Administration & Faculty
Len Cotton, Dardanelle
Bill Clary, Conway
Cory Cox, Perryville
Stephanie Duffield, Russellville
Jim Smith, Fayetteville
Russ Jones, 2020, President
B.S., Arkansas State University, 1982;
M.S., Arkansas State University, 1984;
Ph.D., University of Texas-Arlington, 1992.
Adolfo Santos, 2024, Vice President for Academic Affairs
B.G.S., University of Houston;
Ph.D., University of Houston-Downtown.
Suzanne McCall, 2024, Vice President for Administration and Finance
B.S., Harding, 2003;
M.B.A., University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2019.
Bryan Fisher, 2024, Interim Vice President for Advancement
B.S., Arkansas Tech University, 1999.
Keegan Nichols, 2017, Vice President for Student Affairs
B.S.E., University of Central Arkansas, 2001;
M.S., University of Central Missouri, 2003;
Ed.D., Northern Illinois University, 2010.
Academic Administration
Graduate College
Michael Bradley, Dean
College of Arts and Humanities
Jeffrey Cass, Dean
Jeffrey Bright, Associate Dean and Head of Music Department
Kasten Searles, Head of Art Department
David Ward, Head of Behavioral Sciences Department
David Eshelman, Head of Communication and Media Studies Department
Emily Hoffman, Head of English and World Languages Department
Aaron McArthur, Head of History and Political Science Department
College of Business and Economic Development
Tracy Cole, Dean
Herbert Matt Brown, Interim Associate Dean
Justin Killingsworth, Interim Head of Agriculture and Tourism Department
College of Education and Health
Tim Carter, Dean
Brett Stone, Associate Dean
Pam Dixon, Head of Teaching and Educational Leadership Department
Shelly Daily, Head of Nursing Department
Rockie Pederson, Head of Kinesiology and Exercise Science Department
Rene Couture, Head of School of Professional and Community Eductation
College Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
John Jackson, Dean of STEM
John Krohn, Associate Dean of STEM and Head of Engineering and Computing Sciences Department
Michael Davis, Head of Biological and Earth Sciences Department
Hamed Shojaei, Head of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Department
The most current list of faculty who hold graduate faculty status.