Academic Catalog

Advanced Placement (AP)

High school students who participated in The College Board’s AP Program may receive college credit by attaining Tech’s AP qualifying score. Credit earned through AP may be used to satisfy general education requirements. Following are the AP examinations that Tech will accept, the corresponding qualifying score required, and credit awarded.

AP Examination Qualifying Score Credit Awarded
African American Studies 3 3 hours General Education Humanities
Art History 3 ART 2123
Biology 3 BIOL 1014
Biology 4 BIOL 1114
Calculus AB 3 MATH 2914
Calculus BC (AB Subscore) 3 MATH 2914
Calculus BC 3 MATH 2914 & MATH 2924
Capstone: Research 3 3 hours General Elective
Capstone: Seminar 3 3 hours General Elective
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1113, CHEM 1111, & CHEM 2204, or CHEM 2124 & CHEM 2134
Chinese Language & Culture 3 3 hours General Education Humanities
Computer Science Principles 3 COMS 1403 & COMS 1411
Computer Science A 3 COMS 1013 & COMS 1011
Computer Science A 4 COMS 1013, COMS 1011, & COMS 2203
English Lang/Comp or Lit/Comp 3 ENGL 1013
English Lang/Comp or Lit/Comp 4 ENGL 1013 & ENGL 1023
Environmental Science 3 BIOL 1004, ENVS 1004, or PHSC 1004
European History 3 3 hours General Elective
French Language 3 FR 2013
German Language 3 GER 2013
Government & Politics: Comparative 3 POLS 2403
Government & Politics: US 3 POLS 2003
Human Geography 3 GEOG 2023
Italian Language & Culture 3 3 hours General Education Humanities
Japanese Language & Culture 3 JPN 2013
Latin 3 LAT 1013
Macroeconomics 3 ECON 2003
Microeconomics 3 ECON 2013
Music Theory 3 MUS 2003
Music Theory 4 MUS 2003 & MUS 1713
Physics B 3 PHYS 2014 & PHYS 2024
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 3 PHYS 2024
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 4 PHYS 2124
Physics C: Mechanics 3 PHYS 2014
Physics C: Mechanics 4 PHYS 2114
Physics 1 3 PHYS 2014
Physics 2 3 PHYS 2024
Pre-Calculus 3 MATH 1914
Psychology 3 PSY 2003
Spanish Language 3 SPAN 2013
Spanish Literature 3 3 hours General Elective
Statistics 3 STAT 2163
Studio Art Design 2-D 3 ART 1403
Studio Art Design 3-D 3 ART 2413
Studio Art Drawing 3 ART 1303
United States History 3 HIST 2003 & HIST 2013
World History 3 HIST 1503 & HIST 1513