Academic Catalog

Secondary Education

Department website:

The secondary education curriculum is designed to prepare teacher candidates for teaching careers in grade levels 7-12, 4-12, or K-12 depending upon the secondary major field pursued. Teacher candidates completing the CAEP approved program in secondary education will qualify for licensure in an area appropriate to their major field. The program recognizes three important components in the education of a prospective teacher: a strong general education, an in-depth knowledge in a selected teaching field, and a knowledge of the school, various diversity and developmental characteristics of students, and the teaching-learning process.

The unit’s conceptual framework is Professionals of the 21st Century. The framework emphasizes the concepts of teacher as instructional leader, reflective decision-maker, and problem solver who has knowledge of the teacher candidate, a strong content and pedagogical knowledge, a commitment to their profession, and a desire to continue their development.

Teacher candidates preparing to teach in secondary schools must complete the courses required for specialization in the appropriate curriculum.  See Secondary Education Curriculum for a list of programs.

Teacher candidates desiring entrance to the teacher education program in secondary education should apply for admission to Stage II during the second semester of their sophomore year. Teacher candidates who are admitted to Stage II of the teacher education program for secondary teachers enroll jointly in course work for their degree specialization and course work in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. For example, teacher candidates planning to teach mathematics enroll in the math department and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. The requirements of both departments must be satisfied.

Teacher candidates should make application for admission to internship for the spring semester by October 1 and for the fall semester by March 1. Teacher candidates must present scores on the Praxis II specialty area test equal to or greater than the state-established level in order to be approved for internship. Any questions concerning internship placement should be addressed to the Director of Teacher Education Student Services located in Crabaugh 109.

Professional Requirements

Professional requirements for the secondary education program include:

EDMD 2013Integrating Instructional Technology3
SEED 2003Education as a Profession3
SEED 2113Human Development and Learning Theories3
SEED 4503Seminar in Secondary Education3
SEED 4553Classroom Application of Educational Psychology3
SEED 4809Residency B9
or SEED 4909 Residency B
SPED 4052Educating Diverse and Exceptional Learners2

Must be completed prior to internship.

Secondary teacher education candidates enrolling in internship should register for SEED 4503 Seminar in Secondary Education and either SEED 4809 Residency B or SEED 4909 Residency B. In addition to the course requirements specified, the state also requires that the applicants for an Arkansas teaching license supply a copy of his/her score on the Praxis II (Principles of Learning and Teaching, if applicable and Specialty Area Tests) and the criminal background check as required by Act 1310. The Specialty Area Test is required for entry into internship. The Principles of Learning and Teaching, if applicable, may be completed during internship (see “Requirements for Teacher Licensure”).

See the College of Education and Health page for additional requirements.