Health Information Management, Bachelor of Science
Department website:
The degree program in health information management prepares the student for a professional career as an active member of the modern health-care team. In this age of increased computerization and data analysis, the health information management field is an exciting new area with virtually unlimited possibilities.
The health information management administrator is an expert in the world of health record systems. He/she is responsible for obtaining complete health records for use in research; for gathering statistical information on which to base long-range health planning goals; for determining the legitimacy of requests for confidential medical information; for controlling the circulation and integrity of health records; and, as department head, is responsible for efficiency of the health information department employees in the performance of daily activities.
About Health Information Management
The health information department in a medical facility has in its care all the documentation regarding patient-care, physician as well as ancillary information. Responsibility for data validity and integrity play a major role in the health information profession. He/she must be progressive, conscientious, tactful, and knowledgeable, as much work is accomplished in cooperation with other allied health professionals. Above all, the health information professional must adhere to the Code of Ethics of the American Health Information Management Association and to the appropriate institutional behavioral codes that apply.
Professional practice is scheduled at affiliated hospitals in nearby cities for a period of six hours per week during the fall and spring semesters for senior HIM majors. The management affiliation may be assigned to a health care facility for four weeks (40 hours per week) and normally occurs in the summer immediately following the senior year. Students are responsible for all transportation and lodging expenses during these assignments; however, every effort will be made to minimize such costs.
Students must make at least a “C” in each of the professional courses and demonstrate their proficiency in professional practice and management-affiliation. Upon successful completion of the program, the student is granted a Bachelor of Science degree in health information management and becomes eligible to write the national certification examination. The student already holding a baccalaureate degree may apply for the HIM program as specified in the Application Guidelines and work toward another baccalaureate degree provided the pre-professional course of study has been completed to establish eligibility to write the national certification examination. Registered health information technicians are urged to contact the Program Director for information regarding RHIA progression. The national certification examination is offered year-round by the American Health Information Management Association.
Special instructions for transfer students: transfer of courses to meet specific Health Information Management Program requirements have a grade of at Least C. Lower-level courses (numbered in the 1000's and 2000's) from other institutions cannot be transferred to meet upper-level (3000-4000) HIM course requirements; however, they may be used as general electives. There are challenge exams available for select course credit. Transfer of upper-level courses to meet HIM requirements is subject to validation by the HIM Program.
Program Application Guidelines
- Application for upper level professional HIM courses must be on file with the HIM Program Director by February 15th prior to the year you wish to take HIM courses.
- To be eligible for application interview, the following must be on file: Application, current copy of all applicable transcripts, including a cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and COMPASS/ACT scores.
- Applicants may be required to complete an interview with an interview team. Consideration will be given to areas such as:
- Dedication and perseverance
- Aptitude
- Knowledge of HIM profession
- Professional appearance
- Flexibility
- Realistic career goals
- True desire to enter HIM profession
- Ability to finish HIM program within prescribed time
- Candidates will be ranked based on GPA and number of prerequisite courses completed. The top twenty will be selected. A ranked order waiting list will be maintained by the HIM Program Director.
- Candidates will be notified prior to pre-registration for the fall semester. If accepted, candidates must return a signed statement acknowledging acceptance. Candidates must register for courses indicated on the degree plan. Any change in degree plan requires approval of the student’s HIM faculty advisor. Candidates must notify the program director of change in degree choice.
- A late application deadline of August 15th will be observed if positions are available. Late applicants will be notified as soon as possible or during the week of late registration.
- If a candidate fails a course that would preclude graduation, or does not earn at least a “C” in HIM courses, reapplication to the HIM Program will be required.