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Advance your career with the Graduate Certificate in Curriculum Leadership, designed specifically for educators who hold a master’s degree in the field of education and are seeking to qualify for the P-12 Curriculum Program Director license in Arkansas.
This focused, high-impact program offers the advanced coursework and leadership training you need to take the next step in your educational career. With a curriculum that emphasizes strategic planning, instructional leadership, and curriculum development, you’ll gain the expertise required to mentor novice teachers, lead curriculum initiatives, shape educational policies, and enhance student outcomes across P-12 schools.
Equip yourself with the skills and credentials to lead with confidence and drive meaningful change in education. Begin your journey toward earning your Curriculum Program Director license today!
The Curriculum Leadership Graduate Certificate program is aligned with the Teacher Leader Model Standards (TLMS), ADE DESE Instructional Specialist Rubric, and Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL).
The following program learning outcomes (PLOs) define and support ongoing instructional leadership and teacher leader effectiveness to ensure that each learner reaches college and career readiness according to the Arkansas Academic Standards.
1. Fostering a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning
The teacher leader understands the principles of adult learning and knows how to develop a collaborative culture of collective responsibility in the school. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote an environment of collegiality, trust, and respect that focuses on continuous improvement in instruction and student learning.
(TLMS Domain I, Instructional Specialist Domain 4, PSEL 6 & 7)
2. Accessing and Using Research to Improve Practice and Student Learning The teacher leader understands how research creates new knowledge, informs policies and practices and improves teaching and learning. The teacher leader models and facilitates the use of systematic inquiry as a critical component of teachers’ ongoing learning and development.
(TLMS Domain II, Instructional Specialist Domain 1, PSEL 6)
3. Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
The teacher leader understands the evolving nature of teaching and learning, established and emerging technologies, and the school community. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to promote, design, and facilitate job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement goals.
(TLMS Domain III, Instructional Specialist Domain 4, PSEL 6)
4. Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
The teacher leader demonstrates a deep understanding of the teaching and learning processes and uses this knowledge to advance the professional skills of colleagues by being a continuous learner and modeling reflective practice based on student results. The teacher leader works collaboratively with colleagues to ensure instructional practices are aligned to a shared vision, mission, and goals.
(TLMS Domain IV, Instructional Specialist Domain 1-4, PSEL 10)
5. Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement
The teacher leader is knowledgeable about current research on classroom- and school-based data and the design and selection of appropriate formative and summative assessment methods. The teacher leader shares this knowledge and collaborates with colleagues to use assessment and other data to make informed decisions that improve learning for all students and to inform school and district improvement strategies.
(TLMS Domain V, Instructional Specialist Domain 1 & 4, PSEL 4)
PLO #6: Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
The teacher leader understands that families, cultures, and communities have a significant impact on educational processes and student learning. The teacher leader works with colleagues to promote ongoing systematic collaboration with families, community members, business and community leaders, and other stakeholders to improve the educational system and expand opportunities for student learning.
(TLMS Domain VI, Instructional Specialist Domain 4, PSEL 8)
7. Advocating for Student Learning and the Profession
The teacher leader understands how educational policy is made at the local, state, and national level as well as the roles of school leaders, boards of education, legislators, and other stakeholders in formulating those policies. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession.
(TLMS Domain VI, Instructional Specialist Domain 4, PSEL 7)
For program assessment visit: