The Bachelor of Fine Art-Art is housed within the College of Arts and Humanities. This program is committed to providing a core foundation in visual art concepts, skills and processes. We seek to challenge students to think critically and consider historical perspectives. This program provides the opportunity to develop and assess a composed portfolio of work within the student's area of specialization. The degree Fine Arts, concentrates on drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, and sculpture and other special art interests. BFA Art students often continue on to graduate school and receive a Master of Arts or a Master of Fine Arts.
All art courses are hands-on experiential learning
Workshops with visiting artists
Ability to give and receive constructive criticism
At least 40 upper level hours are required. General electives cannot include art courses.
Art history electives ART 3113 Art History, American, ART 3143 Art History, Asia & Pacific, ART 3153 History of Digital Art, ART 4113 Art History, Art After 1945, ART 4723 Art History Seminar, ART 4823 Art Criticism and Aesthetics can be used toward this requirement.
Students who complete the program will demonstrate:
Critical Analysis - Objectively participate in class critiques and respond positively to constructive criticism
Communication - Identify and effectively apply the use of visual arts concepts and vocabulary in verbal and written formats.
Technology - Demonstrate proficiency in the use of art tools, materials, and technology appropriate to the field.
Content - Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary art trends, major artist's works, and historical movements.
Professionalism - Demonstrate an understanding of professionalism required of a serious student of art and develop a substantive portfolio.
Student Satisfaction - Students are satisfied with the program facilities, teachers, and curriculum. Based on senior exit surveys for each art area in Graphic Design, Art Education, and Fine Art.