected agency settings in student intern status under professional guidance of both agency supervisor and faculty. Emphasis will be placed on application of classroom theory to agency requirements which fulfill student's individual career interests. No prior experience credit will be granted. Minimum of 560 clock hours during a minimum of 14 weeks of supervised internship is required. Student cannot document more than 40 hours of work experience a week. A written report is required within two weeks of internship completion.
TR 4173 Therapeutic Recreation Assessment and Documentation
Cross-listed: RP 4173.
This course is an examination of the various assessment tools, styles of documentation, and methods of assessment and documentation utilized in therapeutic recreation services. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the basic skills and knowledge necessary to conduct therapeutic recreation assessments and to properly document health care information.
TR 4273 Administration and Operation of Therapeutic Recreation Programs
Cross-listed: RP 4273.
Program design and planning for effective administration of client centered services for special populations. Management of therapeutic recreation services including standards of practice, clinical supervision, reimbursement, marketing, budgeting, and writing policies and procedures.
TR 4373 Interventions in Therapeutic Recreation
Cross-listed: RP 4373.
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the various interventions utilized in therapeutic recreation services and to develop technical competencies necessary for the provision of quality therapeutic recreation services. Emphasis will be placed on the skillful application of various processes and techniques utilized to facilitate therapeutic changes in the client.
TR 4473 Issues and Trends in Therapeutic Recreation
Cross-listed: RP 4473.
Offered: Spring of odd year.
Prerequisite: RP 3013/TR 3013, RP 4073/TR 4073, RP 4173/TR 4173, and RP 4273/TR 4273 or permission of instructor.
This course provides an examination of current issues, trends, and professionalization concerns in therapeutic recreation, including professional organizations, ethics, current legislation, professional development, professional standards, credentialing, accreditation standards, improving organizational performance, and current controversies.
TR 4573 Interventions in Therapeutic Recreation II
Cross-listed: RP 4573.
Offered: Spring of even years.
Study of the concepts and intervention techniques used in the application and process aspects of therapeutic recreation. Content includes evidence-based practice, planning and leading interventions, instructional techniques, counseling theory and practice, implementing groups, communication techniques, and facilitation techniques. A practical learning component is included.