Academic Catalog

Industrial Electronic Technology, Technical Certificate

(Students who take Robotic elective courses may substitute classes as noted below and progress to earn a Technical Certificate in Industrial Electronic Technology by completing the remaining required courses below.) 


The matrix below is a sample plan for all coursework required for this program.

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterHours
AT 1133 Introduction to Manufacturing Components 3
AT 1163 Fund Electricity I (DC CRCTS) 3
AT 1173 Fund Electricity II (AC CRCTS) 3
AT 2123 Industrial Fluid Power 3
TMAT 1203 Technical Mathematics 3
Second Semester
BST 1003
Business English
or Composition I
Approved Elective Credit 3
AT 1123 Semiconductors I 3
AT 2203 Computer System Components 3
AT 2013 Introduction to Industrial Robotics 3
 Total Hours30

(*Robotics Electives:  AT 1103 Programming I; AT 2013 Introduction to Industrial Robotics; AT 2033 Industrial Robotics Program; AT 2043 Robotics and Motion Control.)

(Concurrent students who earn a Certificate of Proficiency in Machining Operations may progress to earn a Technical Certificate in Industrial Electronic Technology by completing the remaining required courses below.  Students pursuing the machining operations path will actually earn 32 hours.)

Certificate of Proficiency in Machining Operations

AT 2513Blueprints, Measurements, and Safety3
AT 2514CNC Milling4
AT 2523Machining Technology3
AT 2524CNC Turning4
Welding Elective3
Total Hours17
Plan of Study Grid
BST 1003
Business English
or Composition I
AT 2123 Industrial Fluid Power 3
AT 1163 Fund Electricity I (DC CRCTS) 3
AT 1173 Fund Electricity II (AC CRCTS) 3
TMAT 1203 Technical Mathematics 3
 Total Hours15