Department website:
The Master of Arts degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) includes the four courses prescribed by the Arkansas Department of Education for ESL endorsement within a flexible degree program. The MA in TESOL can enhance the credentials of K-12 teachers, prepare students for careers in post-secondary teaching in the United States or overseas, and serve as a foundation for doctoral-level studies.
This program may be completed online.
Students who complete the MA in TESOL should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the theory and practice of teaching English to speakers of a second language.
- Generate writing that demonstrates as advanced ability to analyze and synthesize.
- Conduct original research.
Unconditional Admission
Students are eligible to apply for unconditional admission to the Master of Arts degree program in TESOL if they meet the admission requirements for the Graduate College.
Conditional Admission
Applicants who fail to meet all of the departmental requirements may be accepted conditionally provided the deficiencies are completed prior to the completion of twelve (12) semester hours of graduate work.
Applicants who fail to meet the grade point requirement specified for unconditional admission may be admitted conditionally to enroll for a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours. If a student was admitted conditionally based on grade point average, the condition will be met if upon completion of twelve (12) semester hours a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or better is achieved.
Students who complete the program will be able to demonstrate:
- Knowledge of TESL methodology.
- Ability to generate writing that demonstrates advanced analysis and synthesis.
- Ability to conduct original research.
- Knowledge of linguistic theories of second language acquisition.
- Awareness of how cultural factors affect second language acquisition.
For program assessment visit: