Academic Catalog

Secondary Education

Department website:

The secondary education curriculum at Arkansas Tech University is designed to equip teacher candidates with the necessary skills and knowledge for teaching careers at the secondary level (grades 7-12, 4-12, or K-12, depending on the chosen major). Teacher candidates who complete the CAEP-accredited secondary education program will be eligible for licensure in their respective areas of specialization. The program focuses on three key components of teacher education: a robust general education foundation, an in-depth understanding of the selected teaching field, and a comprehensive understanding of student development, diversity, and the teaching-learning process.

The curriculum highlights the role of the teacher as an instructional leader, reflective decision-maker, and problem solver. This view underscores the importance of strong content and pedagogical knowledge, an unwavering commitment to the teaching profession, and a dedication to continuous professional growth.

Teacher candidates preparing for secondary education must complete the necessary coursework for specialization in their chosen field. Please refer to the Secondary Education Curriculum for specific program details.

To be considered for admission to the teacher education program in secondary education, candidates should apply for Stage II during the second semester of their sophomore year. Those admitted to Stage II will enroll in courses both within their degree specialization and the Department of Teaching and Educational Leadership. For example, candidates aspiring to teach English will enroll in courses through the English Department as well as the Department of Teaching and Educational Leadership, ensuring all department requirements are met.

Candidates should submit their application for internship placement by October 15 for the spring semester or March 15 for the fall semester. In order to be approved for internship, candidates must provide Praxis II specialty area test scores that meet or exceed the state-established minimums. Questions regarding internship placement can be directed to the Director of Teacher Education Student Services, located in Crabaugh 109.

For additional program requirements, please visit the College of Education and Health page.