Programs of Study
- College of Arts & Humanities
- Art Department
- Behavioral Sciences Department
- Communication & Media Studies Department
- Broadcast Journalism, Certificate of Proficiency
- Communication - Theatre and Film Production Option, Bachelor of Arts
- Communication Minor
- Communication, Bachelor of Arts
- Digital Content Creation, Bachelor of Arts
- Digital Content Creation, Certificate in Proficiency
- Journalism Minor
- Journalism, Bachelor of Arts
- Print Journalism, Certificate of Proficiency
- Public Relations, Certificate of Proficiency
- Social Media Minor
- Sports Media, Certificate of Proficiency
- Technical and Professional Communications, Certificate of Proficiency
- Theatre Minor
- English & World Languages Department
- Creative Writing Minor
- Creative Writing, Bachelor of Fine Arts
- English Education for Teacher Licensure
- English Minor
- English, Bachelor of Arts
- Film Studies Minor
- French Minor
- German Minor
- Japanese Minor
- Latin American/Latino Studies with Language Proficiency Minor
- Latin American/Latino Studies without Language Proficiency Minor
- Spanish Minor
- Teaching English as a Second Language Minor
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Certificate of Proficiency
- History & Political Science Department
- Anthropology and Geography, Bachelor of Arts
- General Education, Associate of Arts
- Geography Minor
- History Minor
- History, Bachelor of Arts
- Military Science Minor
- Philosophy Minor
- Political Science Minor
- Political Science, Bachelor of Arts
- Pre-Law Minor
- Pre-Law, Pre-Professional Program
- Religious Studies Minor
- Social Studies Education for Teacher Licensure
- Strategic Studies Minor
- Music Department
- Music Arts, Bachelor of Music Arts
- Music Education - Instrumental Music Option for Teacher Licensure, Bachelor of Music Education
- Music Education - Keyboard Instrumental Music Option for Teacher Licensure, Bachelor of Music Education
- Music Education - Keyboard Vocal Music Option for Teacher Licensure, Bachelor of Music Education
- Music Education - Vocal Music Option for Teacher Licensure, Bachelor of Music Education
- Music, Bachelor of Arts
- College of Business and Economic Development
- Agriculture & Tourism Department
- Agriculture
- Tourism
- Casino and Gaming Industry Management, Technical Certificate
- Casino and Gaming Industry, Certificate of Proficiency
- Hospitality Administration Minor
- Recreation and Park Administration, Minor
- Tourism - Natural Resource Management Emphasis, Bachelor of Science
- Tourism - Therapeutic Recreation Emphasis, Bachelor of Science
- Tourism, Bachelor of Science
- LeMoyne Smith School of Business
- Accounting Minor
- Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Business Administration Minor
- Business Administration, Associate of Business Administration
- Business Administration, Certificate of Proficiency
- Business and Entrepreneurship Minor
- Business Data Analytics Minor
- Business Data Analytics, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Business Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Data Analytics, Advanced Certificate
- Digital Marketing, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Economics Minor
- Entrepreneurship, Advanced Certificate
- Finance, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Health Information Management, Bachelor of Science
- Human Resource Management, Advanced Certificate
- Microsoft Applications, Certificate of Proficiency
- Agriculture & Tourism Department
- College of Education and Health
- Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science Department
- Coaching Athletics and Physical Activity, Bachelor of Science
- Coaching Strength and Conditioning, Certificate of Proficiency
- Coaching Travel Team and Recreational Sport, Basic Certificate of Proficiency
- Health and Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science
- Health and Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science - Coaching Athletics and Physical Activity Option
- Health and Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology Option
- Health and Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science - Pre-Allied Health Studies Option
- Health and Exercise Science, Bachelor of Science - Public Health Option
- Rehabilitation Science, Bachelor of Science
- Rehabilitation Science - Therapeutic Recreation Option, Bachelor of Science
- Rehabilitation Science Minor
- Sport Coaching Minor
- Nursing Department
- School of Professional and Community Education
- Emergency Management and Homeland Security
- Organizational Studies
- Bachelor of Applied Science
- Interdisciplinary Studies Concentration, Bachelor of Professional Studies
- Leadership Minor
- Nonprofit Leadership, Certificate of Proficiency
- Organizational Leadership - Agriculture Business Option, Bachelor of Arts
- Organizational Leadership - Child Development Option, Bachelor of Arts
- Organizational Leadership - Criminal Justice Option, Bachelor of Arts
- Organizational Leadership - Emergency Management Concentration, Bachelor of Arts
- Organizational Leadership - Inter-College Option, Bachelor of Arts
- Organizational Leadership - Military Leadership Option, Bachelor of Arts
- Organizational Leadership - Psychology Option, Bachelor of Arts
- Organizational Leadership - Public Relations Option, Bachelor of Arts
- Professional Leadership, Certificate of Proficiency
- Project Management, Certificate of Proficiency
- Training and Organizational Development, Certificate of Proficiency
- Workplace Supervision, Certificate of Proficiency
- Teaching & Educational Leadership Department
- Early Childhood Education, Associate of Science
- Early Childhood Education, Certificate of Proficiency
- Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science
- Middle Level Education - English/Language Arts Option, Bachelor of Science
- Middle Level Education - Mathematics Option, Bachelor of Science
- Middle Level Education - Science Option, Bachelor of Science
- Middle Level Education - Social Studies Option, Bachelor of Science
- Middle Level Education, Minor
- Secondary Education
- Secondary Education, Advanced Certificate
- Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science Department
- College of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
- Biological and Earth Sciences Department
- Biology - Biomedical Option, Bachelor of Science
- Biology - Biostatics Option, Bachelor of Science
- Biology - Ecology and Evolution Option, Bachelor of Science
- Biology - Environmental Option, Bachelor of Science
- Biology Minor
- Fisheries and Wildlife Science - Wildlife Option, Bachelor of Science
- Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences - Fisheries Option, Bachelor of Science
- Geosciences Minor
- Geosciences, Bachelor of Science
- Pre-Health Profession in Biology, Advanced Certificate
- Engineering & Computing Sciences Department
- Computing Sciences
- Computer Networking, Certificate of Proficiency
- Computer Programming, Certificate of Proficiency
- Computer Science, Bachelor of Science
- Cybersecurity, Associate of Applied Science
- Cybersecurity, Bachelor of Science
- Information Technology, Associate of Applied Science
- Information Technology - Programming, Database, and Web, Bachelor of Science
- Information Technology - Networking and Security, Bachelor of Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computing Sciences
- Mathematical & Physical Sciences Department
- Applied Statistics, Certificate of Proficiency
- Chemistry - Biochemistry Option, Bachelor of Science
- Chemistry - General Option, Bachelor of Science
- Chemistry - Professional Option, Bachelor of Science
- Chemistry Minor
- Chemistry Technician, Certificate of Proficiency
- Engineering Physics, Bachelor of Science
- Mathematics, Bachelor of Science
- Mathematics, Certificate of Proficiency
- Physical Science Minor
- Physics Minor
- Physics, Bachelor of Science
- Biological and Earth Sciences Department