Department website:
The Master of Science in Health Informatics (MSHI) is a specialized program of study to serve the increasing workforce needs in the area of health information technology. The curriculum utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to include health care delivery concepts coupled with information technology in a changing environment. Courses are designed to prepare graduates in the area of privacy and security of health care information, leadership and policy within the health care environment, as well as emerging concepts in information technology as related to the health care setting. Graduates will be able to choose electives to aid in accomplishing their career goals within the area of health information technology.
This program may be completed online.
Unconditional Admission
Students are eligible to apply for unconditional admission to the Master of Science degree program in Health Informatics if they meet the following requirements:
- Applicants must meet the admission requirements for Graduate College.
- Applicants must have successfully completed HIM 3023 Introduction to Health Information Management or demonstrate comparable background. The background may be demonstrated by previous coursework or by relative work experience, as determined by the MSHI Graduate Committee.
- Applicants must have successfully completed a three (3) semester hour course in computer programming, such as COMS 2203 Programming Foundations II or demonstrate comparable background. The background may be demonstrated by previous coursework or by relative work experience, as determined by the MSHI Graduate Committee.
- Applicants must provide a letter of intent that addresses their interests, goals, and reasons for applying to the degree program.
- Approval from the Program Director.
Conditional Admission
Applicants who fail to satisfy the grade point requirements for unconditional admission or who do not satisfy requirements 2-3 above may be admitted conditionally by the MSHI Graduate Committee to earn a maximum of twelve (12) hours of graduate credit. Conditional admission may require taking one or more undergraduate and/or graduate courses to remove those conditions. Any such courses must be completed with a grade of "B" or better. In addition, if the student was admitted conditionally due to grade point average, the student must earn a 3.0 or better cumulative grade point average in all graduate courses taken for the program by the end of the semester in which the twelfth (12) graduate hour is completed.
Students who complete the program will be able to:
- Evaluate the use of emerging technologies and trends in health informatics to support population health and innovation in healthcare.
- Demonstrate knowledge of healthy policy, risks, and legal issues relevant to health informatics to articulate best practices.
- Use systems and tools in hands-on and experiential exercises to apply concepts in health informatics, to include research concepts.
- Analyze security, and privacy issues related to health informatics in an ethical manner.
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