Academic Catalog

Adult Education

The Adult Education program is designed to meet the needs of the adult learner who is interested in finding, improving, or creating a new career path. Students have opportunities to obtain an Arkansas high school diploma (GED®), improve basic skills in math, reading, writing, and digital and financial literacy, obtain both state and national certifications, and/or learn to read, write, and speak English.


Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus Adult Education is committed to motivating and encouraging our students to continue their education and to function as a competent member of society.


Adult Education is fully approved and funded by both state and federal grants from the Adult Education Division and is a FREE service to the community. 


Adult Basic Education is available to all students with or without a high school diploma that require improvement in reading, math, or language skills to qualify for Fast Track classes, prepare for college entrance and/or avoid remediation classes, enter the military, improve work capabilities, or for personal growth. Math and Reading are offered as instructor-led, hybrid classes where students can participate live, virtually, or work outside of the designated class time from the center or at home. All other subjects can be offered through self-directed, computer-based programs with one-on-one assistance from a certified instructor as needed/desired and can be done at the center or from home. 

Fast Track is available to those students who require the Arkansas High School Diploma and are GED® Ready as indicated by scoring a 535 on the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). Fast Track classes are online and can be done from home or at the center. 

English as a Second Language (ESL) allows adults to learn to speak, read, and write English as their second language. Classes are provided both in-person (Clarksville) and online through computer-based learning software such as Rosetta Stone or Burlington English. 

WAGE™ I - Workforce Preparation is provided to all students and includes career exploration, work readiness skills, digital literacy, financial literacy, resume building, and interviewing skills. Students who complete all requirements will receive a WAGE™ II state certification.  WAGE™ I is online and can be completed from home or at the center. 

WAGE™ II – Industry Specific certifications are provided to all students who have completed a WAGE™ I certification and include both in-house certifications as well as partnered certification courses in high demand job areas. ATU Adult Education offers Certified Nursing Assistant, Phlebotomy, Personal Care Assistant, Education Paraprofessional, Intro to Hospitality, Intro to Manufacturing, and Intro to Digital Literacy classes on a repeating basis, free to students, throughout the school year. In addition, SNAP E&T and TANF scholarships have assisted students in phlebotomy, CDL, medical assisting, medical coding, attending college, and more, to those who qualify. 

Under 18 – Arkansas High School Diploma/GED® is available to underage students aged 16 and 17 under specific registration requirements. Students must provide a notarized Intent to Home School or Attendance Waiver document from their local school district, score a 535 in at least one subject area on the TABE, and attend 20 hours per week until GED® obtainment to qualify.  

Pre-Trial Conditions Opportunity Program (PCO)- ATU Adult Education works with the local District Court Judge in Franklin, Logan, and Johnson Counties to provide ABE and WAGE™ I Adult Education classes to students in lieu of paying fines for misdemeanors. Students must be court-ordered by the judge, sign an agreement with Adult Education and their probation officer, complete testing requirements, and attend required hours at the center each week.  

Workplace classes may be arranged on-site with local businesses or industries to upgrade employees' basic skills needed on the job. Contact (479) 667-3520 and ask the director for more information. 


Booneville-Logan County Adult Education Center
165 N Broadway
Booneville, AR 72927
(479) 675-4326

Reading, Fast Track, and Center Instructor: Jessica Brown 

Logan County Career Coach: Lexi Norris 

Clarksville-Johnson County Adult Education Center
18 S. Sherwood Plaza
Clarksville, AR 72830
(479) 754-2620

ESL Coordinator/Instructor and Distance Learning and Center Instructor: Mitchell Hook

Math and Center Instructor: Jessica Pipkins

Evening Center Instructor:  Donald Lee

Evening ESL Instructor: Ariyoshi Anmontha

Johnson County Career Coach: Carla White

PCO Coordinator and Career Coach: Sherry Henson

Johnson County ESL Career Coach: Flor Ramirez

Ozark-Franklin County Adult Education Center
909 N 18th Street, Ozark Campus- West Annex
Ozark, AR 72949
(479) 667-3520

Director/Instructor: Regina Olson 

WAGE™ I and Center Instructor:  Emily Morrow 

WAGE™ II and Center Instructor:  Christy McCollough

CNA/ABE Instructor: Linda Proffitt

ABE Instructor: Willene Gowing

PCO Coordinator and Career Coach: Sherry Hesson

Franklin County Career Coach and SNAP Employment and Training Coordinator: Mya Jones

Paris-Logan County Adult Education Center
602 N 10th Street, Room A7
Paris, AR 72855
(844) 963-3243 ext. 5111

Center Instructor: Donna Lowrey

PCO Coordinator and Career Coach: Sherry Hesson