First-Time Student Academic and Transfer Scholarships
All scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. The priority deadline to apply for all First-Time Student Academic Scholarships is December 1 of the current award year and the final deadline for consideration is February 1. The undergraduate application for admission serves as the scholarship application for the above-mentioned scholarships. The priority deadline to apply for transfer scholarships is May 1 for a fall term and December 1 for a spring term of the current award year. The final deadline to apply for transfer scholarships is July 15 for a fall term and January 5 for a spring term of the current award year. In addition to an early admission status, students wanting transfer scholarship consideration must submit a Transfer Scholarship application. The amount of total funds received by each student will be contingent on the Arkansas Department of Higher Education Scholarship Stacking Policy, Arkansas Act 1180 of 1999.
All scholarship recipients must be admitted on the Russellville campus and be enrolled in a minimum of 15 credit hours. Students may receive only one Tech-funded First-time Student Academic Scholarship or Transfer Scholarship in any semester. Scholarship recipients must live in a residence hall or receive an exemption to the residency requirements from the Office of Residence Life in accordance with established university policy. Recipients are responsible for making on-campus housing arrangements. A traditional-aged high school student who opts to take the GED may apply for First-time Student Academic Scholarships. Students receiving scholarships must be U.S. citizens or Resident Aliens.
Scholarships are awarded for consecutive fall and spring terms only and do not cover summer terms. Scholarships may be deferred for up to one year upon Institutional Scholarship Appeals Committee approval. A deferment must be requested in writing prior to the semester for the scholarship award.
Students who receive scholarship awards are responsible for knowing the renewal requirements found online at Receipt, continued receipt, or renewal of all academic scholarships is also contingent upon the student honoring the Arkansas Tech University Student Code of Conduct as well as local, state, and federal laws. Transfer, CLEP, AP, and IB credit cannot be used to qualify for scholarship renewal.
First-Time Student Academic Scholarships
First-time Student Academic Scholarships are awarded based on cumulative high school grade point average. These scholarships must be used the fall semester following high school graduation and are renewable up to seven semesters after the first, or the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first. Scholarship eligibility ends when the student completes the academic requirements for a bachelor's degree regardless of if the degree is not yet conferred. All scholarships are awarded as funds are available:
- $1,000 per year award for students with a 2.75 – 3.24 cumulative HS GPA
- $2,000 per year award for students with a 3.25 – 3.49 cumulative HS GPA
- $4,000 per year award for students with a 3.50 - 3.74 cumulative HS GPA
- $8,000 per year award for students with a 3.75 – 3.99 cumulative HS GPA and 24 - 27 ACT Composite Score or 1160 - 1290 SAT Score
- Students must live on campus to receive the $8,000 per year award.
- Students living off campus receive a $6,500 per year award.
- $12,000 per year award for students with a 4.0+ cumulative HS GPA and 28 - 36 ACT Composite Score or 1300 - 1600 SAT Score
- Students must live on campus to receive the $12,000 per year award.
- Students living off campus receive a $9,000 per year award.
University Honors Program
University Honors participants receive University Honors Stipends of up to $2,000 per semester. Stipends are bundled with the participants' academic scholarships and are renewable to a total of eight semesters or until the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first.
An applicant must have a 3.50 cumulative high school GPA and either a minimum 27 ACT composite or be ranked in the top 10% of his or her graduating class to receive consideration for the University Honors Program. The University Honors application deadline is noon on December 15. Students who are chosen to interview will be notified in December and January. Invitations to join the University Honors Program will be sent to selected interview candidates by February 1.
All University Honors students must participate in University Honors curriculum requirements, the sophomore service requirement, and all Honors functions. University Honors students must enroll in a minimum of 15 hours during the fall semester of the freshman year and complete a minimum of 12 hours with a 3.00 semester GPA to be eligible for membership renewal for the following semester. Recipients must enroll in a minimum of 15 hours for the spring semester and complete a total of 27 hours for the freshman year with a 3.25 semester GPA to be eligible for continuation in the University Honors Program and the Honors stipend for subsequent semesters.
Transfer, CLEP, AP, and IB credit cannot be used to qualify for scholarship renewal. Renewal for subsequent semesters requires a 3.25 semester GPA on a minimum of 15 hours. For additional information on the University Honors Scholarship, contact Dr. Jamie Stacy, Interim Director of Honors, at (479) 880-4046 or
Tech Transfer Scholarships
Students who have completed 12 or more transferable, for-credit hours at their most recent accredited college or university with a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA are encouraged to apply. The award amount for students with a 2.75-3.24 cumulative GPA at their most recent accredited college or university is $1,500 per semester. The award amount for students with a 3.25+ cumulative GPA at their most recent accredited college or university is $2,000 per semester. The scholarship is renewable for up to five semesters or until the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first. Scholarship eligibility ends when the student completes the academic requirements for a bachelor's degree regardless of if the degree is not yet conferred. High school seniors with concurrent college credit are not eligible for Transfer Scholarship consideration. A limited number of Tech Transfer Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. All scholarships are awarded as funds are available.
Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Scholarship
Students who are members of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and have completed 12 or more transferable, for-credit hours at their most recent accredited college or university with a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA are encouraged to apply. The $3,000 per semester award is renewable for up to five semesters or until the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first. Scholarship eligibility ends when the student completes the academic requirements for a bachelor's degree regardless of if the degree is not yet conferred. High school seniors with concurrent college credit are not eligible for Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Scholarship consideration. A limited number of Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. All scholarships are awarded as funds are available.
Presidential Honors Transfer Scholarship
This scholarship allows any Arkansas two-year college president/chancellor the opportunity to name one student each year for a transfer scholarship with a value of $3,000 per semester. The award is renewable for up to five semesters or until the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first. Scholarship eligibility ends when the student completes the academic requirements for a bachelor's degree regardless of if the degree is not yet conferred. Students must have completed 12 or more transferable, for-credit hours with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Interested students should check with their current two-year school’s Financial Aid Office or President’s/Chancellor’s Office for further details. High school seniors with concurrent college credit are not eligible for Presidential Honors Transfer Scholarship consideration. All scholarships are awarded as funds are available.
Arkansas Academic All-Star Transfer Scholarship
Transfer students who are selected as Arkansas Academic All-Stars by their two-year institution are encouraged to apply. The $4,500 per semester award is renewable for up to five semesters or until the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first. Scholarship eligibility ends when the student completes the academic requirements for a bachelor's degree regardless of if the degree is not yet conferred. High school seniors with concurrent college credit are not eligible for Academic All-Star Transfer Scholarship consideration. All scholarships are awarded as funds are available.
Transitions Scholarships
Students who have completed an ATU Ozark campus Associate of Applied Science, Associate of General Studies, or Technical Certificate are encouraged to apply. The award amount for students with a 2.75 - 3.24 cumulative GPA is $1,500 per semester. The award amount for students with a 3.25+ cumulative GPA is $2,000 per semester. The Transitions Scholarship application can be found on the ATU Ozark Campus website. High school seniors with concurrent college credit are not eligible for Transitions Scholarship consideration. A limited number of Transitions Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. All scholarships are awarded as funds are available.
First-Time Student Academic Scholarship Renewal Requirements
First-time Student Academic Scholarship recipients must enroll in a minimum of 15 hours during the fall semester of the freshman year and complete a minimum of 12 hours with a 2.75 cumulative GPA to remain on track for scholarship renewal at the end of the academic year. Students who do not meet first semester renewal requirements will retain the scholarship awards but receive notification from the Financial Aid Office they are at risk of losing their awards. Students must enroll in a minimum of 15 hours for the spring semester and complete a total of 27 hours for the freshman year (fall/spring) with a 2.75 cumulative GPA to be eligible for the scholarship for the sophomore year. Transfer, CLEP, AP, and IB credit cannot be used to qualify for scholarship renewal. Renewal for subsequent semesters requires enrollment in 15 hours each semester and completion of 30 hours each year (fall/spring) with a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA. Students who completely withdraw from classes forfeit their scholarships for any remaining semesters of eligibility.
The Summer Earn Back Program is available for students who do not meet the requirements at the end of the spring term. Academic Scholarship awards must be used on the Russellville campus. Renewal requirements for University Honors stipends are available on the University Honors website. The Summer Earn Back Program cannot be used to maintain University Honors stipends.
Transfer & Transitions Scholarship Renewal Requirements
Transfer and Transitions Scholarship students must enroll in a minimum of 15 hours each semester and complete a minimum of 30 hours each year (fall/spring) with a 2.75 cumulative GPA to be eligible for scholarship renewal. The Transitions Scholarship and all transfer scholarships are renewable for five consecutive semesters or until the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first, provided the student maintains all scholarship requirements. Scholarship eligibility ends when the student completes the academic requirements for a bachelor's degree regardless of if the degree is not yet conferred. Transfer, CLEP, AP, and IB credit cannot be used to qualify for scholarship renewal. Students who completely withdraw from classes forfeit their scholarships for any remaining semesters of eligibility. Transfer and Transitions Scholarship awards must be used on the Russellville campus.
Single Term Renewal Requirements
Students whose scholarships begin with the spring term or who only complete one term during the academic year based on special circumstances such as military training or medical conditions must complete a total of 15 hours for the academic year (fall/spring/summer) with a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA. Transfer, CLEP, AP, and IB credit cannot be used to qualify for scholarship renewal. Summer courses taken to meet renewal requirements must be through Arkansas Tech University and are at the student’s expense.
Summer Earn Back Program
This program is available for students receiving the following scholarships: First-time Student Academic, Concurrent Advantage, ATU First Generation, ATU Promise, ATU Family, Transitions, and all transfer scholarships. The program cannot be used to maintain University Honors Stipends. Scholarship students who received their academic scholarship awards in the spring term, but fail to maintain the required number of hours and/or cumulative GPA, may take summer courses to make up deficiencies. Summer courses may be used to meet either the hour or cumulative GPA requirement for continued renewal. Summer courses taken to reinstate awards must be through Arkansas Tech University and are at the student’s expense.
To remain in compliance with Act 323 of 2009, the university reserves the right to cancel or modify any scholarship funded by the institution at any time. All scholarships are awarded as funds are available.
Foundation Scholarships
Arkansas Tech University Foundation Scholarships will be awarded if funds are sufficient. To be considered for an Arkansas Tech University Foundation scholarship where need is a determining factor, a Federal Financial Aid Application ( must be on file in the Financial Aid Office. Federal and state regulations do not permit students to receive financial aid in excess of their cost of attendance. For complete details regarding scholarship stacking regulations, contact the Financial Aid Office.
Students who receive privately funded scholarships will be asked to write a thank you note. Expressing appreciation to donors for their interest in and support of higher education is an important part of receiving a scholarship.
The Arkansas Tech University Foundation reserves the right to amend scholarship requirements and criteria.
Applying for Foundation Scholarships
The student is responsible for submitting the Foundation Scholarship Application and all documentation listed in the scholarship criteria to the Office of Advancement.
The applicant will be considered for all scholarships through the Office of Advancement where all the criteria requirements have been fulfilled.
Scholarships may be viewed and applications submitted at The log-in is the student's ATU email and password.
Please contact the Office of Advancement at 479-968-0400 with any questions.
Athletic Scholarship
The maximum number and maximum value of such scholarships will be determined by the constitution and by-laws of the NCAA Great American Conference. Applicants should contact the Arkansas Tech University Athletic Director at 479-968-0245.
Privately Supported Scholarships
Arkansas Community Foundation Scholarships
Arkansas Community Foundation is a nonprofit organization that fosters smart giving to improve communities. The Community Foundation offers tools to help Arkansans protect, grow and direct their charitable dollars as they learn more about community needs. By making grants and sharing knowledge, the Community Foundation supports charitable programs that work for Arkansas.
Arkansas Education Association Scholarships
Emma Scott - Scholarship for Future Teachers
The Emma Scott Memorial Scholarships were established in 1961 by the Arkansas Education Association to honor Emma Scott. Miss Scott was a former English teacher in Little Rock and AEA staff member who is credited with establishing Future Teachers of America programs in Arkansas.
TE Patterson - Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is awarded yearly to five African-American college students in Arkansas. Each year this scholarship also honors the memory of a distinguished African-American educator. The deadline for scholarship applications is March 1st. All applications must be completed with documents by the deadline. Otherwise the committee will not consider it.
Arkansas Health Information Management Association Scholarship
An annual scholarship fund has been established by the Arkansas Health Information Management Association. The scholarship is awarded each spring to a deserving health information management major in his/her junior or senior year. The recipient is determined by the Executive Board of the Arkansas Health Information Management Association. Interested students can apply online at You may contact the Health Information Management Program office in Rothwell Suite 453 with any questions. Application deadline is January 31st.
Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund
Single parents who reside in Arkansas may find eligibility information and the application online at
J.D. Knight Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Mrs. J.D. Knight in memory of her late husband, Mr. J.D. Knight, a former member of the Arkansas Tech Board of Trustees. The recipient must be majoring in accounting, business, or economics and must have an interest in banking as a possible career. An application may be obtained from the Accounting Department in the College of Business.
Cora McHenry Scholarship for Teaching Excellence
Three partial tuition scholarships available to African-American students committed to teaching in the public school of Arkansas at either the early childhood/middle or secondary level. To be eligible, a student must be eligible for the teacher education program, be a member of SNEA or CMLA, be enrolled in a 15-credit hour course load, and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better. To apply a student should submit a letter of application, two letters of recommendation from school officials, a brief essay on why the applicant is interested in teaching, and including a record of activities in school, church, and the community to Dr. V. Carole Smith, College of Education, Arkansas Tech University. Application deadline is February 15.
R. Lewis Urton Senior Rehabilitation Scholarship
An annual grant provided by the Arkansas Rehabilitation Association to a senior major in rehabilitation science. Applications for the scholarship are received during the spring semester. Students interested in applying should contact the Director of the Rehabilitation Science program. Each applicant will be interviewed by a committee made up of members of the Arkansas Rehabilitation Association.
Arkansas Department of Higher Education Programs
The programs listed below are awarded and administered by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE). Further information may be obtained by writing to:
Arkansas Department of Higher Education
101 E. Capitol Ave.
Little Rock, AR 72201
or by calling (501) 371-2000 or at The application for all programs is available on-line.
Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship Program
The Academic Challenge Program provides scholarships to Arkansas residents pursuing a higher education. Funded in large part by the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery, the Academic Challenge Scholarship is available to students regardless of their academic status, whether just graduating from high school, currently enrolled in college, enrolling in college for the first time, or re-enrolling after a period of time out of college. There are no income restrictions, but students still must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by July 1. The scholarship award amount will be determined annually in early Spring. The application deadline is July 1.
Arkansas Future Grant (ArFuture)
The Arkansas Future Grant (ArFuture) will cover up to tuition and general mandatory fees as a last-dollar award, pro-rated for a 4-year campus, for qualifying certificate and Associate degree programs at Arkansas' public institutions. The grant applies to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) or regional high-demand areas of study. Students must have either graduated from an Arkansas public school, private school, home school or received a high school equivalency diploma; or verify that the student has resided within the state for the three (3) years immediately preceding application as well as meet one of the high school graduation or diploma requirements. Additional requirements and a list of qualifying degree programs can be found online at Applicants must complete the free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and application by July 1.
Arkansas National Guard Tuition Assistance (formerly G-TIP)
The Arkansas National Guard Tuition Assistance program provides tuition and general mandatory fees as a last dollar waiver to Arkansas residents who are active members of the Arkansas Army/Air National Guard that have not already obtained a Bachelor's degree. Applications and additional information may be obtained from the unit commander.
Arkansas Teacher academy scholarship
The Arkansas Teacher Academy Scholarship is a program that offers aspiring teachers up to $6,000 for tuition and program fees each semester for undergraduate studies. For every year a student receives funding, the student is required to teach in an Arkansas public school. Graduate programs may also be covered with the same work requirement. Requirements: Within one year of completion, Academy attendees must teach in an Arkansas public school for each year of funding received. Application deadline is July 1, 2025 for the Fall 2025 semester
Governor’s Distinguished Scholars
The Governor’s Distinguished Scholars Program will pay up to $10,000 per year to students who achieve 32 or above on the ACT or 1410 on the SAT, have a 3.50 academic grade point average, are a National Achievement Finalist or National Merit Finalist attending an approved Arkansas public or private college or university. The scholarship is renewable for up to three additional years provided the student meets the continuing eligibility standards. Application deadline is March 1 of high school graduation year.
Law Enforcement Officer’s Dependents Scholarship
The Law Enforcement Officers' Dependents Scholarship (LEO) provides a waiver of tuition, fees, and on-campus room at any public college, university, or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansas law enforcement officers, some Highway and Transportation Department employees, and other public employees, who were killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. Application deadline is July 1.
Military Dependent’s Scholarship
The Military Dependent’s Scholarship Program provides a waiver of tuition, fees, and on-campus room and board, minus three (3) months of Dependents Education Assistance (DEA) or Chapter 35 benefits, to full-time students at any public college, university, or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansans who were killed or missing in action or who were prisoners of war or who are totally and permanently disabled. All applicants must also apply for and show acceptance or denial of the Federal Dependent's Educational Assistance Program. Application deadline is July 1.
Teacher Opportunity Program (TOP)
The Teacher Opportunity Program (TOP) program offers reimbursement grants to cover tuition and fees, not to exceed $3,000, for up to six (6) completed college credit hours per academic year to current Arkansas teachers and administrators seeking to further their education. Priority application deadline is June 1.
The State Teacher Education Program (STEP)
The State Teacher Education Program (STEP) provides federal student loan repayment of up to $6,000 of remaining loan balance per year paid directly to the lender for Arkansas residents who earned a teaching degree after 4/1/2004 and are teaching in a public school in a geographical and/or subject shortage area. Priority application deadline is June 1.
Other Sources of Assistance
Arkansas National Guard
Act 82 of 2005 provides a tuition and waiver assistance program for soldiers and airmen of the Arkansas National Guard. Members of the Arkansas National Guard should contact the Veteran Services Office for information.
Military Activation
Students who cease attendance at Arkansas Tech University without completing and receiving a grade in one or more courses due to military activation or deployment may receive compensation for the resulting monetary loss as provided by Act 85 of 2005. Please contact the Registrar’s Office for information.
Over 60 Tuition Waiver
Arkansas residents who are sixty or older on the first day of class may have tuition and fees waived upon completion of certification of eligibility. Students must notify the Financial Aid Office each semester of the number of enrolled hours which need to be waived. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office or online at
Mr. Tommy Memorial Student Loan Fund
Arkansas Tech has a special loan fund known as the “Mr. Tommy Memorial Student Loan Fund.” This fund was established by Arkansas Tech alumni as a memorial to the late E.S. Tomlinson, for many years head of the biology department. Supplementing lesser contributions by hundreds of former students is the Margaret McFadden Lykes, Jr., contribution. Loans from this fund are limited in amount and intended primarily for emergency aid to students. One semester of successful residence is required of all students applying for these loans. Information relative to this fund may be obtained from the Student Services Office.
Senior Service Fellowships
Fellowships within the various colleges of the university are open to a limited number of outstanding advanced students. These service fellowships are awarded at the discretion of college committees when the caliber of the applicant justifies such assistance. Candidates for the fellowship must have earned 90 semester hours of credit, have a minimum grade point average of 3.00 on all work, and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours for the semester(s) for which the fellowship is granted. Any deviation or exception to this policy must be approved by the Office of Academic Affairs. Students who would like to be considered for a Senior Service Fellowship must make written application by April 1 to the Office of Academic Affairs.
Vocational Rehabilitation Assistance
Persons who have substantial barrier to employment as a result of a permanent disability may receive, at no cost to themselves, vocational counseling and some financial assistance toward the cost of their college training when the vocational objective of the disabled person is approved by the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. These services are available through Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, 1 Commerce Way, Little Rock, AR 72202, or the resident’s local Arkansas Rehabilitation Services field office. Application for assistance or request for information about the program may be made to that address or to a local rehabilitation counselor.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. Requests for information about eligibility for Conway, Johnson, Perry, Pope, and Yell counties may be made through the Arkansas Division of Workforce Services (ADWS) Russellville Office, 104 S Rochester, Russellville, AR 72801, or by telephone at 479-968-2784.