Academic Catalog

ACTS Course Transfer System

The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) is designed to assist in planning the academic progress of students from the high school level through the adult workforce. This system contains information about the transferability of courses within Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and equitable treatment in the application of credits for admissions and degree requirements. Students may complete specified General Education courses anywhere in the public system as well as many courses in the degree/major that have been pre-identified for transfer. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as “No Comparable Course.” Transferability of courses taken prior to January 1, 2007, is at the discretion of the receiving institution. The Arkansas Course Transfer System can be accessed at

Act 747 of 2011 establishes a statewide common course numbering system for postsecondary courses.  The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) meets this requirement.

The following table lists those courses found within ACTS and the equivalent Arkansas Tech University course as of March 1, 2019.  Please refer to the ACTS website ( for the most up-to-date course listings.

ACTS Course Index Number ACTS Course Index Name Arkansas Tech University Course Number Arkansas Tech University Course Name
ANTH1013 Introduction to Anthropology ANTH 1213 Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH2013 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2003 Cultural Anthropology
ARTA1003 Art Appreciation ART 2123 Experiencing Art
ARTA2003 Art History Survey I ART 2103 Art History I
ARTA2103 Art History Survey II ART 2113 Art History II
BIOL 1004 Biology for Non-Majors BIOL 1014 Introduction to Biological Sciences
BIOL 1014 Biology for Majors BIOL 1114 Principles of Biology
BIOL1034 Botany for Majors BIOL 2134 Principles of Botany
BIOL1054 Zoology BIOL 2124 Principles of Zoology
BIOL 2004 Introductory Microbiology BIOL 2054 Microbiology for Health Sciences
BIOL 2404 Human Anatomy and Physiology I1 BIOL 2404 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2414 Human Anatomy and Physiology II1 BIOL 2414 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
CHEM1004 Chemistry I for General Education CHEM 1113/CHEM 1111 Survey of Chemistry
CHEM1214 Chemistry I for Health Related Professions CHEM 1113/CHEM 1111 Survey of Chemistry and Lab
CHEM1224 Chemistry II for Health Related Professions CHEM 2204 Organic Physiological Chemistry
CHEM1414 Chemistry I for Science Majors CHEM 2124 General Chemistry I
CHEM1424 Chemistry II for Science Majors CHEM 2134 General Chemistry II
CPSI1003 Introduction to Computers COMS 1003 Introduction to Computer Based Systems
CRJU1023 Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 2003 Introduction to Criminal Justice
DRAM1003 Theatre Appreciation TH 2273 Introduction to Theatre
ECON 2103 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2003 Principles of Economics I
ECON2203 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2013 Principles of Economics II
ENGL 1013 Composition I ENGL 1013 Composition I
ENGL 1023 Composition II ENGL 1023 Composition II
ENGL 2013 Introduction to Creative Writing ENGL 2043 Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 2023 Introduction to Technical Writing ENGL 2053 Technical Writing
ENGL2113 World Literature I ENGL 2003 Introduction to World Literature
ENGL2653 American Literature I ENGL 2013 Introduction to American Literature
FREN1013 French I FR 1013 Beginning French I
FREN1023 French II FR 1023 Beginning French II
FREN2013 French III FR 2013 Intermediate French I
FREN2023 French IV FR 2023 Intermediate French II
GEOG1113 Human Geography GEOG 2023 Human Geography
GEOG2103 World Regional Geography GEOG 2013 Regional Geography of the World
GEOG2223 Physical Geography No Comparable Course No Comparable Course
GEOL1114 Physical Geology GEOL 1014 Physical Geology
GEOL1124 Environmental Geology No Comparable Course No Comparable Course
GEOL1134 Historical Geology GEOL 2024 Historical Geology
GERM1013 German I GER 1013 Beginning German I
GERM1023 German II GER 1023 Beginning German II
GERM2013 German III GER 2013 Intermediate German I
GERM2023 German IV GER 2023 Intermediate German II
HEAL1003 Personal Health HLED 1513 Personal Health and Wellness
HIST1113 World Civilizations I HIST 1503 World History to 1500
HIST1123 World Civilizations II HIST 1513 World History since 1500
HIST2113 United States History I HIST 2003 United States History to 1877
HIST2123 United States History II HIST 2013 United States History since 1877
MATH1103 College Algebra MATH 1113 College Algebra
MATH 1113 Quantitative Literacy/Mathematical Reasoning MATH 1003 College Mathematics
MATH 1203 Plane Trigonometry MATH 1203 Plane Trigonometry
MATH1305 Pre-Calculus MATH 1914 Precalculus
MATH2103 Introduction to Statistics STAT 2163 Introduction to Statistical Methods
MATH2203 Survey of Calculus MATH 2243 Calculus for Business and Economics
MATH2405 Calculus I MATH 2914 Calculus I
MATH2505 Calculus II MATH 2924 Calculus II
MATH2603 Calculus III MATH 2934 Calculus III
MUSC1003 Music Appreciation MUS 2003 Introduction to Music
PHIL 1003 Introduction to Critical Thinking PHIL 2053 Introduction to Critical Thinking
PHIL1103 Philosophy PHIL 2003 Introduction to Philosophy
PHSC 1004 Physical Science PHSC 1013/PHSC 1021 Introduction to Physical Science and Physical Science Lab
PHSC1104 Earth Science GEOL 1004 Essentials of Earth Science
PHSC1204 Introduction to Astronomy PHSC 1053/PHSC 1051 Astronomy and Observational Astronomy Lab
PHYS 2014 Algebra/Trigonometry-Based Physics I PHYS 2014 Algebra-Based Physics I
PHYS 2024 Algebra/Trigonometry-Based Physics II PHYS 2024 Algebra-Based Physics II
PHYS2034 Calculus-Based Physics I PHYS 2114 Calculus-Based Physics I
PHYS2044 Calculus-Based Physics II PHYS 2124 Calculus-Based Physics II
PLSC2003 American National Government POLS 2003 American Government
PLSC2103 State and Local Government No Comparable Course No Comparable Course
PSYC1103 General Psychology PSY 2003 General Psychology
PSYC2103 Developmental Psychology No Comparable Course No Comparable Course
SOCI1013 Introduction to Sociology SOC 1003 Introductory Sociology
SOCI2013 Social Problems CJ 2033/SOC 2033 Social Problems
SPAN 1013 Spanish I SPAN 1013 Beginning Spanish I
SPAN 1023 Spanish II SPAN 1023 Beginning Spanish II
SPAN 2013 Spanish III SPAN 2013 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2023 Spanish IV SPAN 2023 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2023 Spanish IV SPAN 2033 Intermediate Spanish II for Heritage Speakers
ACCT2003 Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2004 2 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2013 Principles of Accounting II ACCT 2013 2 Principles of Accounting II
BLAW2003 Legal Environment of Business BLAW 2033 2 Legal Environment of Business

Note - Human Anatomy and Physiology I and Human Anatomy and Physiology II must be taken at the same institution to be transferable. 


Note - Accounting and business courses are not general education core courses.

Note - Applied Technical Math courses not guaranteed for transfer.