BSN Pre-licensure Nursing Program
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hours | |
ENGL 1013 | Composition I 4 | 3 |
CHEM 1113 & CHEM 1111 |
A Survey of Chemistry and Survey of Chemistry Laboratory 4 |
4 |
MATH 1113 | College Algebra 2,4 | 3 |
SOC 1003 | Introductory Sociology 4 | 3 |
TECH 1001 | Orientation to the University | 1 |
Elective | 1 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
Select one of the following: | 4 | |
Human Anatomy 4 | ||
Human Anatomy and Physiology I 4 | ||
ENGL 1023 | Composition II 4 | 3 |
PSY 2003 | General Psychology 4 | 3 |
SFHS 1XXX | Social Sciences/Fine Arts/Humanities/Communication Courses 1 | 3 |
USHG 1XXX | U.S. History and Government 1 | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
Select one of the following: | 4 | |
Microbiology for Health Sciences 4 | ||
Microbiology 4 | ||
Select one of the following: | 4 | |
Human Anatomy and Physiology II 4 | ||
Human Physiology 4 | ||
FAH 1XXX | Fine Arts and Humanities Courses 1 | 6 |
NUR 2303 | Nutrition 4 | 3 |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
BIOL/NUR 3803 | Applied Pathophysiology 4 | 3 |
NUR 2023 | Introduction to Professional Nursing 4 | 3 |
NUR 3103 | Nursing Skills I 4 | 3 |
NUR 3303 | Health Assessment 4 | 3 |
PSY 3813 | Lifespan Development 4 | 3 |
Hours | 15 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
NUR 3204 | Concepts in Nursing I 4 | 4 |
NUR 3213 | Care of the Older Adult 4 | 3 |
NUR 3402 | Pharmacology I 4 | 2 |
NUR 3404 | Clinical Nursing I 4,5 | 4 |
NUR 3513 | Nursing Skills II 4 | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
NUR 3606 | Concepts in Nursing II 4 | 6 |
NUR 3802 | Pharmacology II 4 | 2 |
NUR 3805 | Clinical Nursing II 4,5 | 5 |
Hours | 13 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
NUR 4206 | Concepts in Nursing III 4 | 6 |
NUR 4303 | Nursing Research 4 | 3 |
NUR 4405 | Clinical Nursing III 4,5 | 5 |
Elective | 1 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
NUR 4606 | Concepts in Nursing IV 4 | 6 |
NUR 4804 | Clinical Nursing IV 4,5 | 4 |
NUR 4903 | Synthesis of Clinical and Theoretical Concepts 4,5 | 3 |
Hours | 13 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
- 1
See appropriate alternatives or substitutions in "General Education Requirements".
- 2
MATH 1113 College Algebra or higher level MATH course (excluding MATH 2033 Mathematical Concepts I, MATH 2043 Mathematical Concepts II and STAT 2163 Introduction to Statistical Methods)
- 3
Depending on previous preparation, student should recognize that prerequisites may be required before enrolling in BIOL 2014 Human Anatomy or BIOL 2404 Human Anatomy and Physiology I.
- 4
Must earn a grade of "C" or better.
- 5
One credit hour equals 3 contact hours.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is approved by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing and the Arkansas Department of Higher Education. All programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.
Admission to the prelicensure program is competitive and subject to evaluation by the Nursing Department’s Admission and Progression Committee. Students are considered for admission the spring and fall preceding the semesters they plan to enter upper division nursing courses. All transcripts and entrance exam scores are due with the Application to Upper Division. Pre-licensure application deadlines are February 15 for fall admission and September 15 for spring admission.
Minimum requirements for acceptance into the upper division (Level 0) nursing courses are:
- Prerequisite grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale.
- Completion of the following courses with a grade of “C” or better in each:
Course List Code Title Hours ENGL 1013 Composition I 3 ENGL 1023 Composition II 3 MATH 1113 College Algebra 3 BIOL 2014 Human Anatomy 4 or BIOL 2404 Human Anatomy and Physiology I BIOL 3054 Microbiology 4 or BIOL 2054 Microbiology for Health Sciences BIOL 3074 Human Physiology 4 or BIOL 2414 Human Anatomy and Physiology II CHEM 1113
& CHEM 1111A Survey of Chemistry
and Survey of Chemistry Laboratory4 PSY 2003 General Psychology 3 SOC 1003 Introductory Sociology 3 NUR 2303 Nutrition 3 - Completion of the following General Education courses (See General Education Requirements for specific course alternatives):
- Option 1: Social Sciences 6 hours; Fine Arts/Humanities 6 hours; Communication 3 hours
- Option 2: Social Sciences 6 hours; Fine Arts/Humanities 9 hours
- Option 3: Social Sciences 9 hours; Fine Arts/Humanities 6 hours
- TECH 1001 Orientation to the University or TECH 1013 Introduction to the University (1 hour only) or 1-hour Elective (ATU requires TECH 1001 Orientation to the University or TECH 1013 Introduction to the University unless student is a transfer student not coming in as a freshman)
- Completion of entrance exam with a score of proficient or higher.
The Admission and Progression Committee uses the following criteria to rank applicant for admission to upper division nursing courses.
Student has all general education and nursing prerequisite courses completed with GPA > 2.75 at time of application (and at the end of semester of application); and score of proficient or higher on the entrance exam.
Do not admit at this time.
Admission of college freshman who obtained Advanced Placement/Concurrent hours while attending high school:
ATU Nursing Department wishes to offer these specific high school students the opportunity to complete their courses within a timely manner.
Criteria for consideration (Failure to meet items 4 and/or 5 will result in loss of position in Upper Division):
- GPA > 3.50
- Proficiency score > 70.0 on Entrance Exam
- No more than 8 hours of courses to complete in the summer before entry into Level 0
- Outstanding courses must be completed during summer session between spring and fall. All prerequisite courses to be complete prior to the start of Level 0
- Grade of C or better on summer courses completed to meet prerequisite requirements.
Applications are ranked according to GPA and the entrance exam with preference given to ATU students. Admission will be determined by the resulting rank order and proficiency or better on entrance exam.
Applicants completing prerequisite requirements at an institution other than ATU must have official grades submitted to ATU prior to start of the semester.
Any student transferring from another nursing program must submit a letter of good standing to the Admission and Progression Committee with the application to upper-division nursing.
A student position may be filled in a discretionary manner for exceptional reasons as determined by the committee and approved by the department head.
Minimum requirements for continuation into clinical nursing courses (all initiated during upper division nursing courses)
- Acquisition of professional/student liability insurance through ATU
- Satisfactory criminal background check
- Current certification of BLS-CPR through the American Heart Association
- Proof of current immunization required by ATU and the ATU Affiliation Agreements with clinical facilities.
- Proof of two of three vaccinations of the Hepatitis B series. The third Hepatitis B vaccination must be completed before the end of the first clinical semester. Alternatively, proof of a positive Hepatitis B titer is accepted.
In order to progress in the pre-licensure and LPN to BSN nursing programs, the student must meet the following guidelines.
Students must achieve a “C” or better in all nursing courses excluding electives. Students who make less than a “C” in any upper division nursing course may not progress into courses for which that course(s) is a prerequisite or level requirement.
A student in upper division nursing courses may only repeat one nursing course. Following a second failure (excluding NUR 4903), the student will be dismissed from the program. A student may appeal to the Department Head for extraordinary circumstances.
Any student who attempts any nursing course twice (2 times) and does not achieve a final grade of "C" or better in the course, will automatically be withdrawn from the Arkansas Tech University Nursing Program and will not be eligible for readmission. An attempt is defined as "any enrollment in any course and dropping it (or changing it to an audit) after the first day of the 10th week of the semester during the Fall or Spring semester, or after the third week of either summer session for any reason, or failure (grade of "D" or "F") of the course."
Any student who withdraws from a clinical nursing course (NUR 3404 Clinical Nursing I, NUR 3805 Clinical Nursing II, NUR 4405 Clinical Nursing III, NUR 4804 Clinical Nursing IV must have a passing grade at the time of withdrawal in order to withdraw passing. Students failing (“D” or “F”) at the time of withdrawal will receive an “F”. A grade of “F” will count as a failure (“F”) for progression purposes.
Students must achieve a passing grade “C” in both the Concepts and corresponding Clinical Nursing courses in order to progress within the program. Students who repeat a Concepts course are required to show clinical competency in order to progress. Students who repeat a clinical course are required to show concepts competency in order to progress.
Clinical competence can be attained by:
- Taking for credit the corresponding clinical course
- Completing NUR 3892 Clinical Competency I or NUR 4892 Clinical Competency II with a grade of “C” or better.
Concepts competency can be attained by:
- Taking for credit the corresponding Concepts in Nursing course. Students must maintain a 75% average on all exams.
- Completing NUR 3792 Concepts Competency I or NUR 4792 Concepts Competency II with a grade of "C" or better.
Any student who fails an Upper Division nursing course (excluding nursing electives), withdraws, or has a break in enrollment (including medical emergencies/complications) must reapply for readmission and progression in the nursing program. Reapplications must be submitted by the date immediately following the last day of end of semester final exams. To reapply, the student must meet with the level coordinator or program director to request readmission. The student is required to write a letter of intent addressing reasons for past failure or break in enrollment including a plan of action for future success within the nursing program. Completion of the reapplication process is the responsibility of the student. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Reapplication decisions will be based on the availability of positions within the repeating level. Should several students reapply for the same level and positions are limited, GPA ranking and letter of intent will guide the committee's decision-making process.
Students who have not attended Arkansas Tech University during the past year must apply for readmission to the University.
The nursing program must be completed within four years of entry into upper-division nursing.
Students who complete the program will:
- Demonstrate clinical judgment, skills, and abilities to the provision of safe competent patient care
- Demonstrate culturally sensitive caregiving, communication, teaching, advocacy, and management of diverse patient populations and settings.
- Utilize research evidence and technology to improve the quality and safety of patient care.
- Collaborate with inter-professional health care teams in the delivery of patient care
- Apply principles of professional nursing ethics in patient care and professional situations.
For program assessment visit: