Institutional Credit
Arkansas Tech University recognizes the rigor of Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate Programme (IB), and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). Students who have scored accordingly on an AP, IB, or CLEP exam can earn credit toward graduation at Arkansas Tech University by receiving a qualifying score on the examinations. These credits may be used to satisfy general education requirements.
AP, CLEP, and IB scores should be documented on your application for admission. Submit official score reports or readable copies embossed by your high school to the Office of Admissions. Students who have earned International Baccalaureate (IB) credit should submit their IB transcript for evaluation.
In addition, Arkansas Tech University offers Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). Students can contact the appropriate academic department for information about Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).
No more than a total of 30 semester hours of correspondence, extension, military service, credit by examination, or credit for prior learning work may be applied as credit towards a degree. Students who have already earned a grade in a course may not earn duplicate credit through advanced credit or prior learning. Advanced credit and prior learning are not used to calculate a student's grade point average, and therefore, cannot be used to retain scholarship awards.