Academic Catalog

Student Services Operations

While academic achievement leading to graduation is the reason for attending Arkansas Tech University, the experiences that students have outside the classroom prove to have a lifelong impact. Experiences gained enhance maturity, leadership, time management, friendships, career development, and civic engagement along with many other essential life skills.

Student Activities and Organizations

Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus offers several activities and organizations for its students. There are few members of the student body who do not take part in one or more of these activities.

Many of these organizations have scholarship opportunities available to their members.

Arkansas LPN Association (ALPNA)

Practical Nursing Students belong to the Arkansas Licensed Practical Nursing Association and the National Association of Licensed Practical Nurse. The activities of the Arkansas LPN Association are an integral part of the instructional program that provides occupational skills as well as leadership skills.

The Arkansas LPN Association provides workshops and speakers on current nursing needs and skills.

The students are assisted in developing the skills and abilities that will lead to successful employment in the nursing profession.

Baptist Collegiate Ministry

Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) is a faith-based organization led by a leadership team of students, a minister, and a faculty advisor. With the support of our faculty advisor and area Baptist churches, the BCM provides opportunities for Christian growth, encouragement and fellowship for the students and staff of Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus. The BCM facilitates their ministry through free lunches and breakfasts on Tuesdays, Bible Study/Prayer groups and special activities throughout the year. Students of all faiths are welcome.

National Technical Honors Society

The National Technical Honor society requires members to maintain a high standard of personal and professional conduct at all times, strive for excellence in all aspects of education and employment, and refuse to engage in or condone activities for personal gain at the expense of their fellow students, school or employer.

Students interested in joining the society must maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher, a 3.25 grade point average in courses in their majors; have one or more faculty members' recommendation; and active involvement in student government, CTSO, civic or service organization.


Skills USA is active at all state post-secondary schools. Membership in these clubs is open to students, former students, and other persons interested in the various career fields represented.

The purpose of Skills USA clubs is to help the student develop social and leadership skills. Activities which enhance the development of these skills will be conducted by the clubs' members and advisors. The activities may include events between post-secondary schools and between students, such as parliamentary procedure contests between schools, troubleshooting contests for Automotive Service Technology students, etc.

Each club elects officers from its membership to serve as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Parliamentarian.

Student Government Association

A Student Government Association is elected each school year at Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus. This group consists of seven elected officials. They will be representing the student body during school activities. They will also be responsible for planning student activities throughout the year. The Student Government Association selects the outstanding student of the year at Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus. This student will be given the Bob Adams Outstanding Student Award at graduation each year.

Student Occupational Therapy Association

The Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA) is a non-profit student organization that serves to promote professional development through education, leadership opportunities, networking, volunteer activities and fund raising. SOTA creates a professional culture that is member driven and facilitates communication between first and second year students, allowing all members to have the opportunity to contribute to the organization's yearly objectives.

Department of Public Safety

The Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus Department of Public Safety is committed to providing quality service and protection to students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the Ozark Campus.  The Department of Public Safety maintains direct contact with the 911 Communications Center for all emergency services. The Office of Public Safety is located in Room 100 of the Collegiate Center.

To report an emergency, call 911. To report a non-emergency crime, call 479-508-3359 or 667-2117, come to the Office of Public Safety, or come to the Office Student Services (located in the Student Services and Conference Center). To report any emergency or crime, you may use the Emergency Call Stations strategically located at the north and east ends of campus. These call stations are red with a blue light at the top.  Each is equipped with a video camera and two buttons. One button is for non-emergencies and contacts the Office of Student Services. The other button is for emergencies and contacts 911. 

It is the responsibility of the Department of Public Safety to investigate all reports of criminal activity and accidents that occur on campus. In the event the Public Safety Officer is not on duty, the Ozark Police Department may be contacted through the Franklin County Dispatch at (479) 667-4127.

Disability Services for Students

Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus is committed to providing equal opportunities for higher education to academically qualified individuals who are disabled. The Disabilities Coordinator facilitates services and accommodations that enable students with disabilities to access the same opportunities as their peers with the greatest degree of independence possible. Students who require accommodations are encouraged to contact the Disabilities Coordinator in order to assess the student's needs and prepare a tailored plan of accommodation specifically addressing barriers to academics, activities, or access to facilities.

Students with disabilities attending Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus will be integrated as completely as possible into the university community. Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus does not offer a specialized curriculum for students with disabilities nor does it assume the role of a rehabilitation center. Tech does assume responsibility for modifying campus facilities and procedures to accommodate individual needs where reasonable and without posing an undue hardship on the institution.

Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus is subject to and endorses both the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Disabilities Coordinator serves as the coordinator for these federal programs. The Disabilities Coordinator is located in the Technology and Academic Support Building, Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus, Ozark, AR 72949, and may be contacted through the Student Success Center at (479) 508-3368.

Diversity and Inclusion

The Department of Diversity and Inclusion (DDI) focuses on enhancing and supporting the experiences of students within underrepresented populations. While promoting a campus environment and culture that celebrates inclusiveness and multiculturalism, DDI aims to support students from their first-year until graduation by executing equity over equality.

For more information, please visit our website at or contact us by phone at 479-880-4358 or by email at

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities, including sexual misconduct, pregnancy, STEM courses (science, technology, engineering, and math), and athletics. Arkansas Tech University does not tolerate sex discrimination and is committed to fostering a safe and caring environment where students, faculty, and staff can thrive in their educational and professional pursuits.

The Arkansas Tech University Sexual Misconduct Policy defines sexual misconduct as any sexual act which violates the criminal laws of the State of Arkansas or laws of the United States including, but not limited to, sexual assault (non-consensual sexual contact or intercourse), domestic violence, dating violence, and sexual exploitation. Sexual misconduct and sexual harassment are prohibited by the Sexual Misconduct Policy. The full policy can be found in the Student Code of Conduct and at

Anyone who has experienced or witnessed sex-based discrimination at Arkansas Tech University is encouraged to report to Amy Pennington, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator, by phone (479-968-0407), email (, or in person (Doc Bryan Student Services Center, Suite 233). Support resources are available both on- and off-campus and are listed throughout the Title IX website (

Veteran Services

Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus is approved by the State Approving Agency (SAA) for Veterans training as a school (college, university, etc.) whereby veterans and veterans' beneficiaries may use educational benefits while working toward a degree. Eligible students should contact the financial aid office at Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus to obtain information regarding school attendance under the following programs:

  • Title 5, Chapter 33, and Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act.
  • Title 10, Chapter 1606, Montgomery GI Bill® for Selective Reserves;
  • Title 38, Chapter 30, Montgomery GI Bill® for Veterans;
  • Title 38, Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)
  • Title 38, Chapter 32, Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP);
  • Title 38, Chapter 35, Survivors and Dependents Education;

Recently, Section 301 of Public Law 1115-251 further amended 38 U.S.C. 3679(c) to require that individuals using educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E), also be charged the resident rate. Effective for courses, semesters, or terms beginning after March 1, 2019, a public institution of higher learning must charge the resident rate to chapter 31 participants, as well as the other categories of individuals described above. When an institution charges these individuals more than the rate for resident students, VA is required to disapprove programs of education sponsored by VA.

Veteran's Benefits

All students must be working toward an Associate of Applied Science degree or a Technical Certificate and should follow the curriculum outline for their objectives. Only specific courses in the student's major may be applied toward Veteran's Affairs (VA) certification and graduation.

Enrollment certification will not be sent to the Department of Veteran's Affairs until the person applying for veteran's benefits has been admitted to the University and prior credit evaluated. Students must request certification for each term to be certified and are responsible for notifying the certifying official of any changes in enrollment status or eligibility. Veterans may be given placement credit for prior military training by providing an official military transcript.

All active duty military service persons and veterans eligible under the GI Bill® as determined by the VA who are classified as "out-of-state" for tuition purposes shall receive a waiver of out-of-state tuition charges. Arkansas Tech University complies with Section 702 of the Veterans Choice Act.  For additional information, please contact the Office of Student Services. See also "In-State Tuition for Military Personnel, Veterans and Dependents" in the Fees and Expenses section of this catalog.

Students may go to the Office of Student Services or call (479) 667-3111 if they have questions or need assistance in applying for their benefits.

Academic Services

Facilities on Campus

Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus offers our facilities to both external and internal users for scheduling events. Anna Moore is the primary point of contact for all departments, groups, and individuals who are interested in reserving the use of facilities on the Ozark Campus. By centralizing the reservation process, we are able to provide efficient and effective service for scheduling an event.

The Ozark Campus works with students, faculty, administrative staff and external customers to reserve space on campus for their events. The most appropriate space for each event based on location, anticipated attendance, and time of year and day will be reserved.

As of January 2, 2018 Arkansas Tech utilizes Ad Astra Scheduler for all space reservations on both the Russellville and Ozark Campuses and Lakepoint Conference Center. Please use Firefox or Google Chrome as your browser. For more information or to schedule an event, go to

The Student Success Center

If you need tutoring for Math or English composition, a computer on which to do homework, or a printer to print off an assignment, then the Student Success Center is the place for you. Our purpose is to provide academic support services that empower students to succeed.

If you need help with test anxiety, time management, or study skills, the Student Success Coordinator provides workshops and one-on-one meetings. Feel free to contact (479) 508-3368 for more information.

Location: Technology and Academic Support Building, Room 140
Hours: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday.


Students may receive only one Tech-funded academic scholarship in any semester. Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, fees, books, or any other educational-related expense. The amount of total funds received by each student will be contingent on the Arkansas Department of Higher Education Scholarship Stacking Policy, Arkansas Act 1180 of 1999.

Students must re-apply for scholarships each semester. Applications must be submitted online at scholarship application will apply for all of the institutional scholarships. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Letter of application and letters of recommendation may be submitted to the Ozark Financial Aid Office.

All students receiving a scholarship must be admitted to the university with a current Free Application for Student Aid application (FAFSA) on file before a scholarship will be credited to a student's account. Students who receive scholarship awards are responsible for knowing and understanding the scholarship requirements, rules, and deadlines. All applicants need to have applied and been accepted for admission to Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus in order to be considered for an Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus Scholarship.

Academic Scholarships

All academic scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis.  

Students who receive scholarship awards are responsible for knowing the renewal requirements. Receipt, continued receipt, or renewal of all academic scholarships is also contingent upon the student honoring the Arkansas Tech University Student Code of Conduct as well as local, state, and federal laws. Transfer, CLEP, AP, and IB credit cannot be used to qualify for scholarship renewal.

Academic Excellence Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded in the fall and spring semesters only. Student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 to apply.

Chancellor's Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded in the fall and spring semesters only.  Students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 to apply.

ATU-Ozark Campus Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for fall and spring semesters only. Any student with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 and who demonstrates financial need may apply. Preference will be given to students experiencing financial hardship and who do not qualify for other aid.

High School to High Wage Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for the fall semester only.  Student must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 to apply and be a graduating senior and a first time entering freshman.  Application deadline is April 1.

Transitions Scholarship

ATU-Ozark campus Students who have completed an ATU-Ozark campus Associate of Applied Science, Associate of General Studies, or Technical Certificate degree program with a minimum 3.25 cumulative college GPA are eligible to apply for a Transitions Scholarship to the ATU-Russellville Campus. Transitions Scholarships are competitively awarded and amounts vary. A student must enroll in and complete 15 or more hours with a 3.25 semester GPA for renewal of up to five semesters or completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first. Please contact the ATU-Ozark campus for a scholarship application. 

Foundation Scholarships

Arkansas Tech University Foundation Scholarships will be awarded if funds are sufficient. To be considered for an Arkansas Tech University Foundation scholarship where need is a determining factor, a Federal Financial Aid Application ( must be on file in the Financial Aid Office. Federal and state regulations do not permit students to receive financial aid in excess of their cost of attendance. For complete details regarding scholarship stacking regulations, contact the Financial Aid Office.

Students who receive privately funded scholarships will be responsible for writing thank you notes. Expressing appreciation to donors for their interest in and support of higher education is an important part of receiving a scholarship.

The Arkansas Tech University Foundation reserves the right to amend scholarship requirements and criteria.

Applying for Foundation Scholarships

The student is responsible for submitting the Foundation Scholarship Application and all required documentation listed in the scholarship criteria by the deadline stated on the application. The application is electronic through the student Onetech portal. 

Alumni Support Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for fall and spring semesters only. Applicants must be a single parent and demonstrate financial need.

Vanesa Briley Memorial Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for fall only. Applicant must have a 2.0 GPA, be a high school senior, and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. Preference will also be given to applicants who do not have many other scholarship awards.

Randy Davis Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship will be awarded each spring that funds are sufficient to a student who meets the following criteria: a high school graduate or equivalent majoring in paramedic/emergency medical services at ATU-Ozark. Student must demonstrate high financial need and be a resident of Sebastian, Crawford, or Johnson County. Recipients may reapply for further consideration in subsequent years.

Harold "Sonny" Field Memorial Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for fall and spring semesters only. Applicants must have a 2.0 GPA, be a Mountainburg High School Senior, enroll in classes immediately following high school graduation, and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester in a technical program.

Hanes Brand Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for fall and may be renewed in the spring semester. Applicants must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester and have a declared major in a technical program.

Bennie Harris Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for fall only. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester, and demonstrate financial need.

Serelda Johnson Scholarship

This scholarship was established in memory of Serelda Johnson by her family and friends. It will be awarded each year that funds are available to a student who is a full-time freshman or sophomore majoring in Health Information Technology on the Ozark Campus and has demonstrated financial need. The award is for one semester and is not automatically renewable for the subsequent semester, but recipients are eligible to reapply.

William "Bud" and Kathey Rue Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for spring only. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester, and demonstrate financial need. Applications are to be submitted to the Financial Aid Office at the Ozark Campus.

Katherine Shaffer Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded for fall and spring semesters only. Applicants must have earned their GED through the Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus Adult Education program, have demonstrated financial need, and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester on the ATU-Ozark Campus.

Elbert "Bo" and Mae Dell Sikes Memorial Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded fall and spring, based on funding. Applicants must have a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester, and be pursuing one of the following majors at ATU-Ozark: Automotive Service Technology, Collision Repair Technology, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Welding, or Industrial Control Systems.

Ted and Betty Williams Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded fall and spring, based on funding. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA. Applicants must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester and enrolled in a program of study on the Ozark Campus leading to a technical certificate or degree. Applicants must also have 12 hours completed toward a technical certificate or degree. Applicants will be selected based on financial need along with leadership qualities.

ABB Ozark Workforce Development Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded fall and spring, based on funding. Applicants must be enrolled in classes on the Ozark Campus whose field of study is related to manufacturing (computer science, logistics, automation technology, and computer technology). Each scholarship shall be awarded for one semester. 

Privately Supported Scholarships

Arkansas Community Foundation Scholarships

Arkansas Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization that fosters smart giving to improve communities. The Community Foundation offers tools to help Arkansans protect, grow and direct their charitable dollars as they learn more about community needs. By making grants and sharing knowledge, the Community Foundation supports charitable programs that work for Arkansans.

Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund

Scholarships are awarded to single parents who have not yet completed a four-year degree with low to moderate income. Must live in one of the following counties:  Crawford, Franklin, Johnson, Logan, Scott or Sebastian. For more information, visit

Murray T. Harris Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded each June to students enrolled in an accredited allied health program. Must live in Washington or Benton County. For more information, visit

Arkansas Department of Higher Education Programs

The Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) has various state scholarships that are available each year for qualified Arkansas students. The programs listed below are awarded and administered by ADHE. The application for all programs can be found at: You may visit the website or write:

Arkansas Department of Higher Education
1501 E Capitol Ave, Suite 300
Little Rock, AR 72201

or by calling (501) 371-2050.

Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship Program

The Academic Challenge Program provides scholarships to Arkansas residents pursuing a higher education. Funded in large part by the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery, the Academic Challenge Scholarship is available to students regardless of their academic status, whether just graduating from high school, currently enrolled in college, enrolling in college for the first time, or re-enrolling after a period of time out of college. The application deadline is July 1. There are no income restrictions but students still must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The scholarship award amount will be determined annually in early Spring.

The scholarship provides awards to students based on the postsecondary institution's degree award level. The annual award amount for a 2-year institution will be $1,000 for the first year. Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus students will be awarded at the 2-year annual award amount of $3,000 for the second year. These amounts are subject to change pending changes in the Arkansas Challenge program.

Students are responsible for knowing and understanding the scholarship requirements and regulations. For all rules and regulations regarding the new Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship, visit the Arkansas Department of higher Education's web site at: Students will need to contact the Arkansas Department of Higher Education in order to place their scholarship on hold, or if they have questions regarding classes, changing their scholarship, etc.

The Arkansas Department of Higher Education has a new Student Account Management System application online for students to apply for the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship and for various other scholarships.

Arkansas Future Grant (ArFuture)

The Arkansas Future Grant (ArFuture) will cover tuition and fees for qualifying certificate and Associate degree programs at Arkansas' public institutions. The grant applies to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) or regional high demand areas of study. Students must have either graduated from an Arkansas public school, private school, home-school or received a high school equivalency diploma; or verify that the student has resided within the state for the three (3) years immediately preceding application as well as meet one of the high school graduation or diploma requirements. Additional requirements and a list of qualifying degree programs can be found online at Applicants must complete the free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and application by June 1.

Governor's Distinguished Scholars

The Governor’s Distinguished Scholars Program will pay up to $10,000 per year for tuition, mandatory fees, room and board to students who achieve 32 or above on the ACT or 1410 on the SAT, have a 3.50 academic grade point average, are a National Achievement Finalist or National Merit Finalist attending an approved Arkansas public or private college or university. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the student meets the continuing eligibility standards. Application deadline is February 1 of high school graduation year.

Law Enforcement Officer’s Dependents Scholarship

The Law Enforcement Officers' Dependents Scholarship (LEO) provides a waiver of tuition, fees, and room at any public college, university, or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansas law enforcement officers, some Highway and Transportation Department employees, and other public employees, who were killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. Application deadline is July 1.

Military Activation

Students who cease attendance at Arkansas Tech University without completing and receiving a grade in one or more courses due to military activation or deployment may receive compensation for the resulting monetary loss as provided by Act 85 of 2005. Please contact the Office of Student Services for information.

Teacher Opportunity Program (TOP)

The Teacher Opportunity Program (TOP) program offers reimbursement grants to cover tuition and fees, not to exceed $3,000, for up to six (6) completed college credit hours per academic year to current Arkansas teachers and administrators seeking to further their education. Application deadline is June 1.

Service Member and Veteran Scholarships

Arkansas National Guard

Act 82 of 2005 provides a tuition and waiver assistance program for soldiers and airmen of the Arkansas National Guard. Members of the Arkansas National Guard should contact the Student Accounts Office for information.

Arkansas National Guard Tuition Incentive Program (formerly G-TIP)

The Arkansas National Guard Tuition Incentive Program (G-TIP) provides up to $5,000 per year to Arkansas residents who are active members of the Arkansas Army/Air National Guard. Applications may be obtained from the unit commander.

Military Dependent’s Scholarship

The Military Dependent’s Scholarship Program provides a waiver of tuition, fees, and on-campus room and board to full-time students at any public college, university, or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansans who were killed or missing in action or who were prisoners of war or who are totally and permanently disabled. All applicants must also apply for and show acceptance or denial of the Federal dependent's Educational Assistance Program. Application deadline is June 1.

Other Sources of Assistance

American Indian Center (AIC)

The American Indian Center (AIC) helps to provide financial assistance for students seeking training opportunities. The student must have a Certificate of Degree of Indian Card (CDIB Card) and meet certain financial eligibility requirements. AIC helps students of Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole ancestry. Applications can be requested from the:

American Indian Center
1100 N. University, Suite 143
Little Rock, AR 7220 7

AIC's telephone number is 1-800-441-4513.

American Opportunity, Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits

Students may qualify for the American Opportunity Credit and a Hope Scholarship Credit or Lifetime Learning Credit on the Federal Income Tax return. Students are mailed a 1098T form each year from the student accounts office. Qualified tuition and fees, excluding MPI, are the only eligible expenses which may be claimed by a qualified taxpayer. If a student receives financial assistance to pay the qualified tuition and fees, the taxpayer is not eligible for the credit.

Arkansas Human Development Corporation

The purpose of this program is to provide educational assistance to qualified students under AHDC's farm workers program. The program may pay tuition, fees, books, supplies, and a weekly allowance to the trainee. To be eligible, an independent student must have derived 51% of his/her gross income from the past year from farm-related employment or be a dependent of a farm worker who derived 51% of his or her gross income from farm work. The AHDC representative will make the determination as to student eligibility. Contact telephone number 479-783-1854.

Arkansas Rehabilitation Services

This program may pay for the eligible student's tuition, fees, books, and supplies. To receive financial assistance under this program, a student must have a physical or mental disability that has been diagnosed as a handicap, have a financial need, and be approved by the area rehabilitation counselor. A student wanting to apply for rehabilitation assistance should call or write to a local rehabilitation office.

Faculty/Staff Waiver

Faculty, staff, and dependents may be eligible to receive a waiver for their tuition and/or fees. In order to receive the waiver, faculty, staff, and dependents must have a current FAFSA on file.

Native American Out-of-State Waiver

Arkansas Tech University offers in-state tuition rates to Native American students in other states belonging to tribes which formerly lived in Arkansas, before relocation, and whose names are on the rolls of tribal headquarters. Tribes thus identified include the Caddo, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek (Muskogee), Delaware, Kickapoo, Osage, Quapaw, Shawnee, and Tunica. Students who qualify for in-state tuition for fee purposes may apply for freshman academic scholarship. For more information contact the Financial Aid Office at (479) 667-3111.

Over 60 Tuition Waiver

Students who are sixty or older on the first day of class may have tuition and fees waived upon completion of certification of eligibility. Students must notify the Financial Aid Office each semester of the number of enrolled hours which need to be waived. Applications are available in the Ozark Campus Financial Aid Office.

Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance

Persons who have substantial handicap to employment as a result of a permanent disability may receive, at no cost to themselves, vocational counseling and some financial assistance toward the cost of their college training when the vocational objective of the disabled person is approved by the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. These services are available through the:

Division of Rehabilitation Services
1401 Brookwood Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

Application for assistance or request for information about the program may be made to that address or to a local rehabilitation counselor.

Workforce Investment Act

The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) is a Federal program designed to provide training for unemployed or underemployed persons if definite employment opportunities are available in a training field. Financial assistance may cover tuition, books, fee/supplies, and transportation. A student wanting to make application for WIA assistance should call or write to a local employment office or career development center. Information concerning the programs of study available to WIA eligible candidates may be obtained from the Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus Financial Aid Office of Student Services or call (479) 667-3111.

Textbook Brokers at Arkansas Tech-Ozark

Your campus bookstore is located in the Alvin F. Vest Student Union. The Ozark Campus Bookstore carries all required course materials including a large selection of textbooks for sale and rent.

There are many other items available to purchase at the bookstore including Tech gear and apparel.  School supplies, electronics, and more are also available.

Information about required course materials and additional program costs can be accessed in the bookstore, financial aid office and online.

Textbook Refund Policy

The Bookstore will issue full refunds in the original form of payment for textbooks purchased at the Bookstore if returned in the original condition, with an original receipt and within the first week of classes. Within 30 days of the first day of classes, textbooks will be refunded with an original receipt and with a valid proof of add/drop.

Buy Back Policy

The Bookstore will buy back some textbooks at the end of each semester (fall, spring, and summer) during finals week. Rentals are due at the end of each semester they are issued, on the last day of finals. Fees for rentals not returned will be charged three days following the due date.

Additional information concerning the Ozark Campus Bookstore may be obtained by calling (479) 508-3337 or by faxing (479) 667-1079.