Academic Catalog

Middle Level Education - Social Studies Option, Bachelor of Science

Department website:

The Middle Childhood/Early Adolescence degree provides quality preservice educational instruction and guidance in preparation for teaching grades 4-8. The program prepares and nurtures interdisciplinary teachers who understand the major concepts, principles, theories, and research on developmentally responsive middle schools, adolescent development, planning and implementing curriculum, assessment strategies, professionalism, and advocacy (AMLE, 2022). The program is designed around a conceptual framework which organizes learning expectations and experiences into manageable discipline-specific strands for the content areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, or Science.

The first stage of the middle level program is a pre-professional program and admission to this stage does not constitute approval for admission to the professional program in teacher education. Stage II is the professional stage of the preparation program. Teacher candidates must satisfactorily complete the requirements of the first stage, have a cumulative grade point average of 2.70 on all coursework, complete English composition courses, an oral communication course, a college-level mathematics course, and complete MLED 2003 Introduction to Education, or acceptable introduction to education substitution course, with grades of "C" or higher. 

After satisfying all of the requirements of the Stage II coursework and Residency A, the teacher candidate will apply for Residency B. Admission to Residency B requires completion of all professional education courses, senior standing, satisfactory completion of all prerequisites listed in the course descriptions, a minimum grade of “C” in all courses with a cumulative grade point average of 2.70, and the minimum score on the subject area licensure examination as required by the Arkansas Department of Education.

Teacher candidates should complete an application for Residency B for the spring semester by October 15 or for the fall semester by March 15. Teacher candidates must present scores on the appropriate licensure examination as directed by the Arkansas Department of Education.

Association for Middle Level Education [AMLE]. (2022). Association for Middle Level Education Teacher Preparation Standards.